Evolve and Upgrade from Wild Monsters

Chapter 297: The last door!

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Seeing that the Tongtian Tower was about to be reached, Lu Chen sat on top of Jiuyi's head, frowning slightly.

There are a lot of people on the ground, and now the player level is high. For many people, the only thing they need to do now is to use the magic weapon or upgrade the magic weapon.

Especially after the merger of Asian servers, the number of people here has soared, and the ground is full of black people.

"That's not right, if you pass the Tongtian Tower, you might have to be notified by the system's urinary **** again..." Lu Chen thought for a while and decided not to go down as a nameless.

"Well, just use my true identity to complete this challenge!" After saying that, Lu Chen took off his human skin, spotted the location of the Tongtian Tower, and jumped down.

"Nine Wings, return to your territory by yourself."

Nine Wings returned on their own. Anyway, the people below couldn't see who was sitting on the dragon's back. In this way, others might think that it was just an unnamed devil who had planted a mad demon.

Perhaps Lu Chen thought too much. In fact, not many people noticed the flying dragon high in the sky. At this time, the Tongtian Tower was surrounded by three floors inside and three floors outside.

"Everyone do a favor and don't squeeze. After the leaders of each group open the copy, you can all go in, don't block at the door of the copy!"

"The Scimitar will do it, it's a copy!"

"I hope there will be a few more violent martial arts today. I only need one coat of martial arts."

At this moment, a huge figure suddenly swooped down from the sky, and with a loud bang, it landed firmly on the ground.

As soon as I saw this person, my surroundings suddenly became bored.

"Yes... It's a madman!"

"He won't slaughter players again, right."

"This, this...Mad, don't deceive people too much. We are not what we used to be. If he wants to kill us again, we can't admit it!"

Stardust is leading a team to clean the Tongtian Tower today. After seeing the Mad Demon, he immediately asked everyone to move closer, "Don't be nervous, everyone, the Mad Demon should not move us."

It was the first time that Ningshuang saw a crazy demon up close. In fact, speaking of mystery, crazy demon was more than nameless. It was impossible to figure out what was going on with his image as a boss.

"Which one is stronger, he or my master?"

Stardust shook his head, "If one day, a mad demon and Wuming fight, I think it will be the most terrifying battle in nine-day history..."

Lu Chen is not interested in the players around him at all. Although he is now in the image of a mad demon, he is not going to kill people without incident.

However, the group of people in front blocked the copy strictly, which caused Lu Chen a headache.

"Hey, let them all!"

"You, what do you want to do, we will not give in!"

Lu Chen has a black line, eldest brother, I just ask you to give in, it has nothing to do with yielding and not yielding...

Sure enough, if you don't use any means, there will always be people who can't think about it.

"I'm not interested in you, I'm here to get through the Sky Tower, I'll say it again, let me go!"

Lu Chen's voice is not loud, but it is extremely low. Coupled with his style of behavior and strong strength, people can't help but feel a chill.

Most of them took a few steps back to make way for the crazy demon, but a few people were still standing in front of Lu Chen.

One of them, Lu Chen still knows, is the strongest man in the kimono who hides himself deeply.

"Crazy demon, I want to compete with you again. I have been concentrating on improving my strength for more than a month. I don't believe that the gap between us is so big!"

"Crazy Demon, I am Jia Bahe who is more and more served, and I want to fight you too!"

"I'm the Tai Chi Dragon Tiger of Dahanbok, you dare to fight with me!"

Lu Chen frowned slightly, how could this group of people still not give up...

But having said that, when Lu Chen had no rivals in the first layer of heaven, most people saw him with fear, then these "life and death" guys in front of him suddenly became commendable.

The devil opened his mouth and smiled, "I appreciate your courage, please keep it, but I don't have time to play with you today."

"Aren't you here to kill us?"

"That is, your equipment has reached the top, you are not here to kill us, what are you doing in Tongtian Pagoda!"

Lu Chen shook his head helplessly, didn't the crazy demon slaughter the city once, why the reputation is so bad...

"Kill you? I'm sorry, I'm not that boring." Even if the devil is laughing, it feels creepy, "Who said I came to the Tongtian Tower to brush the magic weapon? Get out!"

Everyone looked blank.

After a while, the stardust on the side suddenly awakened, "Crazy God, are you...you are going to break through the Heavenly Demon Venerable?!"

There are not many people still calling Lu Chen the "crazy god", but the people of Kuanglang call him crazy god.

Lu Chen glanced at it, and it turned out to be his friend Stardust. He opened his mouth and smiled, "Otherwise? Am I really here to slaughter you?"

This time, the outside of Tongtian Tower was completely exploded.

"What, the crazy demon is going to make the last level?"

"He finally made it! He, does he have any hope?"

"If he is alone, I don't think there is any hope. In the end, many people have seen the BOSS. A 40-member group with a full set of powerful five-shen martial arts will not last five minutes!"

"Yes, it feels like that guy's setting is beyond the limit of one heaven!"

Not only that, the news quickly spread to the entire network, even the external network.

"Have you heard that the crazy demon is going to break into the heavenly boss!"

"Damn, does he really want to go? It seems that I have never seen him go to Tongtian Pagoda before."

"The live broadcast, hurry up, go watch the live broadcast!"

Suddenly, countless players flooded into the official live broadcast room for the nine days.

"Has the Kuangmo live broadcast come out?"

"Not yet, he seems to have just entered the Tongtian Tower."

"Why didn't he ask Wuming to be with him? It feels like that has a better chance of winning."

"There is a chance to win, but the crazy demon has been silent for more than a month. I don't know if it has become stronger. I can at least be sure that this time we can understand what the peak of the crazy demon's strength is."

Playing against Tianyu BOSS, no one believes that the mad devil is still eligible to have his hole cards!

Suddenly, the limit of the number of people online for nine days dropped. I don't know how many players poured into the live broadcast room, which caused the live broadcast room to issue a warning.

[Currently there are too many people in the live broadcast room, and the video will be stuck. We have opened 100 lines at the same time, and live broadcast of the BOSS of China Crazy Monster. Please choose the live broadcast room reasonably. 】

Tianxing opened 100 rooms directly!

However, even so, there are still a large number of players in each live room.

According to the data given by the official website, someone calculated that the total number of online viewers in 100 rooms exceeded 800 million!

And this number is still soaring!

Players offline, on-hook and on-hook, the entire Nine Heavens World suddenly became abnormally quiet!

Lu Chen stood at the door of the three rooms. He glanced back and found that the ghost valley entrance of the fourth door was gone.

The gates on both sides of the east and west, but Lu Chen didn't even look at it. The left and right ** there was nothing good at all.

Only the door directly in front was tightly locked.

This door is taller and heavier than all the dungeon entrances Lu Chen has encountered, as if behind this door, there is an entrance to another world hidden!

Taking a deep breath, Lu Chen walked towards the door.

"Sky Demon Lord, have been waiting for a long time!"

"I, I'm the only one crazy, here comes!"

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