Evolve and Upgrade from Wild Monsters

Chapter 307: Doesn't fit my character

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Lu Chen opened the map, and it marked that the village he was in was "Nieyuan Village".

Although Nieyuan Village is a bit novice village, it is completely different from Yizhongtian Novice Village.

There isn't a single person calling for a team here! Everyone has their own team. They are all skillful teammates. They don't need or want to invite others to join the team.

There is no team, but there are others waiting.

"Hey Hanzi, have you bought the medicine, hurry up! Kill another wild monster and come back for selection."

"Hahaha, just beat a wild monster, millions of experience, and lost two purple monster cores."

"Are the holy gates not here yet? They had arrived at this time last week."

Lu Chen looked depressed, and he had to form a team with a mob. Those teams who can pass the Tianyu boss have to go back to buy medicine? !

And the little monster has millions of experience, and the purple monster beast core is lost? In that thing, only high-level BOSS dropped.

"Ah, Min, I feel that this place is really very different from Yi Chong Tian." Lu Chen said with emotion.

"Let's go, let's kill a little monster first, if you can lose a little more purple beast core, the little ones will grow up in the future."

While talking, Lu Chen was about to go outside the village, and at this moment, a man walked towards him.

This man was dressed in white clothes and white pants, handsome, with two dark golden swords slung around his waist, and a dozen people in similar costumes followed behind him, but their weapons were somewhat different.

Artillery, bows and arrows, talisman paper, medicine packs, or with huge battle pets, puppets... It seems that there are all kinds of professions.

Their ID has a unified prefix "Holy Gate"!

"Wow, it's an introductory member of the Holy Gate!"

"I heard that this set of Sacred Gate adds a lot of attributes."

"So many fashions? Did they get it?"

"Of course not, don't you know the burst rate of fashion? It is not an exaggeration to say that it is harder than orange dress! These are made by their tailors, which require a lot of high-end materials, and 6-star tailors can do it. Out of this fashion."

"The holy gate people are here, go back to the village! Hey, you guys, hurry up!"

"Hurry up and let us enter the Holy Gate City, I'm going to learn high-level exercises!"

The player led by the Holy Gate did not hide his ID like many players who came to drive for the first time. His ID is "Holy Gate to the Dust".

These newcomers only need to stay in the village for a few days, and they will understand the first difference between the double horizon and the first horizon!

This is completely different from Yizhongtian. The 60-level main city is not an official main city, but is controlled by a guild!

Only with the approval of the guild can you enter the main city, learn new skills, purchase supplies, upgrade life skills, and so on.

Of course, it doesn't matter what guild you belonged to before, and whoever you served must be recognized by the holy gate. In addition to their strength, you must also obey their management.

To put it simply, temporarily join the Holy Gate and turn in the required resources at the specified time.

Being able to monopolize a main city in the Second Heaven Realm, one can imagine how powerful the Holy Gate is.

Perhaps it was the honorable status of the holy gate member that made Guichen's chin slightly lifted when he walked, and looked at these "newcomers" with disdain.

In order to be able to enter the level 60 main city as soon as possible, the slightly older players here hurriedly rushed to the village when they saw the holy door envoy coming.

Gui Chen has long been accustomed to seeing this kind of scenes.

However, in a group of people running back, one person seemed a little different.

This guy is walking outside the village.

What is even more strange is that he seems to have no companions...

Gui Chen frowned slightly, the newcomer came to Erzhong Tianyu, and he couldn't level up at all by himself. Didn't his companion go online?

But this is not his control, it's just that he actually encountered the selection of the holy gate and was still going out. Could it be that he was a naive one?

He walked to Lu Chen and said, "Young man, the selection of the holy gate will begin immediately, don't you go back to the village?"

"Is my partner absent, don't you have confidence in yourself? It doesn't matter, the Holy Gate selection only selects the strong, not the team."

Lu Chen looked at this person and said politely, "Oh, I know, I don't participate in the selection of the Sacred Gate."

Originally, Gui Chen thought that this kid didn't know the rules and didn't participate in the selection at will. Now it seems that he actually knows!

It's one thing to choose or not, but this guy's attitude that he doesn't see the Holy Door at all is really uncomfortable.

Speaking of, Lu Chen still had an invitation letter in his backpack, which was the invitation letter from the Sacred Gate, but after eavesdropping on the chats of other teams and learned that the Sacred Gate was only a player guild, Lu Chen was quite disappointed.

He doesn't know if anyone else has this invitation. Anyway, he doesn't want to join a team he doesn't know at all.

He has a guild! The talents there are his friends!

Join the Holy Gate? Forget it, not interested...

Just when Lu Chen was going to meet the little wild monster in the legend of the second layer of heaven, someone suddenly stopped him!

"Hey, boy, don't participate in the selection of the holy gate, do you look down on our holy gate?" Gui Chen narrowed his eyes slightly, and his tone had become extremely unkind.

Lu Chen looked at the hand on his shoulder.

To be honest, in the first layer of heaven, only Li Muhua’s second product will put his shoulders on his shoulders. It is only the behavior that occurs when friends are related. Apart from this, no one really dares to take him. shoulder.

Besides, it is still a threatening action!

Lu Chen turned his head slowly, "Remove your hands, otherwise don't blame me for being polite!"

Gui Chen couldn't believe his ears.

A newcomer, dare to talk to himself like this?

His identity, even in the Holy Gate, is not at the bottom, otherwise how could he be responsible for recruiting new people? !

"Hahahaha, boy, pay attention to the tone of your speech, figure out who you are facing now, thinking that you are a new person, I can spare you this time, but you must kneel down and apologize to me now!"

The players behind Guichen also showed bad looks.

"Boy, let me tell you, we have seen a lot of newcomers like you, and thought that we would be invincible if we clear the Heavenly Domain BOSS? Sorry, from now on, you are no longer strong!"

"Brother Chen, this guy is still alive in his own world. Give him a lesson and level him up! Start a full-feeling duel with him! Otherwise, he still doesn't know that he is a trash."

"The equipment is so bad, and the temper is quite big. If it wasn't for Brother Chen, I would teach you how to be a man now!"

Hearing his subordinates swearing at this ignorant boy, Gui Chen snorted coldly, "Have you heard? It's all light when I let you kneel down!"

"Kneel to me now, I can forget the blame!"

There was a situation here, and a large group of people suddenly surrounded.

"what happened?"

"That newcomer seems to have offended the Holy Door Messenger, he is going to be unlucky."

"Offending the holy gate, can't you think about it? Don't learn the skills in the future."

"Stop talking, just watch the excitement."

Lu Chen sneered, grabbed Guichen's wrist and threw it away fiercely.

He kept shaking his head, seeming to regret something.

The players behind Gui Chen laughed, "Hahaha, boy, now you know you are wrong? Don't kneel down!"

"If you don't feel like a duel with you, it's Brother Chen's gratitude. Kneel down and thank you!"

At this time, Lu Chen finally spoke.

He sighed, "Hey, what is this? I encountered this kind of thing when I first came to Er Zhong Tian... It doesn't fit my honest character at all."

After that, Lu Chen raised his head and smiled at Gui Chen, "I feel like a duel? Actually, I like it."

Looking up proudly, Lu Chen's eyes suddenly turned dark.

"I don't want to waste time on such boring things, so I just pack it up."

"One of them counts as one, let's go together!"

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