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The duel was about to begin, and everyone around them hurriedly backed away to make way for both sides of the duel.

These people are all masters, who have few displacement skills and few powerful skills. This is not something that can solve the problem in a little bit.

What's more, it's a group fight... to be precise, it's a fight with a group of people.

Countdown, 3, 2, 1, start!

Lu Chen was really impatient to wait, he was in a hurry!

"Move quickly! No light sky flame column! Black coffin dead zone! Crack the ground gap!" Lu Chen started directly!

Seeing Lu Chen's starting moves, people around him suddenly laughed.

"No way, although the Earth Splitting Divide is easy to use, the weapon is too bad, the level 35 purple outfit is still in use now?"

"I thought there were as many as two brushes, it turned out to be stunned."

"There is actually a Tianyan Pillar. The team that the newcomer belongs to has killed the white tiger, and the strength is not bad. It's just that the skill can be used to clear the monsters, but if you hit the player, you still hit the holy gate player. If you can hit my ID, write it upside down!"

However, as soon as the voice fell, a holy gate player hit a sky flame pillar...


The person reacted quickly, just after hitting the sky flame pillar for a second, he hurriedly used displacement to escape the sky flame pillar range.

Knowing that people saw the imperceptible transparent light beams of Tianyanzhu that burst out, people realized a problem.

"Huh? No, why can't his Tian Yan Zhu see clearly? And the preparation time is only a few tenths of a second, what's the matter, it seems different from the 72 Tian Yan Zhu I know!"

"What? 120,000 damage, no mistake, why is the damage so high?"

"What the **** is not a magic weapon that Baihu dropped! What kind of skill is this, so strong!"

"What about the one who said the ID was upside down? It's really the speed of light."

Lu Chen's Tianyan Pillar was not activated by the magic weapon dropped by the White Tiger. He now has the "No Light" Tianyan Pillar, an upgraded version of the Tianyan Pillar.

This group of holy gate players are quite good. Even in the face of a colorless beam of light that can burst in 0.2 seconds, there is actually only one person, and they are concentrated for a mere second!

However, don't forget that Lu Chen just launched the "Split the Earth Divide" at the same time!

It is already very difficult to dodge the non-light sky flame pillar, and it is even more difficult to dodge the ground-breaking chasm that Lu Chen displayed in the "rapidly moving" state!

The chasm is not strong, because it is too easy to dodge, but the problem is... once it is hit, it is not a joke!

Gui Chen's nose flared, and his list was about to split, "Don't be messy, look at me, prefecture-level techniques, defend against Buddha lotus!"

As we all know, Yizhongtian relies on the only earth-level exercise method, and only Tianyu-level BOSS will drop, and after a team kills the Tianyu BOSS, often the most core players are eligible to be assigned to this highest-level practice.

And Guichen is obviously the core player!

A huge white lotus phantom appeared in front of everyone in an instant, wrapping up all the holy gate players.

With a loud bang, the rifting gap hit the defensive Buddha lotus.

Lu Chen clearly felt the huge counter-shock force, and it was as strong as the ground-level exercises, and it was definitely not a simple defense. Facts proved that it was true. Lu Chen watched the afterimage of the ground-breaking gap smashing at him in the opposite direction!

"I'll go, defense skills and rebound skills! Nima, a bit strong!"

It's easy to hide from other people's skills, but it is much more difficult to hide from your own rebounded skills, especially when you don't know that the opponent can rebound your own skills, you need to add the brain's reaction time, so that you have little time to avoid.

The Divide Ground is actually a kind of range damage, with a 15-meter wide hit area. In this case, unless Lu Chen uses pure flashing skills, he can't even move quickly!

"Haha, that kid is going to die, he probably never dreamed that he would die under his own skills."

"That defensive Buddha Lian is a bit strong, it can actually rebound skills, you must be careful when you encounter it in the future."

"It seems that other people have different ground-level techniques, and the defense against Buddha lotus is very strong!"

The rifting gap came extremely fast, and in a blink of an eye it came to Lu Chen.

"Guichen, you are too happy too early." Lu Chen said calmly, "Clone!"

Is there anyone who understands the rifting gap better than Lu Chen? He has been using this skill frequently since level 30, and he knows all the characteristics of this skill too much.

Invincible in 0.2 seconds, while using the clone, it perfectly avoided the chasm.

"Damn, why does that guy have six clones? Ruyi Long Stick has only one clone."

At the same time, the Sacred Gate players did not stop their attacks.

"Ten Thousand Sword Jue is the second tier, the sword of moving clouds and flowing water!"

"The second tracing gun, Jiaolong sends a message!"

"Thousand Chance Puppets Hidden Weapon!"

"Rock Beast·Stone Strike!"

Countless high-level skills pounced on Lu Chen!

However, the location of all the skills were all in Lu Chen's eyes.

Six-wire operation! Not only did he dodge the enemy's attack, but at the same time Lu Chen launched a second wave of attacks.

"Dark night instant shadow!" The five demon clones plus Lu Chen's body left only six afterimages in the field. They were scattered everywhere, dispersing the enemy's attack, and after staggering actions, it was even more difficult to determine which one was the one. It is Lu Chen's body.

"Nima, the clone still uses skills, what kind of ghost!" Guichen said angrily, "Kill the immobile one!"

A seven enemies, six using the same skills, only one does not move, so it is easy for people to think that it is the real body.

In fact, Lu Chen's body was already in the middle of the enemy.

"Monkey King Blood!" Lu Chen directly activated the group control skills!

At this time, Mufu Bamen frowned.

This was more powerful than he thought. From his calm response when he faced the sudden rebound of the skill just now, as well as the six clones now shown, this kid is still a bit strong.

However, he has a lot of problems with this wave of operations.

Perhaps it was deliberately to show his extraordinary vision in front of Jiu'er, Bamen said quietly.

"The other party didn't recognize his true body. This was a good opportunity. As a result, he activated the skill again, which made it clear to tell others that this is my true body..."

"Moreover, has he forgotten that now the opponent still has a defensive Buddha lotus, and the instant stun skill of Monkey King Nixue bounces back, and he simply can't escape!"

"The end result is that after I expose myself, I stun myself among a group of people and be beaten to death by others."

"Hey, it's still a bit hotter."

However, Lu Chen activated another skill at the same time he activated the Monkey King Inverse Blood.

"Devil's pardon!"

However, he did not use this trick against anyone. This time, he used the devil's pardon to be invalid, not anyone's technique, but... the defensive rebound of the Buddha Lotus!

Defending against the Buddha lotus with the demon pardon is invalid, which will cause the defense of the Buddha lotus to be completely invalid before the cooling effect!

With a loud bang, the 14 holy gate players were all dizzy!

There was a calm smile on Lu Chen's face, "Everyone, sorry, you are dead!"

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