Evolve and Upgrade from Wild Monsters

Chapter 312: Brush up in the double heaven

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In the past, the screen refreshing had been thousands of thousands of experience, and some rare dungeons had tens of thousands of experience, but the data from the screen refreshing this time directly made Lu Chen not calm down.

[Kill the Huiyue Werewolf (Level 55 One Rank Demonized Creature), capture 4.4 million Heaven and Earth Auras, gain 1 Rank 1 Talent Fragment, 1 Rank 1 Evolution Point, and 35 Pure Aura on the phone. 】

【Ding, get Demonized Creature Essence 3, get the item "Demonized Wolf Claw"*1, and get Monster Beast Core (Purple)*3. 】

[Kill Huiyue Werewolf (Level 54 One-turn Demonized Creature), capture 4 million Heaven and Earth Auras, get One-turn Talent Fragment 1, gain One-turn Evolution Point 1, and collect 35 pure Aura points. 】

[Ding, get the magical creature essence 3, get the monster beast core (purple)*3, get the item "red gold wolf claw" (purple)]

Lu Chen saw that he actually returned the equipment! Quickly check the equipment properties.

Lu Chen was still idle anyway. There was no light in the sky flame column and the black coffin dead zone. He didn't need him to do it, and he had plenty of time to research equipment.

【Red Golden Wolf Claw +1 (Purple)】

【Attack 842-1014】

[Three-dimensional 1200 spiritual power 80]

In addition, there are several equipment special effects that increase critical damage, increase attack speed, and cause bleeding.

"Let me go, the attributes of the purple outfit are about the same as the Shenwu single piece?" Lu Chen was stunned, "this should not be the level 50 purple outfit anymore."

"In other words, why is there no level restriction on the equipment here?"

The previous equipment has a reminder of how many levels, but the Red Golden Wolf Claw does not!

Nine days ago, only some magic weapons had no level requirements. As long as they were magic weapons without level requirements, they could be worn no matter how many levels.

According to this logic, can anyone wear this equipment?

"This is a bit strong!" Lu Chen shook his head in surprise, "The attribute is so strong and there is no level limit. If you sell it to the earth, you will definitely make a lot of money."

During the time Lu Chen looked at the equipment, his experience was still growing wildly, and a large number of items dropped was simply "shocking".

"Haha, every Huiyue werewolf will drop the demonized creature essence and purple beast core! It's so cool!"

At this moment, among the many purple drop notifications, a system message containing orange text made Lu Chen stunned.

"Could it be..." Lu Chen hurriedly searched for the information record.

[Destroy the psychic Lunar Werewolf (Level 56 one-turn strong demonized creature), capture 6.2 million heaven and earth auras, obtain the first-turn talent fragment 2, gain the first-turn evolution point 2, and collect 35 pure aura points. 】

[Ding, get Demonized Creature Essence 3, get Monster Beast Core (Orange)*3, Get Moonlight Werewolf Skeleton*1, Get Item "Seven Stars Chasing the Moon" (Orange)]

"Damn, the mobs also lost their orange outfits?" Lu Chen was shocked.

The seven-star chasing the moon is a combat boot, with a three-dimensional 1600 and a spiritual power plus 180. Lu Chen used to wear a purple outfit for this part, but now he just replaced it.

Orange equipment, the main thing is no longer attributes, because the attributes are definitely not low, strong or not, the key is to look at special effects.

Lu Chen immediately studied the special effects of his seven stars chasing the moon.

【Special Effect 1: Increase movement speed by 35%. 】

【Special effect 2: Seven stars chasing the moon, reserve 7 small distance flashes, each flashing distance is 8 meters, there is an invincible effect for 0.1 second when flashing. Cooling time, 35 seconds (the cooling of each period of seven stars is 5 seconds, and you must save up to seven times to chase the moon before using it). 】

"Damn!" Lu Chen was a little uncomfortable. The special effect of seven stars chasing the moon is equivalent to adding seven displacement skills at once!

The only fly in the ointment is that each segment is only 8 meters. If you count this way, you must use this skill twice to avoid the cracking gap.

"The short distance is actually good. Its total travel distance is actually very long, longer than the rapid movement and the dark night shadow, and now the Seven Stars Chasing the Moon has not been strengthened. With a few more enhancements, it must be more than this short distance! "

【Special Effect 3: When using any displacement skills to escape the enemy, trigger: Reverse chasing the moon, and the cooling time of all displacement skills is halved. 】

Seeing the third special effect, Lu Chen was already speechless with excitement.

Counting the seven stars, he now has three displacement skills, of which two rapid movements do not affect each other, which is equivalent to having four displacement skills.

Take the rapid movement behavior as an example, the cooling time is 30 seconds, and the "state of war" of the Bone King's strong attack on the bone ring reduces the cooling by 10 seconds, which is 20 seconds, which is already very fast.

However, if the "reverse chasing the moon" effect is triggered, then the cooldown of the rapid movement will become...

After 30 seconds is reduced by 10 seconds, 20 seconds and then halved to become 10 seconds, or is 30 seconds first halved to 15 seconds, and then 10 seconds to become 5 seconds?

The order of the two cooling reductions is very important, the difference is doubled!

"No, I have to try!"

Lu Chen immediately selected a target, and then moved in the opposite direction of the target, and when he moved quickly, he really entered the "reverse moon chasing" state.

At this moment, the cooling of the rapid movement has become...5 seconds!

"I'm going! As long as I'm running away, I use so many displacement skills in turn, there is almost no cooldown!"

Lu Chen just wanted to be happy, but was stunned.

"No, it seems that this skill can only be used for running... Once you change direction halfway, chasing the moon in the opposite direction is gone!" Lu Chen frowned, "I'm going, what kind of bird skill is this."

No matter what, anyway, Seven Stars Chasing the Moon is definitely better than the previous purple outfit, so change it first.


Counting the pulling monsters and taking a rest, Lu Chen has cleaned all the werewolves in the valley in just twenty minutes.

344 Lunar Werewolves, plus a Lunar Werewolf leader, gain a total of 1.45 billion experience!

Dropped a lot of one-revolution materials, more than a thousand magical creature spirits, and more than a thousand purple monster beast cores.

In terms of equipment, 13 pieces of purple outfits and 3 pieces of Seven Stars Chasing the Moon!

Seeing this full of gains, Lu Chen couldn't help but sigh, "This Nima...has the group of players made a mistake, what monsters are hard to fight? This is the leveling heaven!"

"It's so cool here, it's a loss if you don't reach level 75!"

"Xiao Min, let's hang up here and start brushing!"

Lu Chen was full of confidence and waited for the werewolves around to refresh.


In Nieyuan Village, the Holy Sect’s messenger could only kneel at the entrance of the village, which caused the Holy Sect’s recruitment this time to be a waste...

And this incident finally reached the Holy Gate City.

Responsible for recruiting new recruits in this area of ​​Nieyuan Village is the Holy Gate Hall Master "Holy Gate Iron War".

Speaking of Iron War, this person is very famous in the Holy Gate. It is said that his team once cleared their Celestial BOSS with only five people!

But what really made him famous is that just one month after entering the Holy Gate, he killed the original hall master through a duel and became the current 12-minute hall master.

In that battle, he defeated the powerful original hall master to the north, allowing people to see his amazing strength.

This has been a few months ago. Today's Iron Wars have more luxurious equipment, higher levels, and strengths that are no longer what they used to be.

However, after learning about what happened in Nieryuan Village, the Iron War was furious and directly killed the people who came to report!

"Even if I let my people kneel in Niieyuan Village for a day and a night! I would like to see who ate the bear heart and leopard gall!"

"Go, follow me to Niieyuan Village! I didn't strip that **** alive!"

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