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When the sword passed Wuhen appeared, the surroundings exploded instantly.

"That person is from the Sacred Gate? His fashions are different from those of the other Sacred Gates. It is more refined. Look at his Sacred Gate badge. I have never seen that kind of logo."

An old man beside him snorted coldly, "Of course you haven't seen him. I haven't seen him when I came back from a level 60 map! He is the Holy Gate Zuo Holy Sword and has no trace."

"You mean the Swordmaster of one of the two holy gates? That's under one person! My God! I actually saw the Swordmaster!"

"Yes, it is said that he is the top sword spirit of the Second Heaven, and his strength...no one has really seen it for a long time, but I didn't expect that this time he would come to Nieryuan Village in person."

"That monster is actually here, tut tut, I don't know if he happened to pass by or came here specially, but that newcomer boy is going to be unlucky."

Faced with the discussion around him, Jian Guo Wuhen's expression is still flat, and he seems to be used to being talked and admired like this by people.

Even the Golden Bear and other three-star bounty hunters showed shocked expressions on their faces after seeing the sword passed Wuhen.

"Hey, Juggernaut, why are you here." Although the thin man's words seem to be the same as usual, his tone suddenly became less pretentious than before, "You won't do it, we are for you. The task, but it took a week, and I would cut it off without taking you there."

The sword crossed Wuhen's mouth and raised his mouth gently, "Don't worry, I won't grab your bounty. I came here for two purposes."

After the sword passed Wuhen's hands, he stood beside the circle and looked at the surrounded Lu Chen and Jiu'er without expression. "First, this person can't be killed casually. All of you must activate the full pain-sensing assassination system. ."

"After killing to the residual blood, give it to me, I will let him know what is better than death!"

"I will determine the bounty based on your performance. I think no one has any problems."

In the past, bounty missions could rely on the ownership of the last blow to determine the bounty, but this time, Jian Guo Wuhen directly said that he had to judge for himself!

If someone else said this, most of them would disagree, but the person speaking was Jian Guo Wuhen, and the others had no opinion at all.

"We can still trust the vision of the Juggernaut."

After speaking, Jian Guo Wuhen looked at Lu Chen, and then at Jiu'er. When he saw Jiu'er, his eyes flashed with a strange color, but he quickly disappeared.

Finally, Jian Guo Wuhen came to Lu Chen.

"Boy, you just said you wanted to kill me? Actually, I haven't played against people for a long time. To be honest, I really miss the feeling of controlling the life and death of others, so I actually look forward to your victory."

Lu Chen was surprised to find the familiar feeling in this person's eyes.

That is... loneliness!

The loneliness of the strong, the loneliness of no opponent!

This person's wish is not to pretend, but that he really wants to move his muscles and bones.

However, Lu Chen's momentum is not weak at all, the holy gate Zuo Sheng.

"Sword Pass Wuhen, since you are telling the truth, let me tell you the truth, I hope from my heart, you won't let me down for a while."

The two super-powerfuls have extremely self-confidence in their hearts, and they all seem to have found the long-lost feeling from each other.


It's just that the conversation between these two guys was suddenly unacceptable in Jiu'er's heart.

Damn, who are these two people, are men such militant animals? Why do two people feel so late when they meet each other?

It's like two people in love. Due to the presence of friends around, they can only suppress their inner desires, but they all hope that others will leave soon...

Besides, the appearance of Jian Guo Wuhen is fine, but that guy, who is also a newcomer, feels that his aura is not weaker than Jian Guo Wuhen?

However, after thinking about it, that guy provoke the Holy Gate the first day he arrived. If you think about it, it still fits his character.

Extremely arrogant!

Jian Guo Wuhen smiled slightly, smiled back, and then said to the others, "Well, everyone, it's assassination time."

Bounty hunters can skip many regulations when killing people. They do not need to initiate a duel request, and they can activate the full pain system. In this case, the assassinated target will be forced to turn on full pain.

Otherwise, kill a player casually, it doesn't hurt or itchy, why are people willing to spend high bounty to hire bounty hunters to kill?

Lu Chen and Jiu'er received the news at the same time.

[Your pain system is forcibly turned on, and the ratio is 100%. 】

When full pain is activated, PK is no longer a PK in a simple sense. The pain of a death will be comparable to the pain of real death!

Everyone present became nervous, and everyone showed their weapons.

Xiao Tian and the others are extremely nervous, don't watch them stand aside "watching the show", but their body muscles have been secretly tightened, ready to take action at any time!

There is only one person who is still hanging around...

Master tricks, how can you let you double-hearted?

In an instant, the two figures simultaneously activated their displacement skills and rushed towards Lu Chen.

"Hahaha, the bounty is ours! Dongfeng, ridicule him!"


Lu Chen noticed that it was a two-star team that took the lead. Although the individual strength is not the strongest, their bounty team seems to be taking the team route.

The first action is the melee tank, and the other melee may be the melee output. In the distance, a formation mage is adding status to his teammates while rubbing some big moves. There is a medicine master and an archer next to him.

The tank flashed in front of Lu Chen and shouted, "Taunting! I am your father!"

Lu Chen was almost out of anger with internal injuries. This buddy used his skills to use his skills, and he actually added lines...

Just as the tank activated its skills, Jiuer quickly dodged, moving away from the distance.

I have to say that, as expected to be the woman who made Lu Chen almost overturned, Jiuer's actual combat ability is quite strong.

However, what everyone didn't expect was that in people's impression, Lu Chen, who was extremely good at physical fitness, did not avoid it, and was directly forcibly pulled!

Jiu'er stepped back and looked back and was stunned for a moment. Didn't that guy still use a lot of displacement skills to play iron wars before, how could he not avoid such a simple ridicule?

"You idiot!" Although Jiu'er is anxious, but now there is no other way, she can only pull out her dark gold longbow, and find a way to force back another output melee.

"Hahaha, it really is a color pen, this skill can be used!" Even the tank himself couldn't believe it. He just caught the fish after a while of mockery? 1 million is really free!

Lu Chen glared at the tank, "I hate others for mentioning my father!"

This reason almost made Jiu'er who was about to launch an attack internally injured.

The phrase "I'm your dad" is not a skill at all. It is a mockery of the player. If you play it normally, when is it, this guy can still be so irrational?

Xiao Tian said with a black line, "Damn, this buddy...Would you like to be so impulsive!"

After being taunted, you can only use basic attacks and cannot use skills. When using taunts, the user will generally greatly increase the defense recovery speed, etc. In this case, it will not cause much damage.

The output of that team of bounty hunters is about to launch an attack.

If nothing else, the kid will pay a heavy price for this reckless decision!

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