Evolve and Upgrade from Wild Monsters

Chapter 334: Yujian Nine Jue vs. Triple Door

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Lu Chen divided into six clones.

The players around Lu Chen have seen how strong Lu Chen's clone is.

Attribute inheritance is extremely high, you can use active skills and inherit passive skills. It is definitely the best clone among clones.

However, facing Lu Chen's clone, Jian Guo Wuhen remained calm.

He faintly spit out four words, "Afterimage clone!"

In an instant, Wuhen's figure became blurred, and then 12 afterimages were suddenly removed from the body, forming a new clone.

"You don’t naively think that only you have a clone, do you? Sorry, you have only six clones, and they seem to be obtained from two skills, but unfortunately, I have 12! Each one is no better than you The doppelganger is bad!"

No wonder Wuhen is so confident, the number of ghost clones is more than twice that of demon clones!

Just compare the ghost clone and the demon clone, the quality is the same, and the quantity is crushed. There is no doubt that the quality of the non-mark clone is higher than the demon clone.

Wuhen's clone has indeed activated his skills, and his start is "Yujian Jue·No Sword"!

In the sky, the invisible flying sword shot towards the avatars of Lu Chen!

The clones did not have the skills to avoid swordless attacks, and they were recruited. Due to the disadvantage of the number of people, each clone suffered at least two swordless damages. After they suffered additional damage, they had residual blood.

A master never only plays for one paragraph, even the clone of Juggernaut!

After the first hit, the clones quickly followed up the second stage of damage, "Yu Jian Jue·Spiral!"

The hilts of the three crystal swords are connected and rotate quickly, causing super-multiple segments of medium damage.

In an instant, Lu Chen's first batch of 6 clones were all killed!

The audience was already shocked by Wuhen's strength.

"My God, the Juggernaut is worthy of the Juggernaut, he is too strong, and he beat that newcomer so subdued!"

"Is that the Sword Saint's earth-level exercise "Nine Skills of the Royal Sword"? The other side, no sword, blindness, spiral, and five tricks?"

"No, in fact, thorn base and afterimage are also two of the nine swordsman skills. The other two are passive. One adds a lot of attacks. You see how high his damage is. The other is no lightsaber. Transform any weapon into three crystal swords that are almost transparent and can be crystallized. Well, they are the weapons he uses now!"

"It turns out that this is the case. The Nine Imperial Sword Jue is really both offensive and defensive... By the way, you only talked about the Eight Jue, is there another one?"

"Another one? That's Wuhen's strongest trick. He hasn't used it for a long time."

"Damn, I still have one hand. The Sword Master deserves to be a Sword Master, so it's no wonder that you can become a Saint Left Saint!"

Lu Chen also felt that his scalp was tingling. This Royal Sword Art was really strong! Compared with the defensive Buddha lotus, it is not of a grade at all.

At the same time, Wuhen selected Lu Chen's body, and the corner of his mouth raised slightly, "Actually, I have been bored for too long. As for you, you have some strength and can avoid me with so many tricks."

"In that case, I decided to reward you."

Lu Chen frowned slightly, and slapped well. Does the other party want to reward himself? What the hell!

"I intend to show you the strongest blow of the Nine Royal Sword Art!" Jian Guo Wuhen's eyes gradually aroused some excitement, "Of course, there may be a little pain for a while, but don't worry, I will keep you one. Dog life, I will torture you slowly in the end!"

The 12 avatars, Wuhen's body fought side by side, and the actions were exactly the same. The left hand pinched the sword finger, and the right arm elbow was supported horizontally, the right arm stood in front of the chest, and the hand pinched the sword finger.

39 crystal swords were announced to be in front of the array.

No matter how stupid people are, seeing this formation, they know Wuhen will use a big move.

"He's going to use the last move of the Nine Royal Sword Art! Oh my god, I feel the blood is boiling!"

"I want to feast my eyes, thanks to that newcomer!"

"It is hard to imagine how strong this move called the strongest sword will be!"

In the mid-air not far away, a player dressed in golden fashion stood far away in the void. What is very strange is that he stands so conspicuously in the void, but no one below actually saw him.

Perhaps it was some kind of invisibility-like skill that made him stand so big and imperially in the eyes of everyone but could not be found!

He squinted his eyes slightly, "Wuhen, what trick should you use to hit a newcomer? It really hurts to be idle!"

"That trick is not easy to deal with, it seems that the rookie kid has already lost."

To be honest, Lu Chen was also a little nervous.

A large group of people on the opposite side are obviously brewing some big move. This battle is a bit scary.

Considering Wuhen's perverted attack, Lu Chen didn't dare to take this move.

"Boy, let you know my limit! You can also figure it out, the Holy Gate is something you can never afford to offend!" Wuhen raised his eyes and looked at Lu Chen with a smile, "No one can break my Promise !"

Lu Chen lowered his chin slightly, staring at Wuhen, with a rare serious expression in his eyes, and said, "You're not bad, you didn't disappoint me too much! But, sorry, the game time is over!"

However, this sentence stirred up waves with one stone.

"That guy is too arrogant, right now it's still a hard duck."

"Some people are like this, they don't cry without seeing the coffin, just wait to see how he died."

Being so despised, Wuhen's anger was wide open, and the basic two words from the gap between his teeth, "seeking death!"

"Yu Jian Jue·Promise!"

39 crystal swords, instantly combined into a giant crystal sword.

Immediately afterwards, the Crystal Sword flew for a short period of time at the speed of "No Sword" in a jumping form of "the other shore", and then disappeared!

This was a real disappearance, and even Lu Chen could not capture the location of the giant sword!

There are two possibilities. Either you are invisible, or the speed is too fast, which exceeds Lu Chen's dynamic capture ability.

At the same time, Lu Chen found out that he had hit DEBUFF.

debuff: Nine Jue Promise, invalidate the same level and lower (earth level) defense, dodge, and displacement skills!

The Jiujue Yujian is at least a low-level technique at the prefecture level, and it can actually invalidate the exercises of the same level. From this point of view, it is very likely that the Jiujue Yujian is the strongest exercise at the same level!

At the moment of death, Lu Chen let out a low voice, "Triple Door!"

In front of Lu Chen, three stone gates suddenly appeared!

"What kind of exercise is this?"

"It's that kid's earth-level technique, it should have been dropped by the Celestial Boss."

"Hiss~ I haven't seen him use it before. I don't know if it is strong or not."

"Is there a difference between strong and not strong? Have you seen the effect of Jiujue Promise? All the defensive uses of the same level of exercises have been nullified. Even if that guy has a strong attacking technique, he doesn't have time to get close."

Seeing that Lu Chen was still struggling senselessly at this time, Wuhen laughed arrogantly, "Hahahaha, idiot, do you think your technique can block my Promise? My Promise can be used to defend and dodge the same level of cultivation technique. , The displacement effect is all invalid! You are dead!"

"I actually got the skill of the triple gate. I really envy you a bit. Unfortunately, the triple gate can't transfer the Promise attack! In front of the Nine Jue, all defenses are futile!"

Invalidation of triple-door skill transfer? However, Lu Chen sneered, "Who said I want to block your attack?!"

"Flame Cut!" Lu Chen attacked one of the triple doors!

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