Evolve and Upgrade from Wild Monsters

Chapter 343: To change the next person

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The four of them are like bright days, and the light is bright! Whatever the light touches, all the skills refer to!

"Tianwei Joint Technology·Sunshine!"

Lu Chen narrowed his eyes and spit out four words, "Seven stars chasing the moon!"

A red figure rushed towards the place where the sun's rays were most radiant!

Jiu'er covered his mouth. Every normal person knows that the place where the sun shines the most violently, but that guy rushed to the center of the hot sun!

"Looking for death, you are moths making up the fire! After 0.7 seconds of invincibility, you will definitely die!"

However, no one can stop Lu Chen.

This is the first time people have clearly seen truly seamless skill convergence!

In the process of 0.7 seconds, there is no gap at all, and the seven stars chasing the moon are like a one-step displacement, rushing forward 100 meters!

In an instant, he had already arrived in front of the four!

"Three thousand instant cuts!" Lu Chen shouted in a low voice, leaving an afterimage on the spot, and went into invisibility.

Of course, it doesn't matter whether it's invisible or not, because from the moment the skill is activated, the opponent is within the attack range, and the real body has seamlessly connected the attack special effects.

At this time, people only saw the center of the hot sun, where the man in red was standing, without any harm!

Three Thousand Instant Slash will leave an illusion in the original place. It should be noted that what is left is a "phantom" rather than a clone. The illusion is only a visual effect and will naturally not be harmed.

"How could... no harm!" Everyone was surprised.

However, as soon as he said there was no harm, the damage came immediately, but it was not Lu Chen who was hurt, but the four guys who used the combined skills.

A large number of damage values ​​appeared on the top of the four people one after another!

-670,000 (double crit), -1.04 million (poisoned)...The old man was the first to be second.

-1.07 million (triple crit), the second elegant man was directly hit by triple crit in an instant!

-650,000 (double crit), -1.04 million (poisoned)... In the third attack, the brawny man had no suspense to be second.

Three thousand instant cuts, a total of 11 attacks! For the first three times, three people were in seconds, and for the remaining 8 times, Lu Chen left them all for Ling Tian.

Ling Tian hadn't seen Lu Chen's shadow at all, and hurt constantly appeared on his head.

Resist, resist, resist, resist... After blocking a total of 9 damages, Ling Tian finally couldn't hold it.

-560,000 (double crit), -770,000 (poisoned), -770,000 (poisoned)... I have to say that Ling Tian’s attributes are indeed quite abnormal, and the double crit damage only hit more than 500,000. Poisoning was also partly resisted, only 700,000.

With more than 1.5 million HP, he actually died after being poisoned twice!

"No, it's impossible! How could you break Lao Tzu's incorruptible body!"

After losing the target, the illusion disappeared, and Lu Chen's real body finally reappeared not far away.

After closing the knife, Lu Chen turned his back to the four self-proclaimed "Gods" and snorted, "That's it? God? Humph."

The four superpowers have all fallen in the blink of an eye!

At this moment, the clones were killed, and the time was up.

Jiuyi's spiritual power was consumed severely, and he returned to Lu Chen for a short rest at this moment.

Only Yuan was still fighting, but he was summoned back by Lu Chen soon.

The army of 100,000, and now there are less than 70,000 left. They are finally liberated. It is the best time for them to encircle and suppress that guy.

However, the audience was surprisingly quiet.

In the distance, the man in red stood there indifferently, with no fear in his eyes and calm expression, looking at the tens of thousands of troops that were not contained by the clone, as if nothing!

Beside him, the mighty nine-winged heavenly dragon stood on one side, and on the other side, the weird puppet that was free from demons was expressionless, which made people feel terrified.

One person, one dragon, one puppet, invincible!

However, it was the man in red who really did not dare to step forward.

Under his feet, there were four dead bodies lying down!

And he, after the first battle...full blood!

"Oh my god, am I dreaming! Why is there such a strong person? Oh my god!"

"Kill the four super powers in a second, me, I can't believe it."

"What the **** is going on with the Three Thousand Instant Slash that he used just now, I still haven't figured it out! How Ling Tian and the others died!"

Three Thousand Instant Slash was very confusing, leaving behind a clone and attacking the body in stealth. At first glance, people really can't imagine why Ling Tian and the four were suddenly attacked by masses.

Especially after the final target was killed, the illusion disappeared, the real body appeared, and under the perfect connection, people didn't even know until now, the original standing inside was just an illusion.

The most important thing is that Ling Tian and the others have already used Tian Might, but that guy is still fighting with a mortal body!

If it were not for strength, it would never be like this!

Faced with such a terrifying monster beyond imagination, no one of the 70,000 army dared to step forward.

Eight doors in the distance sighed a long, "This guy! Too, too terrifying! I'm quite convinced, I can't compare with him temporarily..."

Wan'er had a look of worship in her eyes, "This is too handsome. Killing four of the Sacred Gate City Lords in a second, and succumbing to a hundred thousand people alone, is really...no, I really want to feel a little moved."

Heroes love beauties, why don't beauties love heroes? It's just that Wan'er seems to be more than one.

Jiu'er's heartbeat was so fast, I was really fed up with this guy, how much he wanted to hide his strength!

Obviously so powerful!

Wait, in fact, he didn't seem to hide his strength, but the small role in the past was not worth his all-out effort.

If he really wanted to hide his strength, he probably wouldn't have a conflict with the holy gate, let alone slaughter the city alone.

All along, the so-called hidden strength is just their illusion, because they always think that every time the guy tried his best, so they would be so shocked when he broke out more powerful combat power.

In this battle, that arrogant red figure has unknowingly left in Jiu'er's heart...

Lu Chen looked at the 70,000 people on the opposite side and said lightly, "I know the rules of the Holy Gate. The management of the Holy Gate has always troubled me. As for you, if you still want to fight, I will accompany you."

"If you give up now, I can let you go."

"Actually, I always get along well."

Lu Chen now had to work hard to change his impression in the minds of ordinary players.

There is not even a person who speaks, and this game is too difficult to play.

How could Lao Tzu be such a good person, how could he have gotten where he is today!

No, Lu Chen must work hard to reshape his personality.

However, this sentence of his sounds changed to others.

He is like a tyrannical monarch, in order to win people's hearts, he deliberately showed a kind side.

"Don't think we are three-year-olds. With your cruelty, you will never let us go!"

"Don't think we didn't hear it. You said you were going to slaughter the city from the beginning! It's a big deal, I'll fight you."

Lu Chen's brows became increasingly frowning.

What do you mean, I can't change this person back!

"Axi, why do you have to do this, don't you guys have a good game?"

"I was just talking about it, why do you have to take it seriously..."

"Don't talk nonsense with him, his aura must be used up, we will kill him!" someone shouted.

Lu Chen shook his head, which seemed to prove it.

"Who said I ran out of aura? Hey, I still have hundreds of thousands of useless!"

"Forget it, let's show it to you."

"Spiritual Storm!"

There was a sudden violent wind around, countless spiritual energy turned into filaments and rushed towards Lu Chen...

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