Evolve and Upgrade from Wild Monsters

Chapter 350: Internal and external troubles in the global village

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The earth players are not over with emotion, and new bad news has come.

[This server is the 19th zone of the galaxy server. A total of 700,000 human players from all major galaxies are competing here. 】

[Global Village players, please note that in order to let everyone better enjoy the fun of the same arena, players in the global village have two days of development time. After two days, the global village will be truly open to the outside world. Players who enter this server in advance will not rule out the plunder Resources are possible, please take measures. 】

The horrible "Ono" was already "surprise" enough, but the news that came out now detonated the entire global village in an instant.

"What? Galaxy server? 700,000 human world players? My god, I read that right! Have you received any system announcements?"

"I got it, is it really a galaxy suit? In addition to us, there are other players who merged? Yes, is it an alien?"

"Damn, is this going to play with aliens? This is too exaggerated."

Players already feel that their three views are subverted.

But this is not the key, the key is the following sentence, they may come to plunder the resources of the global village!

This makes the Earth players suddenly nervous.

"Aren't their levels the same as ours? Didn't we start the dual universe in advance? Why did they enter the game at the same time as us?"

"Should we not be abused into dogs? What should we do, now that we can't even brush mobs, how can we deal with those super players?"

"Don't quarrel, everyone, if this is true, then we must not sit and wait, you know, we represent the earth!"

"Yes, the game is difficult. Don't fight between the national servers. Now we must unite."

"As for the guild alliances of various countries, the official team, this is the time for you to come forward."

In the face of external concerns and internal troubles, the national associations and government organizations finally started to sit down and negotiate countermeasures together.

When I was a child, guild alliances and military organizations of more than 200 countries held the "First Earth Players Congress" in the village...


At this time, in the second-level novice villages of the "Nieyuan Village" level, the players are also discussing one thing.

"Count it all, ordinary players should enter the server today! It's plundering time again."

"Hurry up, Lao Tzu is already going crazy."

"Now they should all be in Xinren Village. They are currently in the protection period, and the protection period is 2 days."

"I also looked at the data. This group of players with a total of 130,000 worlds opened the Dual Domain. The shortest preparation time was only a month's double time, and the overall strength was quite weak."

"I checked it out specially, but I'm the only one who is crazy. It turns out that the world players are coming together this time. It's a place called Earth. Their preparation time happens to be the shortest month!"

"Really? Damn, then get the global village!"


After the research and decision of the First Earth Players Congress, everyone must give up internal fighting and unanimously externally.

Regarding the Huiyue werewolves at the entrance of the village, they can no longer be sent to death one by one. With the original national uniform as a unit, led by the military, the guild alliance fully cooperates and kills together.

"It must be noted that the equipment dropped by the player's death must be picked up and handed over to the military! Everyone takes pictures of their equipment and uses it as a voucher to claim it. We can no longer lose combat effectiveness."

"Also, all the equipment that was hit, purple equipment and above, will be handed over to... the Huaxia Nation military will manage and distribute them all."

The comprehensive national strength of China has surpassed that of the United States, and its international reputation and status have long been different from what it used to be, and it is normal to hand it over to China.

"In addition, immediately select a group of top players to form a 40-person team, and give them priority to equip them with equipment so that they can become our fist!"

At this time, the Yamato State military suddenly asked the military representative of the Huaxia State, "Excuse me, is there any news about the God of War in your country?"

The representative of Huaxia's military shook his head, "He cannot be contacted temporarily."

"Hey..." The representative of Yamato State sighed, "The crazy demon is acting more wickedly, and basically can't count on it. If there is no name, maybe we will have a better chance of winning, but at this time we can't find anyone."

Representatives of other countries also shook their heads helplessly, "Now those who can enter the dual universe should be served in advance. Those players who defeated the boss of the universe are very likely to lead players in their world to start a defense or plunder. But we..."

Huaxia Guo was the only one who defeated Tianyu BOSS, and he would definitely not help them who were unrelenting in slaughtering people.

"It would be great if you can find Wuming. He is strong and has a good relationship with the crazy demon. Perhaps the crazy demon will help us in his face."

The representative of Hua Xia shook his head, "It's true that I can't contact Wuming. I also asked about the Wild Wave Guild. They have not seen the chairman for a month."

"I think, now we shouldn't pin all our hopes on an unnamed person. According to our previous plan, we should start the selection and field work first."

After agreeing on a strategy, the earth players finally moved.

On the one hand, the "Top Players in the World" trial is held in the village. Participants are the strongest players recommended by the guild alliances of various countries, including the internal beta player alliance.

Each profession has a certain quota, so that there will be no problem with the professional match of the strongest army formed in the future.

On the other hand, the military team and the professional team led the players to start to deal with the wild monsters in an organized way.

In fact, scouring the wild has almost become a massacre scene. As Huiyue Werewolves have a very high chance of a second kill, even the top-equipped tank class must take turns to carry the damage.

But fortunately, when the players unite and the number is large enough, it is not completely impossible to beat the Lunar Werewolf.

Gradually, news of the team's victory began to spread...

At the same time, the wild waves inside the guild.

At this time, everyone was thankful that they had listened to the chairman's advice and did not leave the global village, so their guild did not have any strength loss.

"The president said let us wait for him, but...the aliens are about to fight over soon, why hasn't the boss appeared yet." Shibu and others looked anxious.

"Yiyi?" Xiaomei looked at Lu Yi, meaning that you were going to ask your brother.

Lu Yi nodded, quietly hung up, and called the old brother, "Brother, what are you doing?"

"Scratching a copy, I am almost numb when I do it." Lu Chen's voice has no emotion.

With 200 copies, it is strange that Lu Chen is not numb. He had always wanted to find a copy before, and now it is all right, and some of them have been brushed.

"Brother, we are in the second heaven, when will you come over?"

"Huh? Are you in the second heaven?"

"Hey, brother, didn't you receive the prompt from the system? Er Zhong opened at 8 o'clock in the morning."

Lu Chen obviously didn't receive it.

"Brother, how long do you have to make a copy?"

Lu Chen looked at the remaining copies, there were 44 more! At least two days!

"Two days."

"Two days?!" Lu Yi didn't dare to ask more, after all, my brother might not be a normal copy. "Well, well, it's important for you to start a copy first. Strength is the most important thing."

After hanging up the phone, Lu Yi calculated the time, maybe my brother could not arrive before the global village was lifted from the novice protection.

"I hope we won't be found so easily."

the other side.

"In a blink of an eye, they are all here in the Second Heaven..." Lu Chen's mind is actually a bit unable to move now, not only has he been numb after so long.

"Let's continue to brush, if I leave here, I'm afraid I will never want to come back again." Lu Chen shook his head.

"Please, give me a better reward!"

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