Evolve and Upgrade from Wild Monsters

Chapter 359: Live broadcast

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Standing next to Sole Kuang, Feng Lingzi blushed to the base of his neck, unexpectedly this guy would directly call his name in front of all galaxy players.

"Crazy God..." Feng Lingzi greeted Lu Chen shyly.

Lu Chen smiled slightly. Although he was still a little crazily smiling, it was not the kind of mad and bloodthirsty smile. "Thank you also for buying the skill book for me. I will take you to upgrade when the crazy wave comes. ."

Fenglingzi was a little disappointed.

Did he bring himself just because he bought a skill book for him? Nothing else?

Of course, this question is not convenient for her to ask.

Not long after, Leng Nuo rushed over with a group of people.

Now there are 2500 people in Kuanglang, even Kuangmo can't lead everyone, only to top the top, and then let them lead others.

After seeing the crazy demon, they were still a little nervous, after all, Lu Chen's current appearance was a bit scary.

"Uh... Crazy God, hello, um, what about our president?" Leng Nuo asked, "We haven't seen him for a long time."

"He, come to Second Heaven with me, he has been busy these two days, let me come and take care of you." At the beginning, only Lu Chen could see the instructions for opening runes in the universe, and no one else knew. In fact, only the team that clears the Tianyu BOSS can enter the second heaven in advance, he can say anything anyway.

"Haha, the president has already come to Second Heaven, he still thinks about us."

"Of course, when the president does not care about us, crazy god, if you meet the president, please tell him, everyone miss him."

Lu Chen nodded, "Okay, I will tell him."

The people were already there, and Lu Chen summoned Jiuyi, "Jiuyi, let them take a taxi."

Except for Lu Chen, Jiuyi has never liked others riding on him, and Lu Chen has to discuss with the guy...

"Roar." Jiuyi is considered to know these guys, so let's take them for a ride.

The nine-winged dragon flew into the sky, and a group of people were sitting on a roller coaster, and a scream came from behind the nine-winged dragon.

After a while, Jiuyi finally stabilized.

As for the identity of the mad demon, the group of people is still somewhat intimidated. The devil with the golden ID should be difficult to get along with.

"Ahem," Lu Chen spoke first. These guys are his old friends. He also wants to chat with them. "When you are going to the wild, stand next to me and don't run around."

"Oh, good."

Lu Chen has a black line, these guys are so afraid of themselves.

Well, only humor can resolve the current embarrassment.

"I will leave whoever runs around at the werewolf camp and let him go home by himself!"

A group of people swallowed dryly... "Crazy God, we remember, we will never run around."

Lu Chen had a black line. If he said this in an unnamed identity, a group of people would definitely start teasing wildly. As a result, now... hey, forget it, let's fly over quietly.

After being quiet for a while, Ningshuang suddenly mustered up his courage and said to Lu Chen, "Mr. Crazy God, how is my master now? I haven't seen him for a long time."

Saying that I haven't seen him for a month, it's actually not too long, but in Ningshuang's heart, it seems that time flies particularly slowly.

"I'm much better than before. This time I'm on the 120-man squad two rounds...I want to tell Master this news."

Feng Lingzi also said in surprise, "Wow, the list of 120 people, that is the world's strongest 120 people, very strong."

Ningshuang was a little embarrassed, "I am too far behind my master. I just hope that he will not feel that his apprentice is worse than others."

Lu Chen was a little surprised. As a non-professional player, Ningshuang's progress is definitely tremendous. In fact, his apprentice has always worked hard.

Lu Chen nodded and said, "Well, that's great, keep working hard, your master will be happy for you."

Afterwards, Lu Chen looked at Fenglingzi, "Fengling, a stable team is needed in the Second Heaven. If you want, join the crazy wave."

Feng Lingzi was stunned, "Join Kuang Lang? But they have an official live broadcast Xiao Ming."

"It doesn't matter, you can do the official live broadcast of Mad Wave, or you can broadcast it yourself. In fact, the current scale of Mad Wave can accommodate several official live broadcasts at the same time."

"Nuo Nuo, what do you think?" Lu Chen also called Shunuo, and directly called Leng Nuo "Nuo Nuo", making Leng Nuo stunned for a while.

Crazy demons actually call themselves that...Are they familiar?

Fortunately, Leng Nuo responded quickly, "Uh...ah, Sister Wind Chime, Mad God is right. We are planning to develop more official live broadcasts. If you are willing to come over, of course we can't ask for it."

"Of course, if you plan to continue live broadcasting by yourself, it's okay. We all know your popularity. Let fans see that even the most popular anchors join the crazy wave, which is actually a kind of publicity."

Fenglingzi has actually received invitations from many guilds. Panshi, Thunder, Friendship, etc. have all expressed their wishes to her. After all, she is a popular sister on the official website of Jiutian and has a large regular fan base.

As far as Fenglingzi is concerned, it is indeed necessary to find a strong and permanent guild in the second heaven.

The crazy waves are definitely the best choice.

"If you don't dislike it, I am willing to join the crazy waves."

Leng Nuo, Lu Yi, and Ningshuang held the wind bells affectionately, "That's great, I'll send an invitation to join now."


Twenty minutes later, Lu Chen led everyone to the Huiyue Werewolf Base Camp.

Seeing hundreds of Huiyue werewolves below, a group of people paled in shock.

"A lot of Huiyue werewolves! And the level is higher than those at the entrance of the village, here are all from level 5** to level 55!"

"Are we going to level up here?"

The flight route of Nine Wings answered their questions. After hovering in the air for a week, it landed at the entrance of the base camp.

Lu Chenqing ordered the number of people.

Lu Yi, Fenglingzi, Leng Nuo, Ningshuang, Ten Steps, Floral Fragrance, Xiaomei, Handsome and Handsome, Stardust, Game Black Hole, Three Male God Brothers, Xiao Ming, and the head of each group of Kuang Lang, a total of 41 people.

"Stand around me."

"Oh, Fenglingzi, Xiao Ming, you guys are broadcasting live now. There are a lot of people who should be watching." Lu Chen suddenly thought of this. If there are more people watching, their income will also increase.

"Can you drive?" Both of them asked in surprise.

Lu Chen said indifferently, "It doesn't matter."

Since Crazy God didn't care, Feng Lingzi and Xiao Ming hurriedly opened the live broadcast.

[Live broadcast crazy magic belt upgrade! 】

For this issue alone, the number of people soared quickly after the two live broadcast rooms opened.

"Wow, it's actually a live broadcast of a madman leading a man! I have never seen a madman leading a man before."

"Great, I can finally see how the mad demon upgraded. This is a nine-day historical mystery!"

"The time that Wuming Brother led someone, Nima, had millions of experience in 20 minutes. I don't know how the crazy demons upgrade efficiency."

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