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Lu Chen slept quite practically this time. It can be said that he has never slept so comfortably in his life...

I don't know how long it has passed, Lu Chen opened his eyes slightly and found a beautiful face carefully looking at him, and a beautiful woman massaging a fan next to him.

Could it be that spring is here? Ah, it's so cool... Lu Chen smiled slightly, it should be in a dream, otherwise there can be no such thing.

In other words, why is a strange guy mixed in among these beauties? Why is Lu Yi here?

Regardless, the girl should help the old man squeeze his legs.

In that case, let's sleep for a while.

It wasn't until Lu Chen woke up for the second time and found that there were still those beautiful women around.

What's the matter? No, I'm not leading people in the wild, why do I keep having this kind of dream?

Even if you have a spring dream, you should wake up.

No, it doesn't seem to be a dream!

Lu Chen frowned slightly and sat up, "What are you doing?"

A few girls were so scared that they hurried to one side, "Uh, crazy god, are you awake?"

Lu Chen checked the time, my god, I slept for seven or eight hours this night, and I slept too well this night.

"Well, we think you are too tired, and I want you to sleep more securely." Leng Nuo lowered his head and dared not look at Lu Chen.


Seeing Lu Chen's green eyes, Leng Nuo couldn't hold on anymore, "Well, we actually want you to sleep a little longer, so that we can upgrade a few more levels."

When Lu Chen heard it, there was also a black line.

These guys are also really funny, but Lu Chen didn't say anything about this kind of trick, "Oh, I slept well."

"It's not too early now. After this sleep, how can I go to sleep at night..." Lu Chen thought for a while, and decided to sleep hard if he couldn't sleep. The biological clock should not be chaotic.

"Well, I'll take you all night again. By then, you should be at level fifty-seven and eighth."

"The seven stars dropped by the Huiyue Werewolf are very useful for chasing the moon. After you reach five, the effect will be better. Get a few pieces, and it will not be too difficult to fight the Huiyue Werewolf in the future."

"Really? Thank you so much, then."

Lu Chen simply practised Reiki on the sidelines. After 10 o'clock, he leaned against the tree to rest. The others were also bored. They began to call out the mini-game menu and asked someone to play cards and chess together.


One night passed, Lu Chen only slept for four or five hours in between, but he was in a good spirit.

At 8 o'clock in the morning, Lu Chen sent Kuanglang people back to the global village.

This time, I wasted a day and a half for the earth players, but after all, they were all of the same clan, and this time was not a waste.

After the opening of the second heaven, Lu Chen returned to the first heaven from the entrance of the global village, and then went straight to the Renai Peak.

Ten tigers, three silly, they are still cleaning their copies, a lot of equipment dropped in the legion warehouse, but the warehouse is big enough, there are a lot of mess, but it is enough.

Summon all of the army's subordinates back, at this time their level has reached 50.

Lu Chen allocated a batch of equipment to them from the equipment they had hit.

"Okay, we should also move." Lu Chen opened the legion menu option and found the "relocation base" function in it.

"Damn, do all the buildings need to be rebuilt? This is a bit pitted."

No way, Lu Chen could only let all the army's subordinates bring along a large amount of equipment in the warehouse, the spirits and other materials stored in the personal copy, and then bring the spirit source.

After packing up, Lu Chen looked back at Ren'ai Peak. Who would have thought that this was a bare mountain.

"Goodbye, Ren'ai Peak..." After saying that, Lu Chen teleported directly to the Tongtian Tower and entered the Second Heaven.

At this time, the only thing in Yizhongtian still related to him was Lu Yiyi's mission.

Lu Chen had already thought about the new location of the territory.

The most suitable place as a territory is undoubtedly the Spirit Gathering Mountains. It is inaccessible, without wild monsters, and rich in spiritual energy. I don't know if it will affect the spiritual source.

Lu Chen found an open area in the mountain, put down the spiritual source, protected the mountain, and then released all the members of the generals.

"From now on, this will be our new home, Dashan and Ershan. You lead everyone to collect building materials and we will build a new territory!"

"Yes, boss!"

"By the way, I will arrange the location of the personal copy last, and you will have to prepare the materials for the personal copy recently."


After explaining the good things, Dashan and Ershan will be responsible for the rest. This time I collected a lot of materials, and it may take a month to complete.

During this time, Lu Chen also planned to go to the new map.

"The copy of Longzhanye has been brushed, and I don't want to brush it a second time in my life. Go to the level 70 map and see."


The so-called level 70 map refers to "from level 70", that is, level 70-79. This level is just suitable for Lu Chen's leveling.

In the north of Longzhanye, the main road is divided into three branches at one go, and there are several maps on each branch.

Along the main road to the north, leading to the "Naihe Bridge", and further north is the "Monster Mountains", "Lost Immortal Plains" and the 80-level main city, which is currently marked as "The Land of No Owner".

To the east, it leads to the "Preparatory Arena (Level 70, followed by the "Wonder Forest (Level 70 and "Shen Nong Valley".

The west side leads to the "Preparatory Shura Field (Level 70 and the "Monster Forest (Level 70 behind, the "Refining Heart Courtyard".

"Huh? Shennong Valley?" Lu Chen thought of Ghost Valley where Lu Yiyi was located, where the original name was "Shennong Valley"! Maybe there is news about Lingwu Yaozun there!

"But where is the monster forest on the other side, it won't drop purple beast cores, right? I still need a lot of beast cores now."

Lu Chen wanted to go to both places, but before going to these two places, it seemed that he had to go through the "Preparatory Arena" and the "Preparatory Asura Field".

"Is there any difference between these two places?" Lu Chen asked strangely.

At this moment, a 5-man team came from the direction of Longzhanye, and they happened to come under the street sign.

After seeing Lu Chen, they looked at Lu Chen strangely, "Are you... alone?"

Lu Chen's eyes didn't seem to be particularly friendly, and this question became a bit interesting.

Old players have long said that the dual universe is a world where the weak and the strong eat the strong. From the experience of the global village, the attitude of the former holy gate, etc., some clues have been seen.

At higher levels, people here probably won't be so kind.

If you don't want to be robbed, it is best not to act alone. This is a saying often said by old players.

Although Lu Chen was not afraid of them, it seemed that they also had a few pieces of dark gold equipment on them, and they were not valuable, so Lu Chen was too lazy to do it.

"My friend asked me to come and see first."

This group of people didn't have any suspicion when they heard it. After all, one person might not even be able to survive the Long Battlefield.

Since the other party also has a companion, you must be cautious when you do it.

Several people looked at each other, and finally did not choose to do it.

Both sides didn't mean to do anything, and the atmosphere eased much.

"Friend, which way are you going?" one of them asked.

"I will probably go and see it, but I want to ask, is there a difference between the preparatory arena and the preparatory arena?"

"Don't you even know this?" said a middle-aged man. "In the arena, including NPC, each team selects 100 strongest individual players. Using the knockout method, the top 10 teams can be Obtained the qualification to enter the Wizard Forest."

"The Shura Field is even more cruel, with 100 NPCs, the strongest individual players, and even BOSS fighting in the same field. The last 10 surviving people can enter the monster forest. It is said that the drops inside are high."

"Oh? So that's the case." Lu Chen nodded.

Lu Chen nodded, "Thank you, then I'll go take a look first, goodbye."

After speaking, Lu Chen chose the east side road casually.

Until Lu Chen left, the faces of those people showed a trace of mockery

"Hey, old fox, isn't it good for you to be such a shady newcomer. Neither the Arena nor the Shura Field is where people go!"

"That is, it must be full of pain, and it is not the first ten to enter the map behind. It must be first."

"The NPCs there are much stronger than the players, they are not of the same grade at all, and there are BOSS monsters. No one can pass the level before, let alone the difficulty mode now. If you go, you will go to die!"

The middle-aged man smiled slightly, "Anyway, we won't go. Wouldn't it be nice to let them suffer? Let's go, go to the Demons Mountain Range."

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