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The secret door behind the bookshelf was connected to the spiraling steps, and Lu Chen followed the dean and the old man, walking on the seemingly endless steps.

I don't know how long he has been walking. Lu Chen opened his personal map. The map page was completely black, but he could see the small light spot that represented himself.

After zooming out the map, Lu Chen suddenly found that his current approximate location was under the huge lake surrounding Lianxin Courtyard.

There were torches on both sides of the road, and the flames flickered, finally printing a door not far away.

This door is not big, more than 3 meters high. Compared with many entrances that are often dozens of meters high, it is really shabby.

Standing by the iron gate, the remaining life stopped.

"Young man, can you tell me your ID?"

Lu Chen thought for a while, "The dean will call me nameless."

"Anonymous?" The dean's name was called Xiaopin, and then he smiled slightly, "I think it shouldn't be the lonely nameless "Nameless". I want to break into the world, but I don't want to leave a name... At a young age, I can see that fame and wealth are very It's not easy."

"Anonymous, this is the place you are looking for. After this gate, it leads to "Tiger Jiao Lake", which is the moat lake of our Refining Courtyard."

As if thinking of something funny, Can Sheng laughed to himself, “It’s funny to talk about it. Some students always ask me if there are really tigers in the Tiger Lake, I really don’t know how to answer.”

Can Sheng said half of his words, turning his head to look at Lu Chen meaningfully.

Lu Chen suddenly shivered a little...

This time, he was really a little fictitious.

This copy... is underwater? He has never experienced underwater combat! And Jiutian can already be regarded as a scene indistinguishable from reality, that is to say, he will truly fight underwater!

Lu Chen has never been to the sea, but judging from the underwater videos on the Internet, he thinks he may have deep sea phobia.

"No... Dean, did you fight in the water? Me, don't I use many of my skills?"

Can Sheng shrugged, "This is what you need to consider."

Lu Chen frowned. Okay, the dean was right. How to fight is his own business.

"Okay, go in when you are ready." As he said, the dean took out the key and opened the iron door.

Lu Chen took a deep breath. Since he is here, there is no reason not to go in!

Behind the iron gate, the scene was weird, and the inside of the gate was pitch black, but the sound of water and some sounds that didn't know how to describe it could be heard, which seemed to be the moan of a certain creature.

Lu Chen tried to touch the darkness in front of him with his hands, only to feel that he had touched the liquid. When he retracted his hands, his hands were all wet.

Behind the gate is the bottom of the lake, but the water is completely isolated behind this iron gate!

Ahead, it's pitch black! How to fight in such an environment?

Not to mention, there is a deadly super boss inside!

Lu Chen has never been as unassuming as he is today! Before facing that unknown creature, Lu Chen must first overcome his inner fear!

"Why? Don't you dare to go?" Can Sheng looked at Lu Chen with a smile, "This is normal. When I came here, I stood at the door for 20 minutes."

"Actually, you just have to think about your colors..."

Suddenly, Lu Chen took two steps back and plunged into the lake world outside the door.

Remnant has a black thread, and it is rare for him to share his original mental journey. That guy is not listening...

"This kid has a good mental quality." Can Sheng smiled slightly, "Lao Ma, do you think he has hope?"

Lao Ma’s ID is called Lao Ma... It may be the same as Shibu Kneeling. He also made a mistake in naming him at the beginning. He never showed his ID, but the dean still knew it.

"Impossible." Lao Ma said, "How many geniuses I have seen here, but no one has managed to break through here yet."

"Obtaining the Heavenly Grade Cultivation Technique in the Double Heaven Realm is actually against the sky, and it is naturally extremely difficult."

Can Sheng nodded, "Indeed, I've made it through once, but to be honest, I definitely don't want to make it a second time... In fact, I always wanted to tell him just now that I was afraid, that's right!"

"Hey, by the way, did that guy learn the water occlusion technique, or the spiritual energy inner breath technique?"

"I don't know this. Dean, don't worry about him. You almost broke the rules just now. Tell him what's in the lake. Please be careful about your position as Dean."

Can Sheng sighed, "What I can't do, in fact, I really hope someone can do it, and he is still a student of the Lianxin Academy... Also, I have a hunch that that kid is unusual!"

"Lao Ma, go, follow me to watch the live broadcast and see what his potential is."

The dean also has the advantage of being able to watch Lu Chen's live broadcast.

The two quickly left and returned to the dean's room.

In a private compartment of the dean's room, a crystal ball was placed in the center. The remnant put his hand on the crystal ball, and the crystal ball responded and began to show the situation at the bottom of the lake.

It turns out that the so-called live broadcast is not a real live broadcast, but a crystal ball imaging.

And Can Sheng is a prophet!

The crystal ball was dark, only a long status bar could be seen, and the durability was slowly decreasing at this time.

Looking at this status bar, Can Sheng and Lao Ma looked at each other.

"Breathing trough! It's over, hopeless."


It's pitch black, it's pitch black, and there are worse situations than this.

When Lu Chen gritted his teeth and jumped in, he found that he could not breathe!

[You have not learned the underwater close-up related skills, your mind has not been upgraded to the stage of spiritual power transfer to internal breath, and you cannot hold your breath for a long time. According to your physique, your breathing slot is 4 minutes and 44 seconds. 】

Lu Chen has a black line, what the **** is the underwater apnea skill! No one told him! Of course, he had never seen it before.

As for the mental method, he still uses the most primitive "Monster Beast Tuna Fajue", which does not have the blessing of the pseudo-dust beads, and the kind of food that adds 1 point of pure aura every minute of cultivation.

Lu Chen's current spiritual power growth is mostly due to the elixir, followed by the dust beads, his spiritual power is very high, so he is not in a hurry to find the mind.

Of course, in fact, he has never encountered high-level mental methods.

All in all, Lu Chen has a terrible breathing slot.

It's 4 minutes and 44 seconds, 444, so hard!

Open the map, it's dark.

"Where is the boss? I can't see it at all. Where should I swim now?"

"Don't worry, it should be nearby. The dean said that he had challenged him before, so someone tried to kill this guy before. I don't believe that I am the only one who does not hold his breath underwater! They can meet the boss, so I can!"

Breathing slot, 4 minutes left!

"This BOSS is in the water, the attack is likely to be an elemental attack, Xiao Yuan is not suitable for fighting here, Little Hairball..."

Anyway, he was drifting with the flow. Lu Chen summoned the little hairball. As soon as the little guy appeared, he found himself in the water, with two cheeks bulging high and two little paws fluttering wildly. He finally grabbed Lu Chen’s clothes and was alive and well. let go.

The little hairball also has a breathing slot. Lu Chen looked at the time, 30 minutes.

"Are you the devil! 30 minutes..."

Although the small hairball breathing slot is very long, it should not be able to fight if it looks panicked.

"Or in case my breathing trough is gone, give me artificial respiration..." There was a scene in Lu Chen's mind that he was fighting while Xiao Mao Tuan helped him breathe, without shivering again.

"Forget it..."

Putting away the little hairball, Lu Chen waited anxiously.

Breathing slot left... 2 minutes!

"I won't be suffocated to death, right!" Lu Chen couldn't help thinking of this possibility in his mind.

Suddenly, Lu Chen felt an undercurrent in the water rushing towards him from all directions!

Lu Chen immediately gathered up his energy.


Unfortunately, he still can't see anything!

Since you can't see it, don't watch it! Lu Chen simply closed his eyes!

The eyes of the dark gods! This time I still rely on you!

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