Evolve and Upgrade from Wild Monsters

Chapter 414: Redeem Heaven Level Technique

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Lu Chen has disappeared, but the onlookers on the lakeside seemed to have been used to hold the body, standing there for a long time without moving.

It wasn't until a long time before anyone woke up.

These super geniuses, who can only select one out of 100,000, are all in amazement and emotion!

"He, he killed the tiger! Oh my god, someone really did it!"

"It's too fierce, 1.5 billion blood, he only took a minute? How did he do it! What happened at the bottom of the lake!"

"It turns out that there are people who can single out the boss, and it is the strongest BOSS in the second heaven!"

"He is not a human at all! Can normal people do such a thing! This is too scary..."

The people around Zhen Guo Yanran were all sighing and shocked, and she was also shocked in her heart.

It turned out that everyone thought that guy was too arrogant, but now I know that the task of hunting old people and snatching prize money was low-key for the guy who could kill the tiger alone!

"The strength of this guy has surpassed the Second Heaven Realm!"

Not far away, a little girl in white repeats a sentence in her mind, "It's him, it's him, great, I finally found you, big brother!"

"Big brother is very strong, great!"


After defeating Tiger Jiao, Lu Chen suddenly found a problem. He could fly within the scope of the Lianxin Academy!

Maybe it was because of Tiger's pressure before that it was impossible to fly here. Since he defeated Tiger's, then this pressure is no longer qualified for him to restrict him.

Lu Chen absolutely didn't want to walk from the bottom of the lake anymore, he flew directly to the balcony outside the dean.

At this moment, Can Sheng and Lao Ma just saw Lu Chen had fallen on their balcony from the crystal ball, and they looked at each other.

"No, he, he flew over?"

"Yes, maybe you killed Tiger Jiao, and you have privileges..."

Through the window, Lu Chen saw the two of them looking at the crystal ball.

"Is the crystal ball still useful?" Lu Chen was also quite surprised, but now that both parties had seen each other, Lu Chen opened the door directly and walked in.

"President, Hu Jiao is dead, I'm here to get the exercises."

Can Sheng hurriedly put away the crystal ball, facing Lu Chen at this time, he was a little confused about his position.

Although he is the dean of the Heart Refining Academy, and Lu Chen is also the academy of the Heart Refining Academy, he is equal to Lu Chen’s tutor, but with Lu Chen’s strength, he came to the Heart Refining Academy only for the cultivation technique, not to be a teacher. of.

I am afraid I am not qualified to be this guy's mentor.

"Unexpectedly, you actually killed the tiger!" Lao Ma couldn't help but sighed, shaking his head, "I didn't expect that I would be lucky enough to meet someone who can complete this task!"

"Anonymous, I really underestimated you, and I didn't expect that during my tenure, someone would be able to obtain a Heavenly Grade Cultivation Technique!" Can Sheng was also a little excited, "I saw your battle, and it was amazing!"

Who knew that Lu Chen was not happy at all.

"This time it wasn't perfect. At first, I was almost killed by the tiger. It was a failure!"

"There is also a second battle with the tiger. I deliberately chose to fight it in the water. On the one hand, I thought of a way to deal with it. On the other hand, it was also to test my own strength, but... within 60 seconds, I actually I haven't finished the kill, the damage is still a little bit close."

When Lu Chen shook his head reproachfully, Can Sheng and Lao Ma were stunned.

Not satisfied with this performance?

"Ahem, um, don't forget, you are dealing with tigers, or in the water...Don't say kill in 60 seconds, as long as you can kill in the end, it is already a big deal."

"Yeah, don't say this outside, otherwise people will just think you are too arrogant."

Lu Chen smiled slightly, "It doesn't matter, I'm used to others saying that to me. Besides, I won't say this to anyone."

Well, listening to the big guys confide in their hearts, it is really not a comfortable thing...

"By the way, Dean, Teacher Ma, how can I change my reward?"

"Uh...nameless, come with us."

This time, Can Sheng personally took Lu Chen and Lao Ma to the exercise hall.

Under normal circumstances, practitioners redeem the exercises directly from Lao Ma, and they have almost no chance to actually enter the exercise hall.

But this time is obviously different.

The Gongfa Hall is located in a tower-shaped building with no stratification inside. There are thick pillars in the middle, leading directly to the roof.

This pillar is actually a bookshelf, and each layer is placed with different qualities of exercises.

Beside the stone pillars, there are stone steps that circulate upward with the stone pillars, and the remnants lead Lu Chen straight up.

All the way to the top floor, here is different from the other floors, it is closed around, and there is an iron gate blocking the way of the three people.

The iron door does not have a key, and there is a strange concave figure on the door.

"Anonymous, put the tiger's beast core on it."

Lu Chen took out the tiger's beast core, and after rotating it, it was aligned with the groove, and the door slowly opened.

"Well, nameless, you put away the tiger's beast core first, you will use it later, you can go inside it yourself." Can Sheng said, "Actually, after becoming the dean of the Lianxin Academy, I know that it is actually here. There are a total of three Heavenly Grade exercises sealed."

"Three books? Then, can I get them all by brushing the tiger two more times?"

Can Sheng resisted the cold sweat on his forehead and did not slip off.

This guy says he wants to kill Tiger...Is this human words!

"Um, ahem, no, a person only has one chance to redeem it, so choose the one that suits you best. You also know that the Heavenly Grade Cultivation Technique is at least in the Second Heaven Realm, that's an existence against the sky!"

Lu Chen was a little disappointed and hated multiple choice questions the most!

Regardless, choose it.

When Lu Chen was about to enter the Heavenly Grade Cultivation Room, Can Sheng suddenly stopped him.


"Huh? What else does the dean want to tell?"

"No, I, I have a little doubt."

Lu Chen thought for a while, then looked at the dean and waited for him to ask questions.

"Have you...did you evolve the mighty power underwater? Tiger's most terrifying thing is its double dragon might, but I found that after it launched the dragon might, that is, after you fell into the water, your attributes did not decrease!"

Tiger's Dragon Power not only has a bonus to himself, but also affects other units whose power level is lower than his own. All attributes are reduced by 20%, but Lu Chen fought under the water and did not receive any impact.

Lu Chen looked at Can Sheng and Lao Ma. In their eyes, all he saw was a thirst for knowledge.

"The two tutors observed very carefully. I did indeed evolve the supernatural power underwater. Okay, if the two tutors have nothing else to do, I will go in first."

Disability and Lao Ma naturally still have many questions, but these are extremely private questions. People are willing to tell them that they are dual Tianwei, which is already very angry, and it is not convenient for them to continue to ask.

"Okay, that nameless, I hope you will find your Heavenly Grade Cultivation Technique!"

"Thank you!"

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