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Three must be broken!

Demon change: All types of damage of self and demon pets are increased by 300%, and 100% of all attacks are converted into dark attribute attacks (controllable proportion). At the same time, he was punished by the sky and suffered 5% damage to his life limit every second!

When Lu Chen completed one of the demonic transformations, the sky was filled with dark clouds, lightning and thunder!

The wind was raging, almost untenable.

Suddenly, a falling thunder fell and hit him. Lu Chen had already had a small amount of blood left, and he dropped a lot!

Heavenly punishment! It seems that this creature and not being recognized by the world have caused a vision of the world!

Qing Lang's eyes were wide open, even he had never seen such a terrifying technique! Trigger the punishment? What level of exercise is this? !

However, Qinglang is also worthy of being a master of many battles, he quickly calmed himself down.

Judging from the blood volume of the mad god, maybe after suffering two days of punishment, Lu Chen directly died, he only had less than two seconds!

Regardless of the other party's practice, want your own life within two seconds? Green Wolf definitely has this confidence!

"I can't live anymore, still want to be a hero and protect those wastes?"

The devil opened his mouth and smiled madly, "Protect them? They are not worthy, I just want to kill you!"

A group of earth players were dumbfounded.

"What... mad **** he... he said we are not worthy? What do you mean?"

"Hmph, can't you hear what you mean? He already thinks that we are his burden, but we have supported him so much before, so in the eyes of others, we are just rubbish."

"Could it be that after being enchanted, divine consciousness was affected?"

"Don't justify that guy, I think he just looks down on us!"

Lu Yi frowned. This was definitely not his brother's style. It was impossible for him to say such a thing.

So what does he mean?

Jiu'er was full of doubts. This guy clearly wanted to protect the earth players, otherwise he would never come, but why suddenly his temperament changed?

To a group of people who support him, to say such unfeeling words...it hurts!

On the battlefield, Lu Chen doesn't care what these people think, he doesn't have much time!

"Hundred Ghosts: Night Walk of Hundred Ghosts!" In an instant, hundreds of identical demons appeared on the court, and these demons moved rapidly in the court, their figures blurred.

The most important thing is that it is impossible to tell which one is the real Lu Chen at the moment!

"This is... phantom displacement?" Qing Lang's eyes widened!

His Sanqing Jianjue did have ranged damage, but in the face of so many illusions, he did not dare to attack rashly. Once he made a wrong judgment and brought that guy's real body close, he would be in danger.

You know, that guy has broken the existence of Sanjue Formation, and his physical attack exceeds 810,000!

Even the Blue Wolf would never dare to let that guy approach!

The only way is to temporarily defend with a shield of ten thousand swords, as long as it lasts two seconds, he will win.

"Sanqing Jianjue·Ten Thousand Sword Shield!"

A shield of ten thousand swords may not be enough!

"Sanqing Jianjue·Sanqing Bodyguard!"

Behind the green wolf, three remnants of immortals appeared, four defenses, and it was decided that they could last for two seconds!

Suddenly, a figure appeared behind the green wolf, raising his hand to attack.

The figure is extremely fast, and the figure is very difficult to find blurred.

But Green Wolf was not surprised and rejoiced.

The powerful part of the ghost image lies in the confusing nature of the fantasy. When he could not judge the true body of the mad **** before, he was still reminding him to hang himself, but now he has discovered the attack of the mad god, which means that as long as you avoid it, then He won!

"Only you can move? Stepping on the nine stars!" In an instant, the blue wolf's figure suddenly disappeared in place and quickly appeared far away from the mad god, "Trash, you have already lost!"

"Really?" A hoarse voice suddenly sounded in the ear, "You are dead!"

A ghostly figure was raised in front of the green wolf, "The dragon's blood is boiling! The tiger is down!"

The Green Wolf was beating his nerves, and that guy could have the patience to play with him in the last two seconds! How calm is this guy!

No, he still has four defenses and 5.6 million HP. Now there may be only 1 second left. He cannot kill himself!

The tiger went down the mountain directly with 10 combos and 30 segments of damage! Among them, the poison attack was ineffective against the Ten Thousand Sword Shield, but the ten combos were actually hitting the rotating sword array.

At this time, Lu Chen's blood volume was less than 1%. In the passive and humane "mad" state, he increased his attack speed and movement speed by 396%, attack power, and 99% of the skill cooldown time!

What's more terrifying is that he also launched a dragon blood boiling.

1% of the blood volume is deducted 80%, and the remaining 0.2% blood volume is a mere hundreds of thousands of blood.

At first glance, his health bar is already empty!

But in exchange for it, it's a crazy state that's almost abnormal!

His attack speed is already hard to catch with the naked eye!

One blow, ten thousand sword shield shattered! With one blow, the supernatant protective body collapsed! With one blow, Yuqing Bodyguard collapsed! With one blow, the Taiqing body collapsed!

In an instant, the green wolf was about to face that crazy grinning face.

"Wait for a long time, Green Dog, it's you!"

The sharp devil claws cut through the luxurious fashion of Green Wolf instantly! Dozens of basic attacks in an instant caused a lot of damage to float above his head.

It's just that no one thought that this demon who could break through the four-layer defense in seconds, after really attacking the blue wolf, the damage was surprisingly low!

-17000, -18000, -17000...

"It's impossible to hurt so low..." Bamen frowned, but soon he thought of a possibility, and he was so scared to sweat!

"No, he, he didn't use all his strength!"

This is probably the only explanation!

"This guy! His blood volume is already so low, he dare not use all his strength?! He is really a madman! A madman through and through!"

"Qinglang deliberately used a small amount of damage to kill the big brother, to kill the earth player, he did it on purpose!" Wan'er frowned, "That guy is punishing Green Wolf!"

Lu Chen adjusted his attack to around 800,000 damage per second, just enough to **** blood so that he could continue to bear the effects of Heavenly Punishment.

And a rapid attack can break 800,000 damage into a dozen or even dozens of attacks.

Every time he attacked, he was tearing apart the body of Green Wolf!

Blood rushes, the body is blurred!

And the negative state on his body has made him unable to react at all.

Dizziness, silence, slowing down, the rapid decline of pure aura reserves!

At this time, the "Cruel Demon Lord" effect of Blue Wolf turned into the most terrifying negative state on him!

"Ah! You lunatic, give me a stop!"

stop? That is absolutely impossible! Tianpu couldn't stop him!

Now Lu Chen has performed "crazy" to the extreme!

"Ah! I want to tear you apart! Ah! Ah!"

The Green Wolf screamed and looked at the lunatic in front of him in horror.

Even if he survived for so long in a cruel environment like Sanzhongtian, he had to feel fear and despair!

It turned out that it was only a momentary thing from being unpredictable to fearful.

"Please, please... let me go... I, I don't dare anymore..."

A crazy bloodthirsty face was instantly close to the horrified face of Green Wolf. It licked its tongue and smiled slightly, "Sorry, I don't accept the prayer!"

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