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"How do you know I will come?" Lu Chen asked while drinking tea.

The mountain man took off his hat and placed it on the stone platform, and smiled at Lu Chen slightly, "You won the Poison Master Tuxian in the arena, and you asked me where I was, and I knew you would come to me."

Lu Chen nodded and renewed his cup.

The mountain people didn’t have much in their teapots. Lu Chen drank three cups and disappeared. This guy is stingy like Mu Xuan. He brought a half pot of tea to entertain people every time...

After three rounds of tea, the mountain man said with a smile, "Hey, don't just drink tea, you still can't open advanced difficulty."

"Open! I want to drive to purgatory difficulty, let's talk about what the task is."

"Task? Hahaha, there is no need for a task, just promise me one request."

Lu Chen frowned and looked at the man in the mountain, "No mission?"

The mountain man's smile did not change, "Originally it was a task to do, but after you defeated the blue wolf, I decided to cancel these meaningless things."

"How can it be meaningless? You can get rewards for doing tasks. Xiaoyuan got it for that task."

"It doesn't matter, there is no task, the reward is still given!"

Lu Chen put a smile away, obviously, this request might not be so easy to answer.

"any request?"

"Fight me!"

"Huh?" Lu Chen was suddenly shocked.

Lu Chen didn't know the strength of the mountain man, but he was at least on the same level as Mu Xuan, that is to say, the strength of the mountain man...to start off!

Sanxian, can you win?

"Little guy, don't be nervous, I just see your fight and feel very itchy. In the second day, doing nothing all day is very boring, just act as you accompany me."

"It doesn't matter whether you win or lose. In the end, I will give you a gift. It should be no worse than hell-level and purgatory-level tasks."

Lu Chen looked solemnly, "After that, how difficult will the game be?"


Lu Chen nodded. As long as there is a reward, it doesn't matter whether he does or not. Moreover, this battle does not require a victory. It is a purest competition.

"Okay." The corner of Lu Chen's mouth raised slightly, "To be honest, I have long wanted to learn, how good is a master like you!"

The mountain man smiled slightly, "I shouldn't let you down."

After all, the mountain man waved his hand, and within 10,000 meters, a closed environment suddenly formed.

"No one will see this competition. You don't need to have any reservations. Take out your full strength." The mountain man stood up and reached the center of the plain in a blink of an eye, "Let me see, your upper limit How much is it!"

Lu Chen narrowed his eyes slightly.

Does this person depend on his combat limit? To be honest, he has never calculated it himself!

But one thing is certain, since arriving at the Second Heaven, so far, no one deserves his all-out effort!

Tiger Jiao, Green Wolf, the same is true!

A person who can do his best can only make Lu Chen feel excited!

Lu Chen also stood up, walked towards the Luoxian Plain, and stood in front of the mountain man.

"Can't you change one of your demons?"

Lu Chen shook his head dejectedly. When this guy saw his new image, he might be ridiculed. "If you can see the demon change, it depends on whether you have this strength."

"Hey, wait you'll know! Be careful, I won't be merciful next!"

"me too!"

The two put away their smiles at the same time!


Outside the Luoxian Plain, a group of people are standing in front of the map stele.

"Finally here, go in."

"Huh? Why can't I get in... It seems that there is a barrier, is it a great formation?"

"I never heard that you can't enter the Luoxian Plain."

These people tried several times, but they couldn't enter the Luoxian Plain.

"Maybe it's maintenance... First go around to fight monsters, and then come later."

Three hours later!

In the 19th zone of the galaxy server, all players on the server received system messages one after another.

[The player alone represents all players in the 19th district, and raises the difficulty of the game in this district to **** level! 】

"What! Hell level? Again, that guy again, we are "represented" by that guy again!"

[The player alone represents all the players in the 19th district, raising the difficulty of the game in this district to the highest difficulty, purgatory! 】

"Damn! What? Purgatory!"

"Well, does he still have Purgatory Grade?"

"Did you make a mistake and made two announcements at the same time? It can't be so fast."

"It's over, it's really purgatory. Our team has just been killed by a monster at level 4 below me! A second kill!"

"The real purgatory is here...This, this double heaven has become a real purgatory from now on!"

"Who knows how to change zones? Is there any boss to talk about it? I can't stand it anymore, I want to change zones!"

"Change a fart, this is a galaxy suit, how do you change it! You can't change it in this life..."

Of course, there are many people who have paid attention to arena games. They know that there are many super powers with **** difficulty in other servers.

But those who are served in advanced difficulty zones are extremely powerful. It is also a necessity. The more difficult the environment is to survive, the chance to become stronger than others.

In front of the gate of Baishi's life and death, the five Mufu people who were about to brush the dungeon stopped and looked at each other.

"He really raised the game to the purgatory level... That lunatic, hey, it's all right now. Originally, this experience will be easier, but now he has suddenly become the saddest group in the family."

Xiao Tian smiled slightly, "In fact, it is also a good thing. Only by rushing to the third heaven without relying on the power of the family can others shut up!"

Jiu'er looked towards the northern sky.

Has that guy opened purgatory difficulty? Sure enough, nothing can stop him!

In other words, he might be about to complete the last mission of Er Zhong Tian soon.

Lingwu Yaozun... The super universe boss that most server people have no chance to see! Can he win this time?

The main core team of the Kuanglang Group, everyone killed the monsters in front of them and surrounded Leng Nuo.

"Nuo Nuo, the president has already increased the difficulty of the game. Fortunately, we have been mentally prepared. We didn't have a mess just now."

Leng Nuo and Ningshuang, Lu Yi looked at the sky above the northern woods at the same time, that person didn't know where he was now...

"The difficulty of purgatory is good for us to become stronger. This is an opportunity for us!" Leng Nuo took a deep breath and said to everyone, "Everyone, continue to level, we must be in the world of purgatory. Rise on your own!"

"Okay! We are already ready! I want to find the irresponsible master in the third heaven! Humph!"

"Yes, rely on yourself, no longer rely on the mad god..."


In Luoxian Plain, both of them had recovered their blood.

Lu Chen took a deep breath and looked at the man in the mountain opposite, "You did not disappoint me!"

The mountain man smiled slightly, "You... also far exceeded my expectations!"

"Next, you will find Lingwu Yaozun, will you?"

Lu Chen nodded, "I have to do this task, I want to find Lu Yiyi..."

"Well, that guy is very strong. You may not be able to beat him."

Lu Chen didn't speak.

"This is a gift from me." The mountain man threw two objects to Lu Chen casually.

[Fairy artifacts · Jizo staff]

【Heavenly Level Techniques·Buddha Over the Common People】

"The monk's exercises and weapons?" Lu Chen looked at the man in the mountain in surprise.

"What's weird, you are all professional..." The mountainman smiled slightly, "Remember, you must be very careful when dealing with Lingwu Yaozun, because once you lose, you may really have to return to the first heaven this time. "

"He has this method!"

Lu Chen narrowed his eyes slightly, "Okay, thank you."

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