Evolve and Upgrade from Wild Monsters

Chapter 436: Go to Tongtian Tower

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Two months later, the player stubbornly adapted to purgatory difficulty, and more and more teams in the wild were struggling to round up a certain monster...

I have to say that human potential is still great.

After March, the quiet 19 districts began to gradually become active again, and teams can already be seen in the wild.

Four months, five months... Six months later, the players in Zone 19 finally fully adapted to purgatory difficulty.

At this time, many people's equipment has been updated, and the overall strength of District 19 has been greatly improved after this disaster.

It's just that people seem to be about to forget, and there is another person who said that he wants to defeat the super BOSS in purgatory difficulty, the heavenly BOSS that no one wants to face-Lingwu Yaozun!

Even people with big powers are unwilling to raise the difficulty of the game to the "purgatory" level. The reason is probably that the existence of that horror cannot be avoided.

On this day, in the depths of the Luoxian Plain, someone saw a nine-winged dragon flying from the mountains.

Between the sky and above the clouds, the Nine Winged Heavenly Dragon made a roar of domineering and flashed past!

Although people can't see the figures on the Nine Wings Dragon, wherever the Nine Wings Dragon passes, all the sacred beasts, monsters, strange beasts, and magic weapon mounts are forced to land. There is only one such overbearing mount!

"Damn, it's too much, I'm also a dark gold mount, make way for Mao as well?"

"He's back? It's been half a year...He is going to..."

"Do you still need to ask, Er Zhong Tian, ​​the only attractive place for him, I'm afraid it is only there."

"Tongtian Pagoda! Lingwu Yaozun! He is going to break through the Tongtian Pagoda! Hurry, go offline and watch the live broadcast!"

The news spread quickly across the 19th district in a thunderous manner.

Not only in Area 19, but through the Heart Refining Institute, the news quickly spread among multiple human galaxy suits!

global village!

"The crazy **** has appeared? He, is he going to break through the Sky Tower! Now, watch the live broadcast!"

"Also called him a mad god, how did he forget about us? But... it still depends on how strong he becomes."

"Boss of purgatory difficulty, the second day player said, now we can only count on him to be the first to pass the BOSS and reduce the BOSS attributes, and we will have hope in the future."

"Stop talking nonsense, go offline!"

Usually there is a huge crowd here, but suddenly, the number of online players has dropped sharply, and there are not even a few people in sight.


"BOSS still has half blood..."

"Hey, I am the only one who wants to break into the heavenly boss! Someone saw him go to the Tongtian Tower."

"Really? This...I'm sorry, this BOSS doesn't matter if you don't fight, you have to watch the live broadcast, I want to see if he is as good as the legend."

In the 7th group, Zhan Guo Yanran was taken aback after receiving the news.

"He went?" Then he went offline quickly.

Five members of the Mufu team are signing up for the Shura Field.

"Now the most crowded one is..." The ticket master is checking the information.

At this moment, Xiao Tian was offline for a short time, and then quickly returned to normal, "I am the only one who has appeared madly, he is going to break through the tower!"

"Hi~ Then, go offline."

Xiao Tian nodded and said to the uncle ticket, "Senior, I am sorry, we will not challenge for the time being. We have a friend who wants to break through the Tongtian Tower. We are going to watch the live broadcast."

"I'm the only one crazy?" The ticket master frowned slightly, and the silly boy appeared in his mind, "Is he your friend?"

"Yes." Xiao Tian said with a smile. As a member of Mufu, he obviously knew that he was talking to them now, not some NPC! The attitude is very humble.

The old man smiled and shook his head, "I didn't expect that guy is so strong...I gave him a lot of tricks at the beginning. The kid listened more seriously than anyone else. Anyway, he can save a little effort. He definitely doesn't talk too much. ..."

"Boss with purgatory difficulty, that guy should be that guy that guy met..."

The five members of Mufu have gone offline. The ticket master thought about it. No one came anyway. Let's leave the job once today without permission. At most, you will be deducted merit points.

The mountain man drank a cup of tea in front of his thatched hut, and was slightly lost, "Boy, are you out of the mountain? Hey, let me see how strong you are now!" Then he flashed away and disappeared.

Area 2, Area 49, Area 44, Maniac Beast King, Sunset Master and Apprentice, King Panguli, etc., many people, no matter what they are doing, quickly put down what they were doing and went offline quickly...

That person is going to break into the purgatory-level Tongtian Tower! Nothing is more important than this!

In the sky, Lu Chen stands on the head of the dragon, looking down at the earth.

Is the 80-level main city in front, the land of no owner? Further forward, among the mountains, a towering tower rushes straight into the sky!

Lu Chen's heart was still water, and he looked at the huge tower indifferently.

Tower of Babel!

Open your own task bar, there is only one task in it "beautiful"!

"Lu Yiyi, I hope I can see you again, and I must help me refining at that time. Now my wild monster form is a bit hard to handle..." Lu Chen shook his head.

As the Tongtian Tower got closer, Lu Chen gradually put away other thoughts.

"Nine Wings, go down."

The nine-winged Tianlong dived straight from the clouds to the ground.

The wind blew his face, and Lu Chen lifted up Lu Chen's short hair, his red shirt fluttered grinningly.

When he reached mid-air, Lu Chen jumped directly down, and at the same time retracted the nine wings, a moment later, he landed.

In front of the Tongtian Pagoda, Lu Chen was as small as an ant. He took a deep breath, still burning in his heart.

Step forward, towards the Tongtian Tower!

The moment Lu Chen entered the Tongtian Tower, countless viewers who had been waiting in the official live broadcast room finally saw the figure.

Golden ID, I am the only one! Red fashion "Blood Mad Sword God"! The scaled sword hangs against the water beside him! A strong black bow on his back!

But this time, there was an additional Buddha stick behind Lu Chen, faintly flashing to a white light.

"Huh? Why did the mad **** have an extra weapon? Is it dark gold equipment or orange equipment, the color seems a bit wrong."

"The white light... won't it be... a fairy."

"Wait, why can a mad **** use a buddha stick?"

"Maybe it's a full-class weapon... Mad God seems to be able to use any weapon, no matter what, look first."

In front of Lu Chen, a huge iron gate 20 meters high was closed tightly.

Lu Chen let out a sigh of relief, "I don't have to fight around this time, right? Yes, it saves some time."

Pressing on the iron gate with one hand, Lu Chen pushed hard, and with a low "creak", the iron gate slowly opened in front of him.

The entire BOSS room was filled with green mist. Just stepping into the room, Lu Chen had already started to lose blood.

-50 thousand, -50 thousand...50 thousand per second!

debuff: Vicious forbidden land, losing 50,000 lives per second.

No duration! It means that as long as you enter this room, you will have to spend it in blood loss!

debuff: The meridians are blocked, the damage of all exercises is reduced by 20%, and the cooling time is increased by 20%.

debuff: Toxic burst, which erupts every 10 seconds, and the total damage is 50% of the sum of all the poisoned damage received during the period.

If you don't see him, you will be poisoned! With these three debuffs alone, many people might not even be able to see Lingwu Yaozun's face, and they have fallen.

However, the person hiding in the poisonous fog does not seem to want to avoid seeing him.

A strange voice of Yin and Yang came from the depths of the poisonous fog, "I heard...you want to kill me!"

As Lu Chen looked for his reputation, a figure gradually emerged from the green mist.

I haven't seen his appearance clearly, but I can see his grinning mouth, "You can make me wait... I'm the only one!"

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