Evolve and Upgrade from Wild Monsters

Chapter 455: Sky Punishment Tower

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After visiting several medicinal stores and shopping spree, Little Green’s backpack was filled with medicinal materials.

One elixir can add 1000 points of spiritual power. If you don’t know how long it will take to cultivate, although Xiaolu cannot make an elixir now, but with the talent of Xiaolu, Lu Chen naturally spared no effort in training. One hundred thousand gold coins don't care at all.

Later, Lu Chen added some commonly used medicines such as the Second Transition Miscellaneous Qi Pill and Qixue Pill. In fact, he didn't use much of these two medicines. It would probably last a long time to prepare a hundred or so.

They also bought some supplies.

After purchasing, everyone went to the "barracks" in Mocheng.

"The average people in the city are not much better than us, so we should ask the people in the army, they are knowledgeable." Libashan explained.

After walking not far, everyone saw a city wall in front of them, surrounded by many people.

"Huh? What's the situation? Today is not the test day, why are there so many people?" Cut his throat strangely.

As the most important part of Mocheng, the military camp occupies almost one-third of the Mocheng area, surrounded by walls, forming a "city within a city".

Such a large area was specially designated for the army in the city of Mocheng, where the land is so rich, which shows the importance of the army.

"Brother Shan, is Sanzhongtian all soldiers?" Lu Chen suddenly thought of this question.

Reba Shan nodded, "Yes, as long as you enter the Triple Heaven, the system will assign a military rank to everyone. The higher the military rank, the higher the frequency of exchange, and the better things are. In the Triple Heaven, the military rank is the identity, status and strength. Synonymous with."

"Even those who do business in the city have military ranks. They collect resources and resell them, in fact, to improve their own strength."

Sansheng added, "It's not just us, but also other races. Madman, you can basically understand that Sanhetian is a world where ten thousand races will fight."

Lu Chen nodded, "So, how do you enter the Fourth Heaven?"

Li Bashan replied, "It's still the Tower of the Sky, but... the Tower of the Sky is a must for all races. Now it is the territory of the Demon Race. Their people can break through the tower at will, and other races must pass through their blockade. Enter the Tongtian Tower."

Chasing the cloud shook his head, "More than dealing with the Demon Race, the Tongtian Pagoda is actually located in the center of the battlefield of the Ten Thousand Races. With the current strength of the Human Race, unless all powerful forces work together to escort, it will not reach the Demon Race territory and will be encircled and suppressed. ."

Shuang Wu also sighed slightly, "Wuming, haven't you asked me about the five powers, no matter how they fight, there is an agreement between them that the five powers will definitely abide by."

"Agreement?" Lu Chen looked at Shuang Wu strangely.

"Yes, the five major forces will organize a contest every half month, and one of the strongest will be selected at a time. After two and a half years, they will form a five-person team and run in for another three and a half months. Then the five major forces will join forces to **** them into the sky. tower."

"Just choose five?"

"Yes, the Triple Heaven Tower is a five-person copy! In other words, only five people can pass through the level together."

The Heavenly Domain BOSS of the Triple Heaven is definitely stronger than the Lingwu Yaozun, but only five people can pass through the level. Even if you enter the Tongtian Tower, the difficulty of entering the level is far from the same as that of the first and second heaven.

"Then can we participate in the competition?"

Bingxiong nodded, "Yes, the competition is for all human players. As long as the rank reaches the "title marshal", you can participate in the competition."

Lu Chen was shocked, the title of Marshal? Rebashan has been in the Triple Heaven for more than a year, and now he is the captain of the militia squad. By the time the marshal is going to be the year of the monkey, it will be the year of the monkey.

Lu Chen probably had a concept in his mind.

The Tongtian Pagoda of the Triple Heaven is located in the "Battlefield of Ten Thousand Races" where the fighting is the most intense.

Every race does not want people from other races to enter the higher heavens. They will find ways to prevent other races from entering the tower. To break through the tower, they must break through heavy barriers.

The human race is declining, and it is extremely difficult to get close to the Tongtian Pagoda. Unless a few major forces work together to help, it will be as difficult as climbing!

The prerequisite for several major forces to join forces to **** is to win the first place in the tournament.

To participate in the martial arts competition, people of foreign races must also reach the rank of "Title Marshal". The promotion of military rank requires two conditions. The military merit value reaches a certain amount and passes the corresponding military rank test.

"It looks a bit troublesome..." Lu Chen shook his head, "Forget it, let's save Mu Xuan first."

As they spoke, everyone had already arrived in front of the barracks wall.

There was a long line in front of the city gate, Li Bashan asked, and it really came to participate in the promotion test.

"Huh? There are notices there, go and see!" Brother Monkey's eyes were pointed and he found a notice on the wall, and everyone gathered around.

[Recently, the activities of the monster clan are rampant, and they have frequently launched sneak attacks on the villages outside our country. In response to the alien movement, the Mocheng garrison has initiated the following emergency measures. 】

【1, the weekly military rank test was changed to once every two days. 】

【2, the regular army quartermaster exchange cooldown is reduced by 50%. 】

【3, regular soldiers exchange military merit items, the Mocheng Army will subsidize 20% of military merit. 】

[4. The team that lost its stronghold can be temporarily incorporated into the "militia" and temporarily stationed in a temporary camp outside the city of Mocheng, but it does not enjoy the treatment of the regular army. 】

"Really, the benefits of this measure are for the regular army." Beard was quite dissatisfied. "The inclusion of us is only to let us live outside the city. If the monster clan comes over, it will be cannon fodder!"

"All the benefits are given to the regular army, and we have changed the way to let us be cannon fodder, which is disgusting!"

Li Bashan shook his head, "Why don't so many people come all the way to test? If you want to develop in the third heaven, first you must become a regular army."

Not long after, Rebashan found a soldier defending the city.

"Laoshan!" The man greeted Libashan enthusiastically.

"Fifth!" Li Bashan also smiled.

"That's a former teammate of Brother Shan." Cut his throat and introduced to Lu Chen later, "Brother Shan took too much care of us. Many of his teammates were in the regular army. He is still a small team leader."

Lu Chen smiled slightly, judging from the way that Li Bashan was assigned, it really made sense for him to increase his level slowly.

After Libashan chatted with "Five Sacred Mountains and Clouds" for a few words, he inquired about the Tianpu Tower.

"Tianpu Tower? Laoshan, what are you asking for?" Wuyue's tone became a little dignified, his brows furrowed, and he looked at Liba Mountain in surprise, "That place is not something ordinary people can go to."

Li Bashan didn't go into details, and asked, "I just ask, fifth, is there anything special about that place?"

"Of course it's special!" Wuyue said, "Tianpu Pagoda is a forbidden place! The people held in it are not simple characters, even four heavens!"

"What! From the Four Heavens?"

"Yes, the Heavenly Punishment Tower has nine floors, and each layer is guarded by a super-powered boss. From the moment you enter the Heavenly Punishment Tower, you will have to endure the powerful Heavenly Punishment, whether it is the person imprisoned there or someone who trespasses into the Heavenly Punishment Tower. people!"

"In that case, even if the army goes in, the whole army will be wiped out!"

"Hiss~what level of punishment?" Li Bashan asked.

"I heard that there was once a Marshal-level powerhouse who could not tolerate his lover being tortured by Heavenly Punishment. He went into the Heavenly Punishment Tower to save her. The Marshal's HP was about 10 million, but... he didn't last 30 seconds!

"What! A marshal-level strong can't last for 30 seconds?"

"Yes, that's the first level! The higher the level of the Heaven Punishment Tower, the stronger the Heaven Punishment intensity!"

Aside, Lu Chen was silent.

The place where the wooden entrance is held is the ninth floor of the Tianpu Tower...

But now he is not concerned about this issue.

As long as you are in the Sky Punishment Tower, you will always suffer from Heaven Punishment? !

So, Mu Xuan has been tortured for months? !

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