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This knife slashed directly on Lu Chen's waist!

-840,000 (double crit), -500,000 (fire damage)!

debuff: Ignite, sustain 500,000 fire damage per second.

bingo! One-third of Lu Chen's blood volume was lost in seconds! Follow-up will have to suffer huge amounts of ignition damage!

"Hahaha, I finally won!" Vulcan laughed wildly, "Although you lose under the punishment of the world, it makes me a little unhappy, but as long as you die, no one cares about it!"

The strong always don't care how to win, only the result!

With a hit, Vulcan did not take it lightly, rotating the saber, and directly provoked the saber upward.

"Abandon your arm first! Flames cut the saber!"

Slashing the Sabre instantly launched several attacks on Lu Chen's right arm, and gave a heavy blow to Lu Chen's right arm!

Lu Chen, whose body had already been severely damaged, suffered such severe damage to his right arm, and the damage to his right arm directly reached 100%!

His right arm was removed...

[You have lost your right arm and the combo effect is invalid. 】

At the same time, in terms of blood volume, Lu Chen's blood volume had bottomed out, and with the ignition effect, his life was about to be explained.

"Lunatic!" Seeing that the lunatic was hit hard, Libashan rushed forward desperately with his teammates.

At this moment, Lu Chen suddenly yelled, "Don't come over!"

He drew a stick from behind with his left hand!

Immortal artifact-Jizo staff!

"Buddha crossing the common people!" Lu Chen roared hoarsely, "Triple Door!"

The Buddha crossed the common people, forcibly canceling all continuous damage, and tried to protect Lu Chen from being ignited and killed.

At the same time, the exclusive weapon has a special effect. All attacks can be turned into "Buddha Seal" attacks. The attack is cancelled and the chance of triggering passive effects is halved.

The triple gate can transmit Lu Chen's Buddha seal attack. The Buddha seal attack, which has no trajectory, is even more difficult to dodge under the triple gate.

But considering that Vulcan's reaction is extremely fast, it may not be unavoidable. To be on the safe side, Lu Chen must use three gates to teleport this attack three times, using the unpredictable position to change the hit Vulcan.

The three gates of the triple gate can provide three chances to change skills, but at this time, Lu Chen's combo failed and his attack speed was greatly reduced. At this moment, he only took two palms!

Even Vulcan didn't expect that at this time, that guy hadn't given up yet.

This trick is really mysterious, and it is even harder to dodge under the care of Vulcan, and a Buddha seal is directly on his back.

-17 million, -440,000 (double crit).

Vulcan's blood volume actually has 27 million, although it is not as good as the BOSS, but it is also much higher than the average player.

Coupled with his terrifying strength, his 27 million blood is more terrifying than Lingwu Yaozun.

In front of the 27 million, 610,000 just lost a trace.

Lu Chen stared at Vulcan nervously. This attack was nothing, but the key was passive!

With the number of attacks greatly reduced and the passive trigger rate halved, can these two attacks produce stuns?

Originally, the chance of a critical strike was 100% overflow, but now only one attack has doubled the critical strike. I don’t know if it can be stunned!

There is an extra debuff on Vulcan, but it's not dizziness...not even silence!

Lu Chen's heart was tight, and as expected, there was no crit. This kind of gambling on luck, he has always been lucky.

Taking a closer look, Lu Chen saw hope again.

Spirit pill emptiness: pure aura is exhausted.

Lu Chen was stunned for a moment. The Vulcan was not blue?

In other words, Vulcan's special effects on the scene are very cool, and his body is full of fire. This skill should be pure aura.

And that guy has been using exercises constantly, turning into flames to avoid attacks...

Lu Chen's spiritual power is definitely high among players. He has taken a lot of elixir and has more than 40,000 spiritual power.

But even for him, in such a high-intensity battle, although the pure aura is not completely gone, there is not much left.

The Buddha Seal does halve the chance of passive triggering, but there are some passives that are actually unaffected, such as the pure aura burning of gluttony.

Pure aura burning is a special effect attached to the attack, and then a certain percentage of the opponent's pure aura, this is a passive effect, but the triggering rate is inevitable!

The passive nature of pure aura burning is not the same as that of crit and stun, which are triggered by chance. Therefore, the Buddha Seal does not reduce its chance of triggering, and it still burns with pure aura per attack.

And these last two attacks also triggered a considerable burning effect of pure aura, exhausting the original aura, which was already insufficient!

Without pure aura, it is equivalent to half silence! Silence all the active techniques of the clone!

Vulcan was a bit embarrassed. Not only was he hit by Lu Chen's dying attack, but what was even more unexpected was that the guy's attack had a burning blue effect!

The flame effect on his body suddenly disappeared...the pure aura was insufficient to provide a continuous burning flame effect.

"This, what's going on!"

Lu Chen's voice came from beside him, "If you have unlimited skills, you will die without blue!"

Vulcan still wanted to take medicine to restore spiritual energy, but how could Lu Chen give him time.

"Devil clone! Devil's Will·Refresh! Devil clone! Cancel the Buddha seal attack!"

Lu Chen gritted his teeth and activated his clone. His clone became another clone, and more than thirty clones quickly rushed towards Vulcan.

If you can't use active skills, you can't dodge anymore. Facing more than thirty Lu Chen, even if they all break one arm, even if they don't have combo special effects, Vulcan can't dodge.

-140,000, -17 million, -420,000 (double crit)...A string of small injuries floated out quickly, densely packed, and could not be seen clearly.

At the same time, the debuff on Huo Man's body refreshed crazily.

Dizziness, silence, slowing down, burning blue... The pure aura that had just been eaten by the three-turn mixed energy pill returned, instantly bottomed out!

The damage of Lu Chen's clone was much lower than before, and the passive triggering rate was also reduced by half, but fortunately, the number of clones was large and the attack speed was not low. Under a group of clones, Vulcan had no chance to wake up.

"No, impossible! I'm not reconciled!"

Lu Chen is now fighting every second, and he doesn't even have time to answer the Vulcan, he himself will not be able to hold it anymore!

-440,000 (double crit)!

After a while, Lu Chen made a crit with a sword, and Huo Nan finally fell.

A golden light swept across the entire eighth floor of the Heaven Punishment Tower, and the Heaven Punishment disappeared.

Lu Chen's injuries had reached 74%. When Vulcan fell, his legs weakened at the same time, and he also fell.

The avatar dissipated, and in the field, the two previously infinitely confronted each other, both to the end...

The two were not far apart, in a daze, Lu Chen seemed to hear the Vulcan speaking.

"Boy, you won... I was almost able to get the treasure, but... In the end, I still didn't get it..."

"If there is a chance, we will play another fair game outside..."

Lu Chen could not hear clearly and was confused.

Have you won? well!

There is the last layer!

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