Evolve and Upgrade from Wild Monsters

Chapter 466: Goodbye Mu Xuan

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There are more than 1,000 regeneration pills in Luyiyi's backpack! Just look at Lu Chen stupid.

"Boss, eat quickly, my alchemy backpack is full! There will be a pot of pills coming out soon, there is no place to put it."

Lu Chen slowly raised his head, shocked.

Therefore, Lu Yiyi didn't run out because she was seriously injured and was anxious to help him heal her injuries, she just ran out because her backpack was full...

"Boss, don't worry about your arms. When I reach the level of alchemy, I can help you refine the limb regeneration pills."

I have to say that Lu Yiyi is really much better than ordinary heavenly equipment, and Lu Chen feels more and more that the task was too worthwhile.

Let Lu Yiyi clear the backpack first.

Lu Chen took out a handful of regeneration pills and put them in his mouth.

Regenerating Dan has a crisp and tender taste, slightly bitter taste, and gradually sweetens after melting in the mouth, refreshing after consumption...

Li Bashan and the others had just watched Lu Chen go upstairs, which was quite tragic, but suddenly the guy stopped there, said something to Lu Yiyi, and then lowered his head and didn't know what he was doing.

"Huh? What's the matter with the madman? Has the injury exploded?"

"Are you asking Xiaolu to heal him? Go and see!"

A group of people hulled and rushed behind Lu Chen. When Lu Chen turned around, his eyes were full of hope for help.

He seemed to have a lot of things stuffed in his mouth, and he kept talking, "What...hiccup...no, I really can't eat..."

"Ah? What are you eating lunatic? Why are you so full of mouths?"

"**Dan...er, that...regenerating pill!" Lu Chen put another handful of regeneration pill in his mouth, "You guys, don't stay idle, help me eat..."

"Oh!" The eyeballs of a group of people almost didn't stare out. This guy had a lot of regenerating pills in his hand, one of them stuffed one, and he was still racing in his mouth.

"It's really a regeneration pill... Wait, isn't it no more military merit?"

For Li Bashan and the others, regeneration pills are very scarce resources, and they were reluctant to eat them at first.

However, the madman grabbed a handful and stuffed it in his mouth...

"Brother, do you use regeneration pills like this? Where did you change so many regeneration pills?"

Lu Chen finally swallowed a few regeneration pills, "These were not made by me, they were made by Xiaolv."

"Ah!" Everyone looked at Xiaolu in shock.

Lu Yiyi smiled slightly, "I'm fine. The boss bought me so many materials last time, so I practiced alchemy every day, but I couldn't fit it in my backpack."

"Oh... the backpack can't fit..." Bingxiong was stunned. "Sister, how many have you refined?"

"1200 pieces, there will be a pot of pill soon, I can't put it down."

Bingxiong felt that he shouldn't ask the question just now.

They have a few regeneration pills, which are all placed in the safest position of the backpack, and they are not willing to use them until the critical moment. As a result, Lu Yiyi has refined more than a thousand in a few days. This is the gap!

What's even more annoying is that if the backpack can't be put down, you won't force the lunatic to eat wildly.

The lunatic is indeed seriously injured, but is it sure that he won’t die if he eats this way!

"Eating rebirth pill can be eaten... Crazy brother, let's not say anything else, if this matter is spread out, your name will be carved on the stone tablet, and you will be beaten dozens of times every day..." Shaking his head, this is probably the most violent strange thing he has ever seen. If everyone is more familiar, he can't help but do it.

"Little Green, what's the chance of you becoming a pill?" Unfeeling suddenly asked.

"The regeneration pill is relatively low-level, and my chance of becoming a pill is 83%."

"83?! No way, people say that the chance of regenerating pill into pill is about 30% at most!"

Lu Yiyi smiled slightly. The chance of becoming a pill was related to her talent for refining medicine. Of course, it was also related to the medicine cauldron. It happened that both of them were much better than others.

"Unfeeling, now is not the time to talk about this, lunatic, how is your injury now?"

"Now 25% is damaged."

He nodded desperately, "It can only recover to that much, lunatic, your right arm is permanently damaged, and no amount of regeneration pills will help."

Lu Chen nodded, and indeed he took another regenerating pill, which did not reduce the trauma rate much.

Since it can't go down, don't eat it.

Lu Chen handed the remaining regeneration pills to Libashan, "Brother Shan, you can share these pills with everyone, I won't be using them temporarily."


Lu Chen smiled slightly, "My current state is already the strongest state I can currently achieve."

Li Bashan nodded, and his right arm was gone. This is a permanent wound and cannot be recovered by taking regeneration pills.

"Little Green, come back." Lu Chen put away Lu Yiyi, turned his head, and stepped onto the ninth floor of the Heavenly Punishment Tower!


As soon as he entered the ninth floor of the Heavenly Punishment Tower, Lu Chen was surprised to find that he had not received any effects of the Heavenly Punishment.

"Huh?" Lu Chen frowned, not daring to be careless, and carefully walked deeper.

This layer was very dark, only there was a fire in front, and Lu Chen moved in the direction of the fire.

In other words, when the Heaven Punishment Tower disperses, you can see the surrounding cells and the cry for help coming from inside, but there are only walls around the ninth floor, and the surroundings are quiet and terrifying.

Lu Chen disappeared himself, using his clone to explore the way forward.

As he got closer and closer to the fire, Lu Chen found that the fire was coming from a house on the side, no wonder the fire was very dim.

"Ruyi clone! Min, give me invisibility!"

At this moment, a voice suddenly came from the room.

"Don't do it, kid, come in."

Almost a year later, when Lu Chen heard this sound, his heartbeat still accelerated.

This voice... is from Old Man Mu Xuan!

Lu Chen walked directly to the corner.

This was a room without a door. In the room, there was a person sitting, with his back facing Lu Chen, and leisurely poured himself a cup of tea.

"After eating so many regeneration pills, are you thirsty? 50 spiritual power, can you still see it now?"

Lu Chen frowned, "Mu Xuan!"


Lu Chen sat opposite Mu Xuan, Mu Xuan pushed a cup of tea in front of him, smiled and looked at Lu Chen with a surprised face, "Do you have a lot of questions?"

Lu Chen, who has always been "greedy for a cup", didn't even drink 50 points of spiritual power this time, and nodded.

Mu Xuan smiled slightly, and took a sip from his teacup. The words "+10 spiritual power" floated on his head.

"I heard that you had a fight with the mountain man once, how did it feel?"

Lu Chen recalled a little, and said, "He is very strong."

"Did you gain anything from that battle?"

Lu Chen nodded, "Let me know, there is still such a scary existence."

Mu Xuan seemed to be satisfied with Lu Chen's answer. He smiled and nodded, but then put away his smile, "What I want to tell you is that the people in the mountains are just scattered immortals. Would you be surprised?"

Lu Chen shook his head, "No, you told me you are a fairy, and I still have a gap with you."

"Yes, you are not my opponent yet, so you can't make it through the punishment tower this day."

Lu Chen frowned suddenly, "Are you the guardian of the ninth floor?"

Mu Xuan nodded and said, "Yes, the punishment of Tianpu is to guard the Tower of Tianpu."

Lu Chen suddenly widened his eyes, "Then, if I want to save you, I want to defeat you?"

Mu Xuan smiled, "It's almost what I mean..."

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