Evolve and Upgrade from Wild Monsters

Chapter 469: Squatting the army

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The new Wishful Long Stick has even changed its name, and God punishes the Nine Dragon Pillar!

Lu Chen's critical strike had already overflowed, adding 25% of the critical strike chance was useless, but the added critical strike damage was definitely what Lu Chen needed.

The Nine Dragons World Destruction Group Attack skill should be much stronger than the Giant Que Sweep and Lava Fire. In the Triple Heaven or even higher heaven, Lu Chen does lack such a powerful group attack skill.

Lipi Huashan is regarded as an upgraded version of the Divide Divide. In the future, my mother will no longer have to worry that Lu Chen's control skills will not be able to beat people...

At the same time, the basic attack ignores dodge. Although Lu Chen hasn't encountered the basic attack dodge technique yet, it is estimated that he will encounter it in the future. This skill is definitely useful in the future.

And the last special effect of Tianpu Nine Dragon Pillar is definitely its essence.

10% chance to repeat the last attack, including basic attacks or exercises! In other words, there is a certain chance that Lu Chen will have a "Gong Crit"! This is a bit scary.

"It's a bit strong." Lu Chen carefully put away the Nine Dragon Pillars, it seemed that he had another fairy-level weapon in hand!

With Hunyuan's mental method in hand, and at the same time accidentally advanced the Ruyi Long Stick, Lu Chen could finally leave the Tianpu Tower.

Back on the ninth floor, Liba Mountain and the others surrounded them, and first saw the golden long stick in Lu Chen's hand.

"This is... a fairy-level weapon?"

Lu Chen smiled slightly, "Yes." Then he pushed the attribute panel of Tianpu Nine Dragon Pillar to everyone.

"Damn, this, this attribute is too strong, add 30,000 attacks in one breath, 23,000 strength, 25,000 physique! It's a fairy weapon, it's too bad."

"These four special effects...I rely on, they actually directly suppress all the displacement techniques below the middle level of the sky level, do you want to be so overbearing!"

"The last mirror possession, does this mean that there is a chance of creating a successful crit? There is a 10% chance that there will be a mirror possession state after 10 attacks. This is a bit too much!"

Everyone was watching Lu Chen's new weapon. Lu Chen suddenly said, "Someone was talking outside just now, did you hear it?"

Closer to home, everyone is serious.

"I heard it. The falling thunder outside seemed to explode a lot of people."

Lu Chen narrowed his eyes slightly, "Are they here to grab the treasure?"

Pulling Shan's brows furrowed, "It's possible that I transmitted the voice to the fifth person. He said that someone in the Tianpu Tower had stayed for more than two days. Now it has attracted the attention of all major races. Many troops are waiting here There are thousands of people out there!"

"The old fifth's original words are that this time the tower is like a human being, and he has already alerted the titled Marshal to come over. If that guy is valuable, the titled Marshal will take action. If that guy gets the Heavenly Punishment Tower Supreme Treasure, humans must keep the treasure. !"

Lu Chen frowned immediately.

Therefore, the title of the human marshal is not because he is a human being to help, the first thing he must protect is the treasure!

"Crazy man, what should I do now?" After passing the Heavenly Punishment Tower, Lu Chen has become the backbone of the team, there is no doubt about that.

Lu Chen snorted coldly, "Want to grab Lao Tzu's baby? It's beautiful!"

After that, Lu Chen looked at everyone, "The Tianpu Tower in front should have a new guardian in place. We can't go back the same way, we must go out through the exit."

"You can't stay here for a long time. If the new guardian of the 9th floor comes, I am no opponent now."

"The exit is on the nine steps."

"My current state is not good, and I am not sure of winning. You will follow me for a while, maybe there is only one chance to break through!"

Li Bashan and others nodded.

Standing in front of the ninth-floor portal, Lu Chen took a deep breath and looked back at his companion.

"Are you ready?"

Li said the superior nodded.



Outside the Sky Punishment Tower, the major races have been camping here for some time. The waiting for such a long time would have inevitably caused everyone to relax their minds, but the previous lightning and thunder suddenly made everyone cheer up.

"What does the thunder and lightning just mean?"

"Those people got the treasure?"

"That guy might be out soon."

The major races have been waiting in full battle, staring at the entrance and exit of the tower.

Of course, the major races still need to guard against each other, so in general, the lineups of the major races are arranged in a square, with a certain distance from each other.

Blocks of square army formations surrounded the heavenly punishment.

"Everyone cheered me up, there must be no difference in this matter!"

"Whether it is alive or dead, we must grab it!"

"Unbelievable, he actually stayed in the Sky Punishment Tower for so long, I don't know how many floors he broke through!"

Human army formation, a major general-level powerhouse, Hengdao is standing behind a man in white.

The man looked in his thirties and looked the same as an earthly person, and he didn't know if he was from earth.

He hides his ID, wears a white dress, can't see the equipment level, and hangs a purple and gold rapier in front of him.

This sword is very interesting, with purple haze on its body. If you don’t know his identity, you will definitely think it is a purple sword... However, everyone who knows him knows that this guy doesn’t know how to use this trick to cheat. How many people were there.

If you look closely, you will find that the purple haze emitted by the purple gold sword is purer and brighter than the general purple sword.

The equipment with its own color is the symbol of the fairy, but its color is somewhat similar to the special effects of Ziwu.

Although this person hides his ID, the powerhouses of other camps recognize him.

Human title Marshal-Marshal Zidian Xiaguang "Wangchuan"!

"Marshal, if those people come out, we..." Hengdao asked cautiously, "Look, other races are also staring at the exit. Although you are unparalleled, it is still extremely difficult to grab someone."

Wei Jiang "Yu Fei" said, "Marshal, we must save them. They have the strength to stay in the Sky Punishment Tower for so long. Their strength is absolutely not bad. In a little time, they may be able to become the strong man among us and resist foreign enemies. !"

Wang Chuan glanced sideways at Yu Fei.

This kid looked like the kind of young man who wanted to revitalize the human race.


The opinions of the two men seem to be diametrically opposed, one is timid and the other radical.

Forgetting the noodles of Sichuan, he uttered four words calmly, "Watch the changes!"

Not far from the human army is the monster beast army. The Tiger King also stands behind a "human" man.

This man dressed in Tsing Yi, carrying a xylophone on his back, he did not have the appearance of a monster, no difference from ordinary people. The only sign is that if this guy is placed on the earth, it is definitely a small fresh meat level with top traffic. Handsome guy.

Too handsome, so handsome...it's hard to distinguish between male and female.

Yushu faces the wind, with long hair, but her eyes are charming, and there are even signs of makeup on her face.

This person can stand in front of Tiger King, his status is obviously extraordinary.

Tiger King whispered, "Beast God, that kid is coming out soon."

The corner of the beast god's mouth raised slightly, and said in a yin and yang voice, "Let me the beast **** wait so long? It's time to come out too!"

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