Evolve and Upgrade from Wild Monsters

Chapter 471: Go to the exile

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Jiuyi is also human. After Lu Chen fainted, he followed Libashan's advice and landed near a deep mountain lake.

After landing, everyone checked the surroundings and built a simple camp by the lake. They set up a fire, fetched water, and prepared food.

In the evening, Lu Chen was awakened by the smell of barbecue. He opened his eyes and saw the busy figures of everyone. He roughly recalled what happened before and also figured out the situation.

After running out of the Heavenly Punishment Tower, Libashan and the others should have found a safe place to camp.

"Crazy man, you are awake." Shuang Wu ran over, "Drink some water, and the barbecue that chased the cloud will be cooked immediately."

Lu Chen's voice was a little weak, "That guy still has barbecues? Are all barbecues in his backpack?"

The cloud chasing on the side carefully checked the barbecue situation, and said, "I have taken out my savings for many years. I really have lost a lot."

"Crazy man, you wake up, you have to rest first." The ice bear brought a pile of firewood from elsewhere and put it next to the fire. "Monkey, I will watch the night at night. Come and rest."

Everyone was busy, Lu Chen sat there and looked around.

Ten meters in front is a lake, and a clearing has been cleared around it. Behind it is a dense forest. Several people are patrolling in all directions.

Although he was in the wild, and he was seriously injured at this time, but Lu Chen felt an unprecedented sense of security...

Chaiyun’s barbecue was cooked, and everyone could feast on it again. Only Chaiyun looked at these guys eating and drinking, and was heartbroken.

Of course, no one cares about his feelings, "Chasing the cloud, let's have another piece!"

"Ice bear, you still eat! The materials are hard to find!"

"You are a cook, we love your barbecue and you should be happy!"

"I... I beg you not to like it!"

Seeing the cold chasing cloud being so stunned by the ice bear, a group of people couldn't help laughing, and Lu Chen laughed.

After drinking and eating, everyone gathered around Lu Chen to discuss the following countermeasures.

"Crazy man, you are called the so-called madman... to be honest, your name is really appropriate."

"Crazy man, when you left the Sky Punishment Tower, you deliberately showed your ID to protect us? You think too much. Since we are in the same team, we won't leave you alone."

Lu Chen did have this idea at the time. He could avoid the wanted by the Ten Thousand Clan alone, but once his teammates became targets, they would definitely die.

In fact, Lu Chen also achieved his goal. The Ten Thousand Clan only wanted him, but he did not want to force them.

"Brother Shan, staying here is not a long-term solution, do you think we are going next?"

Libashan spent the longest time in Triple Heaven and had the most experience. He thought about it and said, "There is a place, but it's a bit dangerous."

"Where, you can talk about it first."

"City of Exile!" said Li Bashan, "The players in the City of Exile are all wanted players. Because the wanted players cannot participate in the rank promotion test, so even if the military merits are enough, the people there can't improve their ranks. ."

"But in the exile, you can also participate in the promotion test to improve your military rank!"

"But... it's just to raise the rank, because the wanted must be for a reason, just like a madman, even if he gets the title of Marshal, people will still want him."

The beard shook his head, "If that's the case, what's the use of raising your rank."

Li Bashan said, "It's useful! Upgrading the rank, the quartermaster's exchange treatment is different, and if you reach the marshal level, you can participate in the martial arts competition! That is the only way to attack the four heavens!"

"Moreover, outside the place of exile is the battlefield of ten thousand races. In some areas, chances may be obtained. There are crises, but also full of opportunities. The most important thing is that the place of exile hides all the players’ information, which is difficult for others to find. we!"

Lu Chen frowned slightly, it seemed that the place of exile was the best place for him to practice.

Li Bashan thought for a while and shook his head again, "It's just that there is a bad place in the exile. In the exile, the players are forced to face masks. All the teams are dispersed and all participate in the battle as individuals. Let's If you want to go, you will be separated."

"That's useful. Now that the lunatic is in such a bad state, with injuries and injuries, and his right arm is gone, he may not even have half of his usual combat power."

"Yeah, we have a caregiver together, it makes no sense if we separate."

After thinking for a while, Lu Chen suddenly said, "Brother Shan, you don't need to accompany me, I will go to the exile by myself."

"Ah? Madman, but you are in a bad situation now!" Unfeeling hurriedly said, "Don't underestimate your current physical trauma. If you use extremely high-intensity exercises when you are seriously injured, your physical body is on the verge of collapse, which is very dangerous! "

"Yes, I also checked your physical injury. The situation is more serious than expected. I think it may be that you took too much regeneration pills at one time, and then you were seriously injured again. Repeated injuries to the same part, at least After two or three months, it will be useful to take a regenerating pill like the regenerating pill."

Lu Chen nodded. His physical condition is indeed very bad. Even if he ate the cloud-chaser barbecue, he has not used any exercises now, but his physical damage is still increasing. It should be the result of his own deterioration.

"Don't worry about me. Although I am seriously injured now, I am confident that I can protect myself in the exile." Lu Chen said, "The big deal is that I am not so desperate, or even I will not perform the task at all."

"When I recover from my injury, I don't have to worry about it."

"On the contrary, I need to grasp outside information, so I need your help."

After everyone listened, there was silence.

If Lu Chen can really be like what he said, he doesn't need to be too nervous, after all, the strength of a lunatic is obvious to all.

Knowledge of information is also very important for lunatics. The city of exile is blocked from information, and entering the city of exile is equivalent to isolating from the outside world. It is good for them to inquire about the news nearby.

On the other hand, they are also safe. The lunatic punished Tara for taking away everyone's hatred in the sky, and none of them cared.

"Crazy man, are you sure it's ok?"

Lu Chen smiled and nodded, "No problem!"

After a moment of contemplation, everyone finally agreed to Lu Chen's proposal.


After camping in the forest for three days, Lu Chen's situation improved a lot on the surface. Everyone added friends and left a private note.

In order not to attract people's attention, Lu Chen and Li Bashan and others went to the exile.

Lu Chen couldn't help but coughed up a large mouthful of blood just not long after he walked. He looked around, and fortunately, they had already gone far.

Shaking his head, Lu Chen sighed, "Damn, why is my injury getting worse!"

"Tian Punishment Tower... Although I rushed to the Tian Punishment Tower, I lost a right arm and was seriously injured. Wanted by the Ten Thousand Clan, it's really terrible."

Facts have proved that the Tianpu Tower is not so easy. It is better than Lu Chen, almost in desperation. If his teammates were not by his side several times, I am afraid he would have died several times!

This is probably the most miserable period for Lu Chen in nine days.

Taking a deep breath, Lu Chen continued to march towards the exile.

The place of exile, is that the place where Lao Tzu came back!

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