Evolve and Upgrade from Wild Monsters

Chapter 475: who's that person!

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After the feast was opened, Little Mao Tuan was no longer the silly little mouse. He grabbed the bone dragon by the neck and gnawed frantically on the bone dragon body.

The bone dragon has no flesh and blood, but for the small hair ball, this is not a problem at all, it is never picky eaters...

Crazy biting, the debuff on the bone dragon continues to accumulate, and it has reached the fourth or fifth floor for a moment. At this time, its blood loss speed can only be described as "horror"!

Hundreds of millions of blood bars, one drop of a lot...

A group of undead soldiers watched this scene in horror, with a look of fear on Lu Chen's ugly faces.

"My God, then, what kind of monster is that! What kind of attack is that! How many mouthfuls of the spirit general's pet can't hold him?"

"The bone dragon has already used Longwei, but that guy is not affected at all? Why!"

"I have never seen such a painful wailing of bone dragon..."

The undead leader was even more eager to split his eyes, "Lao Tzu's bone dragon! What kind of monster is that thing!"

In the distance, the human forces that received the signal flare are rushing towards this side. Although the night is getting dark, the air around the bone dragon has the effect of ice fog, and people can still vaguely see the bone dragon.

The flight path of the bone dragon was very strange, flying up and down, seemingly out of control.

"Is that... the top battle favorite bone dragon unique to the undead race?"

"It seems to be of the ice attribute. It is said that that thing is super powerful...Huh? Strange, why does that guy seem to be out of control, what's the situation?!"

After struggling for a while, the Ice Bone Dragon fell straight from mid-air towards the ground, lying on the ground without moving.

Xiao Mao Tuan wiped the corners of his mouth with two paws, and was about to continue enjoying the food, but looking back at Xiao Yuan, Xiao Yuan's situation was not so good.

"Don't attack it with ordinary spirits, it will absorb spirit attacks! Attack with elements!"

"What the **** are these two old books?"

"Don't talk nonsense, kill one first!"

Those who came to the third heaven were all masters, even if they were worse, they could master one or two elemental techniques after so long.

All of a sudden, various elemental attacks flew from all directions.

Xiao Yuan's own evasion ability was poor, and Lu Chen had to use "Psychic Technique" to control Xiao Yuan.

Xiao Mao Tuan was seeing Xiao Yuan being set on fire by the crowd. It turned around and glanced at the dying bone dragon, a trace of reluctance flashed in its eyes, but soon dropped the bone dragon and rushed towards the crowd.

Unexpectedly, this greedy ghost would actually put down the food for Xiaoyuan and provide timely support.

Although the small hairball is not immune, its defense is super high. At this time, it is more resistant to fighting than when it met Lu Chen. In addition, it has a terrifying blood recovery effect on its body. fast.

[Blood Link! 】

Little Mao Tuan didn't know where the new skill came from. A light wave linked it to Xiao Yuan, and the blood-recovery effect on Little Mao Tuan was transferred to Xiao Yuan!

With Xiao Mao Tuan participating in the war, Xiao Yuan's pressure dropped sharply, and with the help of Healing Wave, Xiao Yuan suddenly became alive again.

"Roar!" Xiao Mao Tuan rushed towards the crowd, biting him and I don't know how many people were bitten. A large wave of blood returned to Xiao Yuan was evenly distributed through blood links.

Xiao Yuan now has no worries at all, he rushes to the crowd, slamming his skills...

Lu Chen could see this battle clearly.

"Little Mao Tuan has an extra skill?" Lu Chen was dumbfounded. "Maybe it has been upgraded or evolved."

In any case, with the skills of Xiao Mao Tuan, the safety of those two guys is more guaranteed.

"Little Mao Tuan is also a thief, avoiding a few powerful guys from the other side, and has been killing the little soldiers..." Lu Chen couldn't help sighing.

In other words, it is strange that Xiao Maotuan is not smart. That guy has been eating and drinking in the drug garden for hundreds of years, and his ability to hide from people is absolutely outstanding.

Lu Chen was still paying attention to the battlefield to prevent the opponent's master from encircling the two guys. Suddenly, Lu Chen, who was invisible, seemed to find something was wrong.

【Military merit +1】

【Military merit +1】

【Military merit +1】


The top of his head is swiftly risking numbers. Because he is invisible, the piece of wood in between has been risking military merit.

"I rely on, this military merit..."

The two little guys killed a lot of militia-level undead soldiers. Although it only increased little by little, but the number was so large, Lu Chen's military achievements on top of his head would not stop.

"I'll go, can I still do such a good job?"

About two to three hundred military merits increased, Lu Chen found a vague black shadow in the distance, moving quickly toward the undead barracks.

In the Undead Army, more and more masters are dispatched.

After all, Lu Chen couldn't fight himself. For the safety of the two little guys, Lu Chen hurriedly told them to retreat!

After receiving the news, the two guys fought and retreated.

After a short while, the human army was not far apart. After receiving the news, the undead leader quickly ordered, "Damn...don't chase, the human army is coming! Immediately line up!"

The leader was still unwilling, watching the two mice running away in a hurry, gritted his teeth with anger, "Mad, if you let me know who is behind it, I will definitely make him die!"

"Hurry up, are you all deaf! Hurry!"

It is a pity that the Undead Legion has been messed up by Xiao Maotuan and Xiao Yuan, and it is still slow to gather quickly after all.

The undead army has not yet fully assembled, the human army has already been killed!

These human armies are more than the people in the city of exile, there are tens of thousands of people. At this time, these soldiers were stunned when they saw a mess of undead camps and sparse undead army.

"This, what's the situation? Someone has attacked here?"

"Could it be the death squad? It's impossible, isn't it? This is a death squad of how many people have been sent to upset the undead army?"

"At least a thousand people! Is the City of Exile so powerful now? A death squad of one thousand people?"

The people in the city of exile looked dazed.

A death squad of a thousand people? Why doesn't I know...

Someone in the undead army shouted, "Damn humans, you can't beat them head-on, so use this kind of indiscriminate means to sneak attack!"

"Say! Who is that person!"

A group of humans frowned, lost in thought.

who's that person? Isn't it a thousand death squads? Is it the one who took the lead?

You ask me, I still want to ask you...


When the fierce battle between humans and the undead was raging, Lu Chen had already ran away with Xiao Maotuan and Xiao Yuan, and he didn't want to be involved in such a melee now.

The battlefield was full of smoke behind him, and Lu Chen walked leisurely on the road to the city of return, with two little mice standing on his shoulders.

Xiao Maotuan seems to be very curious about Xiao Yuan's new look. He keeps touching Xiao Yuan, and Xiao Yuan fights him impatiently.

Anyway, Lu Chen's battle pet, likes fighting when nothing is wrong, Lu Chen has long been used to it.

The task was easy, and he earned a lot of military merit. Lu Chen was in a good mood, "Hey, you two little guys did a good job!"

"You got 273 points of military merit, and you made a fortune! With so much military merit, you should be able to buy some materials."

"By the way, I still have 10 points of military merit to complete the mission this time. The mosquitoes are small but fleshy. Go back and hand in the mission.

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