Evolve and Upgrade from Wild Monsters

Chapter 480: Don't say you are my friend

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"He's looking for this!" The old man finished speaking and handed Lu Chen the same item.

[Missed Treasure Map (7/8)]

Lu Chen frowned, "Old man, is this?"

"Literally." The old man smiled slightly and sat beside Lu Chen.

With a sigh, the old man slowly said, "I have been in the City of Exile for a long time. When I first came, I was very energetic, thinking that with my own ability, I could soon be promoted to the title of Marshal."

"Later I realized that it is too difficult to get out of here... Which one of the enemies outside is easy to deal with? The resources here are scarce, and the triple heaven is not like the previous two heavens. Although everyone says there are opportunities everywhere, but ...Human beings are too humble to go to a wider place."

"Day after day, year after year, I have accepted the reality... Behind the title Marshal, who has no family power to support it? The backer behind me is too small to support me to that step, hey, I will eventually I can’t protect my world..."

Lu Chen glanced at the old man. If he really stayed here for several years, it would actually show that his personal strength is very strong.

It is not an easy task to survive the unknown number of battles.

The old man suddenly changed his style, "However, I haven't gained anything in the past few years. I got this!" The old man looked at the treasure map in Lu Chen's hands.

"Sura's strength is far superior to us. He has great power behind him!" The old man looked at Lu Chen, "The reason why he came to the City of Exile was not because he was wanted, he was for this treasure map!"

Lu Chen frowned and listened to the old man to continue.

"You can see that this treasure map is only seven-eighths, but that part is not important. Look at the picture below, and you can determine the position with these pictures in my hand."

The old man had to take advantage of the BUG's ability, and Lu Chen had to take it...or, the old man had better luck, and the treasure map fragments he obtained could just piece together the location of the treasure.

Lu Chen raised his head, "So, the remaining one-eighth is in Shura's hands?"

The old man nodded, "Yes, it's in his hands! I saw him when he came to the City of Exile!"

Lu Chen narrowed his eyes slightly, "The reason why you feel hopeless is not really because you can't leave the city of exile, but because you are afraid of Shura?"

The old man took a deep breath, and finally nodded, "I have been through it for so long, but the military merit is almost the same, but I can't pass the test. Shura's strength is unfathomable, and I can't deal with it. He has now locked his goal in the last few days. Personally, I can't escape after all."

Lu Chen asked strangely, "Since you have treasures, why not find them yourself?"

The old man smiled, "Go out to find it by yourself? Young man, have you forgotten where is outside? It is the battlefield of ten thousand races outside. If we are alone, there is only one dead end."

"Young man, I have read countless people, I can see that you are a sweetheart."

"Did you just want to get those mission officers?"

Lu Chen looked at the old man in surprise, "You can see it all?"

The old man smiled slightly, "It's normal. I wanted to kill those three people a long time ago. It's disgusting. But, boy, don't be arrogant. Now that you have come to the City of Exile, it means you have no way to go. If you offend the City of Exile, you will really be desperate."

"Shura will find me soon, and I won’t be able to live for a few days. I wanted to find a dead man to die outside, but Shura has bought out the mission officers, and he can’t take any of the targets he locked. To the task!"

"I'll give you this picture. I still have more than 40,000 military merits here. I think your physical body is seriously damaged. Change some high-level pill... But remember, don't attract attention, otherwise Shura may find it. you."

"The treasure map is a misfortune, not a blessing, so I dare not ask you anything, but if, I mean, if you have a chance to leave here, you will be able to help people who meet my planet in the future, I...I Ashamed of them..."

"Boy, let me transfer the deadman task, I'm tired, you still have a chance, don't rush to ruin the nine-day road."

Lu Chen looked at the treasure map in his hand.

The treasure map will not be fake, after all, the system has been authenticated.

"Old man, I have collected the treasure map. As for the military merit, keep it for yourself, the mission... I'm afraid I can't give it to you, I want to earn military merit."

"Use the deadman mission to earn military merit? Boy, don't tease me... My military merit is useless if I keep it. Shura will not show mercy to my men."

Lu Chen smiled and said, "If he finds you, tell him, the picture is in my hands!"

"What? You, are you going to give the picture directly to Shura?!"

Lu Chen shook his head, "Give it to him? How could it be possible? I just think that although seven-eighths can be seen, but it looks uncomfortable after all... This treasure map cannot be divided into a worthless corner, the one in his hand One copy, maybe other important information."

"However, old man, if you can, wait a few more days. I am really not in good health now. I am afraid I will have to adjust my interest rate for a long time. It is a bit boring here."

The old man's eyes widened, and he didn't know whether to believe what Lu Chen said.

At this moment, someone was passing by, and the old man stood up vigilantly. The person was just passing by, but the old man appeared very nervous, like a frightened bird.

Lu Chen pressed the old man's arm with his left hand to calm him down, "Old man, don't worry, I will find something for Shura to do, at least let him not have time to find you in half a month."


Lu Chen got up and said, "Old man, thank you for the picture. I won't let you die. People in your hometown may want you to guard it yourself." After all, Lu Chen pushed a friend to apply.

The old man hesitated, "Adding friends...this, I'm afraid it will attract Shura's attention."

Lu Chen smiled slightly, "It doesn't matter, there are too many people paying attention to me, so I don't care about a few more."

The old man thought for a while and chose to agree to add friends.

Since there was no setting, Lu Chen saw the old man's ID-Xiaoweng.

"Boy, you hide your ID?"

Lu Chen thought about it. People were willing to give him a treasure map, and he didn't hide his ID when adding friends. It seemed a bit unreasonable to not show anything.

He directly showed the four golden IDs that were wanted by the Three Heavens.

"Only I am crazy"!

"Gold, golden ID?"

Lu Chen put away the ID, "It's just a special effect, it's meaningless."

The old man almost vomited blood.

Although it's just a special effect, people all over the world have white IDs. Just a golden ID, the nature is completely different.

This person is absolutely extraordinary! Maybe I'm really running from time to time and find the right person!

"Young man, can I ask one more question? Who on earth are you wanted?"

I couldn’t see Lu Chen’s expression clearly under the mask. I only heard his helpless voice, "Hey, this...it’s really tragic. I can only tell you, don’t say you are my friend when you go out, or you will I was beaten badly..."

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