Evolve and Upgrade from Wild Monsters

Chapter 486: Blood capital

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Xiao Weng has more than 40,000 military merits. Even if Lu Chen is allowed to spend an hour on the battlefield every day, it will take a month to earn it.

There is no doubt that for the average person, this is definitely a huge sum of money.

Although Lu Yiyi knew that with Lu Chen's character, he might not want the military merits of Xiaoweng, but now Lu Chen is in a coma and is dying of life, and can't take care of that much.

"Then, the old man, please see if you can change to Qizhixi Fengdan... First take care of the boss's situation." Lu Yiyi doesn't know the old man's military rank or what level of pill he can change to. Let him find it first.

"Let me see, Qizhi Breathing Phoenix Pill, search it! Hmm? I found it, Qizhi Breathing Feng Pill 2000 military merit..." It's a bit expensive.

"Trouble the old man to change three."

"Okay...no! Girl, I think there are still Eight Branches of Breathing Phoenix Pill here."

"That's too expensive."

"Gui is really expensive. I don't want to use it for 5,000 military medals in my life...Hey, I changed three." Wei Weng complained, but he didn't delay for a moment and directly changed three.

"I originally wanted to give this kid the best pill. I just saw that there are nine phoenix pill for restoring, and it turned out to be 12,000 military merits... Forget it, little brother, let's use the ordinary medicine for the poor."

"Old man, it's okay. I can process it a bit. Although it's not as good as the nine phoenix pill, it's better than the average eight."

"Oh, that's great!"

Seeing that Lu Yiyi was busy, Xiao Weng couldn't help asking again, "Girl, are you... a ghost pet? It would be nice to have you by your side, did you appear in the second heaven?"

Lu Yiyi smiled slightly, "Old man, this...I am inconvenient to say more, I can only say that there is only one me in nine days..."

The old man nodded regretfully, "I also said that I know where to go, so I can tell the young people in my hometown to fight, too, girls are really different."

"By the way, with the speed at which this kid earns military merit, the injury on his body should have been healed with the regeneration pill long ago. He hasn't recovered, it should be resistance to the regeneration pill."

Lu Yiyi nodded, "It's true, I refined a solid pill for him before, but it just stabilized..."

"Then I will change some high-level pills, tell me which ones will not be resistant... Oh, yes, I also need to change the limb regeneration pills, and heal this kid all at once."

Lu Yiyi glanced at Xiao Weng and hurriedly got up and bowed to Xiao Weng, "Thank you, old man!"

Xiao Weng helped Lu Yiyi, "Thank you, he saved my life, and all these 40,000 military exploits are not too much for him!"

"Oh, good luck for this kid to have your help."


Later, when Lu Chenyouyou woke up, he realized that he was in very good condition as soon as he opened his eyes.

"Huh? What's the situation? Didn't I get seriously injured, I almost died..." Lu Chen was a little dazed, scratching his head habitually.

When he put down his right hand, he suddenly thought of something, staring at his right arm with wide eyes.

"I'll go, Lao Tzu's right hand! I'm not dreaming!" Lu Chen has not had a right arm for this period of time, and Lu Chen is still very uncomfortable. After all, he still has a right arm in reality.

Now the right arm is back, which is absolutely great news for him.

"Boss, are you awake?" Lu Yi followed the cave and returned with some herbs. "There are some herbs outside. I will collect some. Later, I can help Xiao Weng refine some detoxification pills."

"Boss, are you better? Min Weng has lost his blood and helped you change a lot of pills. Your injury should be better, right."

"Boy, you're finally awake." Min Weng followed behind Lu Yiyi and limped in, presumably because he was afraid that Lu Yiyi would go out alone and encounter danger.

"The pill that I changed is not worth mentioning, but it is girl Yiyi, who can actually improve the quality of the pill, boy, you are lucky."

Lu Chen blinked, and finally remembered what happened before.

It seemed that when he was in a coma, these two people took care of him. Jin Weng also changed a lot of pills, including the Pill for Limb Regeneration, so he felt so good.

"I feel better... Old man, why are you poisoned? Why don't I remember you were poisoned."

"The guy's dagger is poisonous, it's physical poison."

"Body poison? What is that?"

"Yes!" Xiao Weng came to Lu Chen and sat down, "You won't tell me, you don't even know this."

"Is it weird? I have been here for less than a month..."

"Isn't it, one month? You've been so good in one month? Then you are going to shake the sky in the second heaven?"

Lu Chen smiled slightly, "I can barely make do with it."

"Really? Tell me then."

"A good guy doesn't mention the bravery back then, what's there to say." Lu Chen smiled and shook his head. "Old man, let me tell you, it's the Third Heaven, I really got home!"

Lu Chen was too depressed. He was such a super strong man who was forced to flee to the City of Exile in the third heaven and was framed by villains.

"You don't believe it. The first day I came, the monsters invaded and destroyed the village of our team. Then the humans spies out and were sold out..."

"Later, what day I went...Anyway, I went to a place and was chopped off a hand. From then on, I was not full."

"Later, I was wanted by a group of people and went to the city of exile. I originally planned to stay here to recuperate and take a vacation. Good guy, I met a villain. When I was performing the mission of the dead man, the three mission officers had already talked to the demon clan. It's time to kill me... Nima, this month is simply a nightmare!"

Lu Chen was really aggrieved. Although he obtained the Heavenly Punishment Pagoda's "Hunyuan Heart Method", he advanced the Ruyi Long Stick to the Heavenly Punishment Nine Dragon Pillar, and obtained a treasure map, but the process was too awkward. what.

After finally catching someone, Lu Chen couldn't help but feel bitter.

Since Lu Chenyin went to the Tianpu Tower, the most important factor, and because he was wanted by the Third Heaven, his experience didn't sound too scary.

"Stupid boy, the first two heavens were all jokes. Only in the third heaven can you see human beings...no, it's the nature of all races."

"You have been overcast twice along the way, which also shows this."

Lu Chen shook his head, "Well, I have already felt it, Triple Heaven. Actually, I haven't seen the real monsters. On the contrary, all of them are similar to the monsters."

"For these nine days, every level up, the more real level..."

Xiao Weng patted Lu Chen on the shoulder, "Okay, don't say these frustrating words, how does the new arm feel? You have to get used to it for two or three days."

"Boss, there are eight high-level medicines such as Xifeng Pill and Da Huan Xue Pill. Because of the strong effect, I dare not use it for you. I am afraid that you will have drug resistance again. You will not be able to fully recover in about three days. ."

Lu Chen nodded, "Three days is three days, I will wait three days! Ma Dan, this time I finally have a chance to heal, and I can't have any more waves."

Weng looked at Lu Chen strangely, "No, boy, how can I listen to you, what do you want to do in three days?"

"What are you doing?" Lu Chen sneered, "Of course I'm going back to collect the accounts!"

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