Evolve and Upgrade from Wild Monsters

Chapter 491: I'm taunting

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"I'm the only one crazy, I want to see how crazy you can be!" The five marshals stared at Lu Chen.

"Look at our Dongfang family, I will let you taste the methods of Dongfang family!"

Marshal Bodhi stepped on the ground with his back foot, and a virtual golden Buddha appeared on his body.

"Buddha light golden body!"

Lu Chen noticed that he had added blood, defense, and resistance to his body. Then, the monk's back foot used force, and the whole person shot out like a cannonball.

Marshal Hu Xiao launched "White Tiger Possession", transformed into a tiger, and immediately followed the monk toward Lu Chen.

The assassin was already invisible in a cloud of purple smoke, and there was no doubt that the guy was also approaching him.

At the same time, the archer took out his golden longbow, exerted force with both arms, and was pulled to the full bow instantly with a powerful attack of one person, "Shooting the soul!"

The Yujian sword on the side flipped, and five flying swords flew out behind him, four flashing gold, and one might be Xianwu.

"Taixu Jianjue·Return to the Ruins!" The five flying swords turned into five streamers, shooting from all directions.

The five marshals of the titles shot at the same time, and a fierce offensive came.

Lu Chen snorted coldly, "One of the gods has changed!"

With a bang, a burst of golden light burst out of Lu Chen's body, and his figure disappeared in place!

"Want to run? The Buddha said!" The monk let out a low voice, and there was a peaceful sound of chanting around...

Faced with so many skills, Lu Chen would of course want to flash, but he did not expect that the monk, the "Buddha speech", was so overbearing, he was still in a state of chasing the moon with seven stars, and he was ridiculed.

Lu Chen's consciousness was affected by the chanting of the scriptures, as if being guided by some kind of guidance, the seven stars chasing the moon forcibly changed their route and rushed towards Marshal Bodhi.

"This Nima, can't you not listen to the Buddhist scriptures!"

"Wuxiang·Fuyin Wuxiangquan!"

Under the influence of this type of exercise, the monk's attack turned into a short-to-medium-range "foyin" attack. Before Lu Chen was completely close, he already threw his fist like rain!

At the same time, other people's attacks have also been killed.

"The tiger is down!" Marshal Hu Xiao suddenly activated Lu Chen's most commonly used skills.

Lu Chen's heart turned sharply, this guy, Bai Hu possessed himself, probably with his own combo, will always retain this first level skill!

"Mist backstab!" The assassin behind him was completely hidden in the mist, and did not even show up when he launched the attack.

The flying sword and the arrow arrived in an instant, and Lu Chen was in desperation for an instant after being taunted.

Everyone on the side was horrified. The five marshals didn't talk too much nonsense, and they had suppressed the solitaire in just an instant.

"Is this the five marshals of the Dongfang family, so strong."

"Everyone's personal strength is very strong. The most frightening thing is that after joining forces, the power is multiplied and the strategy is methodical. As soon as the monk taunted, the others tacitly found the right time and attacked!"

"That's the title Marshal, who is not a man who has experienced hundreds of battles and killed countless enemies. Look at the only one who is crazy. Apart from breaking through the sky punishment tower, does he have any record of shooting?"

"Although the Tower of Heavenly Punishment is a forbidden place, no one knows what it is, whether there are secret ways of organs or not. Perhaps the only reason why I am so strong is only because of the Nine Dragon Pillars of Heavenly Punishment."

Although taunting seems to be harmless, this skill specializes in bells and whistles. Even if Lu Chen is taunted, he cannot break free in a short time.

At the moment of his death, Lu Chen snorted coldly, "Are you sure you want me to be close?"

"Blood Sacrifice Shield!" Lu Chen activated a few skills that could be activated while being ridiculed. He immediately had a 10 million HP shield on his body, and then a stick hit Marshal Bodhi instantly.

"Buddha's remarks? Lao Tzu hates people to reason with me!"

"Don't leave when you come, Xuan Jia!"

-240,000 (Fuyin Wuzong Fist), 270,000 (Fuyin Wuzong Fist), -25 million (Foyin Wuzong Fist)...

-770,000 (mist backstab), -340,000 (backstab combo), -340,000 (backstab combo).

-28 million (tiger goes down the mountain), -120,000 (shadow damage), -28 million, -120,000, -28 million, -120,000, -28 million, -120,000.

-920,000 (Soul Shot) (Double Crit).

-440,000 (return to the ruins·gold), -420,000 (return to the ruins·wood), -410,000 (water), -460,000 (fire), -620,000 (earth).

Since the Blood Sacrifice Shield has no defensive power and does not enjoy the effects of Lu Chen's damage reduction talent, these damage shields are eaten as they are, and there is no offset at all.

Five people teamed up and hit 7 million+ seconds of injury!

A large number of damage figures floated out, and it was almost impossible to see clearly, Lu Chen's shield almost burst directly.

However, the shield protected Lu Chen from negative effects.

At this moment, Lu Chen's Nine Dragon Pillar also smashed down.

Unexpectedly, the number that appeared on Marshal Bodhi's head was no less than Lu Chen's.

-480,000 (double crit), -530,000 (poisoning offset 950,000), -530,000 (poisoning offset 950,000), -460,000 (double crit), -530,000, -530,000...

Just now Lu Chen’s ordinary attack, after hitting Shura, only hits three pieces of damage and then kills him in seconds. What people don’t know is that Lu Chen’s basic attack actually comes with five combos, plus poisoning, for a total of fifteen. Segment injury.

The monk's blood is high and the defense is high, and it seems that he still has a lot of poison resistance. In addition, in the state of taunting, he has considerable defensive power and toughness, and Lu Chen's damage has been greatly reduced.

Even so, a five-hit combo cost the monk 7.5 million blood in seconds!

The blood volume was directly hit red.

"Damn, this, is there any mistake!" The jaws of the crowd on the side almost didn't fall off.

"The Buddha's remarks seem to be a sky-level taunting skill. I don't know how much defense is added, and I almost got the second?"

"Is there any mistake, people are now in the ultimate defense state! Isn't the toughness added to reduce the chance of crit? Why did that guy crit again and again! What kind of attack is this, it's too much!"

Marshal Bodhi's face paled.

When the ridiculed person was activated, a trace of blood was not lost after opening the shield. Instead, it was himself who was almost killed.

What is the reason for this? It shouldn't be like this!

"What the hell, can't stand it...retire first!"

Just as the monk was about to run, the only mad suddenly triggered his passive skills.

Xuan Jia!

Passive taunts, speeds up blood recovery and increases defense.

Suddenly, Marshal Bodhi, Marshal Huxiao, and Marshal Void were all taunted in their melee combat!

"I rely on... not good!"

Lu Chen chuckled, "I feel comfortable with the mockery just now, okay, now it's me, you three, let's have a good chat."

After that, Lu Chen hit Marshal Bodhi with a stick.

"No, the monk is dangerous, control it!"

"I break the shield, you control it!" Yu Jian shouted.

The archer and Yujian in the distance shot at the same time.

"Taixu Jianjue·Poxu!"

"Stun shot." The archer quickly followed.

Lu Chen snorted coldly, "Want to save people? Three thousand instant kills!"

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