Evolve and Upgrade from Wild Monsters

Chapter 504: Promise Sword

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Compared with the nine-clawed black dragon, the size of the small hair ball is similar to the fleas on the body...

However, apart from Lu Chen, nothing seemed to be able to stop the small hair ball from eating. It lay on the palm of the nine-clawed black dragon, squatting greedily.

Under the feast, the nine-clawed black dragon actually lost blood.

debuff: Physical damage (one layer), physical attributes are reduced by 0.07%, and mobility reduced by 0.07%.

debuff: Physical vulnerability (1st level), when subjected to physical attacks, an additional 0.07% of damage is taken.

debuff: Serious injury and bleeding (one layer), losing 0.01% of the upper limit of life per second (offset 99%) for 7 seconds.

For unknown reasons, the nine-clawed black dragon offset 99% of the negative effects of the feast.

But anyway, it finally started to lose blood.

-28 million!

The 2.8 billion HP limit made Lu Chen take a deep breath. Not only is this guy super powerful, his HP is also so terrifying?

Even if this guy is the strongest among the strongest, it can be inferred from this that the other dragons should not be too far behind.

What kind of monsters lived in the triple heavens of ancient times!

Although the effect of the feast has been cancelled by 99%, the nature of the negative effect has not changed. Soon the three negative effects are superimposed on the second layer.

-56 million!

At this time, the nine-clawed black dragon had found something wrong.

This negative state does not indicate the "highest layers", that is, it can always be superimposed.

Even if the effect is only 0.01% now, it is very small, but it is definitely not a good thing to add up like this.

"Damn bug!" The nine-clawed black dragon patted the ground with one claw, intending to pat the small hairball dead like a mosquito.

However, the small hair ball sensed the danger and quickly climbed to the other side of the dragon's claw... lowered his head and continued to eat.

It is not easy to slap a mosquito...


"Damn it! Dragon God Overlord Body!"

A black light burst out of the nine-clawed black dragon, and a black hole suddenly appeared in the entire world!

Countless monsters in the distance also saw this black light, and they all stared at each other in shock.

"What is that! No, there is a change in the Dragon Tomb!"

"It seems that there is a battle! How big is the scope!"

"Is there really a treasure in the Dragon Tomb? Did someone get it?"

Among the many monster races, an ape looks a little unnatural, but fortunately, it scratches its head and hides its ecological unnaturalness.

If Lu Chen had time to get Xiao Yuan's vision, he should be able to see the surroundings of Long Tomb.

Xiao Yuan, who threw them past the Gang Wind Belt for the first time, turned into a monkey after discovering that a large number of monsters had arrived. Its ability to change form is stronger than Lu Chen, and it is still safe.

Tianwu Terrace.

Little Mao Tuan was stunned by this black light, that Dragon God Overlord's body should be the ability to force the unit to retreat, but the little Mao Tuan rushed towards the nine-clawed black dragon as soon as it landed.


Lu Chen frowned slightly, "This guy wants to eat the nine-clawed black dragon?!"

"Yes... Tier 2 Sky-Eater!" The nine-clawed black dragon finally saw the look of the little hairball, and there was a trace of fear in his eyes, "Damn, why does this thing appear here! Space moves!"

Little Mao Tuan stood up and sniffed carefully, before waiting for the nine-clawed black dragon to appear, he ran wildly behind him.

The voice of the nine-clawed black dragon rang around, "Boy, you actually let him evolve, did you bring this monster in to ruin the entire nine days!"

Lu Chen frowned slightly, the nine-clawed black dragon actually knew Little Hairball? That was a creature five thousand years ago. Didn’t the little hair ball have only been in the medicine garden for 300 years?

Moreover, the nine-clawed black dragon is actually afraid of the little hairball? This is something he never expected.

"Well, he should be your favorite, as long as you kill you, he will be subdued by me! Yes, you can kill you!"

Lu Chen was shocked, this guy was very clear in his mind, and there was no chaos.

Now he has only 1 point of health left, and it is the last life. If he is attacked again, he will undoubtedly die, and even the little hairball can't keep him.

At this moment, nine dragon claws suddenly appeared behind Lu Chen.

"go to hell!"

The small hair ball turned into a flash of lightning, rushing to the dragon's claws quickly, and the figure suddenly became bigger, biting on the dragon's claws.

The bite force of the huge little hairball was even more amazing. The black dragon ate pain, roared, and hurriedly called, "Dragon God Overlord!"

After shaking off the small hair ball again, the nine-clawed golden dragon moved in a space to behind the small hair ball.

"Just wait for you to grow bigger! Bound God Lock!"

The huge dragon's body was wrapped in small hairballs, trapping it, and the dragon's body rolled and tightened.

"Roar!" Xiao Mao Tuan couldn't bear such pressure after all, and roared, struggling hard, but couldn't break free.

"Hahahaha, what about the Sky-Swallowing Rat? Maybe when you grow up, no one will be your opponent, but you are still too young after all. If Tier 2 dares to provoke me, there is only one dead end!"

"Come on, bite me. If you want to eat dragon meat, it depends on whether you have this ability. I think you still have the strength to eat it!"

It turned out that Xiao Mao Tuan didn't grow big in the first place, because he wanted to be big. Lu Chen was in crisis just now. It became a huge incarnation in a hurry, but the nine-clawed black dragon seized the opportunity to stop him!

How powerful is the body of the nine-claw black dragon, and the God-Binding Lock is a heaven-level advanced control skill, even if the little hair ball has completed a transformation, it still cannot break free!

The corners of Xiao Maotuan's mouth began to ooze blood, his eyes bulged, and his struggle began to decrease.

"Eat the flesh of Lao Tzu? Try this, the dragon scales strangling!"

The scales of the nine-clawed black dragon stood up like blades, and countless dragon scales were inserted into the body of the small hair ball. The small hair ball was immediately **** and bloody.

"Little hairball!" Lu Chen's eyes were cracked.

Xiao Mao Tuan reluctantly raised his head and looked at Lu Chen, but his eyes were soft.


Master, Xiao Maotuan can only accompany you here, run...


I miss Miss Green’s medicine...

"Uhhh!" Lu Chen's eyes were green, and the runes all over his body burst into dazzling green light.

Lu Chen desperately rushed towards the nine-clawed black dragon.

"Heaven and earth!"

"Only you? I said, you can't touch me! Space moves!"

In the face of absolute strength, anger is futile.

The black dragon moved away, and with the small hair ball, it flashed into the distance. Lu Chen lost his goal again, full of anger in the world.


Master, run, I can't hold it...

"No!" Lu Chen's mind was in confusion. He searched all his skills, but in the forbidden area of ​​the dragon clan, his skills could not defeat the nine-clawed black dragon at all!

What else can be used, what else can be used, no matter what...

Inadvertently, Lu Chen saw the only foreign object in the venue that could be used.

Unknown treasure entangled by the black air.

Lu Chen rushed over, reaching into the black energy with one hand.

As far as the tentacle was, there was a sword hilt, and Lu Chen pulled out the sword in one go.

Suddenly, the wind is surging, the heavens and the earth are in different colors, and the three heavens...shock!

The eyes of the nine-clawed black dragon were wide open, and even the body that was entangled with the small hair ball couldn't help shrinking.

It looked at that tiny human in horror, with incredible eyesight.

"Impossible, impossible, even I can't do it, he, he can't pull out that sword..."


Unknown universe, unknown palace, a white-clothed man slowly picked up a teacup and was about to drink tea when suddenly his hand stopped.

He was slightly stunned.

"The God and Demon Wuji Sword was born?"

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