Evolve and Upgrade from Wild Monsters

Chapter 506: Another foodie

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Lu Chen is naturally not an unknown prophet, who makes others more...

Both Lu Chen and Heilong used their displacement skills almost continuously, but after seven or eight obstructions, Lu Chen finally caught up with Heilong through a triple gate.

"Triple door! Strike Huashan!"

Although Tianpu Nine Dragon Pillar was swallowed, the special effects still existed, and a big stick smashed down at the dragon.

Moreover, the speed is more than twice as fast as before when it is displayed through the God and Demon Promise Sword.

"Longmen Yue!" The nine-clawed black dragon quickly dodges.

But Lu Chen kept holding back the useless triple door just to wait for this moment! After three transmissions from the triple gate, Huashan changed its direction three times. Heilong was caught off guard and was hit by a stick!

Heilong was stunned. At this time, Lu Chen finally found a chance to get close, naturally

"Devil clone! Devil's Will·Refresh! Devil clone!"

Clone again, more than 30 green demons pounced on the nine-clawed black dragon.

A demon's face appeared in the dragon's present, with green mist in his eyes, "You were dead five thousand years ago, and now you must die again!"

"Three thousand instant cut!"

11 general attacks, combined with five combos, directly hit 55 general attacks. Although the poisoning was immune to the black dragon, it seemed as if to compensate, Lu Chen made a "mirror attack" this time.

Directly copied a 3000 instant shot!

110 general attacks!

-8.8 million (double crit), -1433 (triple crit), -8.91 million (double crit), -2019 million (quadruple crit)...

Even the nine-claw black dragon could not bear this damage value.

A three-thousand instant slash, plus a mirror attack, directly knocked out the opponent's 1.3 billion HP!

Half of the blood of the nine-clawed black dragon was gone.

At the same time, the nine-clawed black dragon refreshed a large number of negative states, dizzy, silent, slowed down, burned blue... and there was one more that had never appeared before.

debuff: The **** and demon return to the original source, and suffer the same proportion of physical damage.

Injuries to the physical body will cause the upper limit of the blood volume to drop. Lu Chen killed half of the black dragon's blood with two 3,000 instant cuts. If it is in normal state, then the black dragon still has half of its blood.

But this time is different. After the physical body is injured, the HP limit of the Nine-Clawed Black Dragon will reach 1.5 billion at the same time. In other words, every time Lu Chen attacks, he will destroy nearly 10 million HP of the Black Dragon, and at the same time, the Black Dragon's life limit It will also decrease by the same ratio, from 2.8 billion to 2.79 billion.

From another perspective, Lu Chen's damage is equivalent to doubled!

After a wave of attacks, the black dragon had only 200 million blood left! And the remaining blood volume is not enough to be afraid, Lu Chen still has so many clones, enough to kill him in a second!

However, the black dragon also has its own life-saving skills. When the black dragon has 140 million HP remaining, a black light bursts all over the body, and the "Dragon God Overlord Body" protects the lord, forcibly activated!

The clones around Lu Chen were all shaken back, and the debuff on the black dragon was almost completely cleared.

Of course, apart from the return of the gods and demons, this state seems to be very high, and the dragon **** overlord body cannot be removed.

"I said, you are dead!" Lu Chen yelled angrily, "All the universe and the world are all annihilated, all annihilating! The infinite triple door!"

Lu Chen directly activated the final act of the extinguishment of the universe, and it flashed over the black dragon's head in an instant.

Heilong has already seen the usage of the triple gate, and that guy can rely on the triple gate to change his position and the direction of his skills.

In the past, Huashan was hit by this trick.

But this time, Lu Chen will change his position infinitely by relying on the triple door without cooling.

At this moment, the nine-clawed black dragon already knew that he could not escape.

"The emperor burns with your jade! The Nine Nether Cracked Golden Claws!" The black dragon did not retreat, and came head-on. The nine dragon claws tore through the space and even chased into the triple gate!

After several triple-door teleportations, he didn't get rid of the Jiuyou cracked golden claws. Lu Chen's anger was wide and he didn't evade, turning into a green shadow from mid-air, piercing the dragon head with a sword!

At the same time, the Golden Claws of Jiuyou cracking behind him simultaneously grabbed Lu Chen.

With a bang, the black dragon head burst! At the same time, a golden light burst out of Lu Chen's body, shattering the Nine Nether Cracked Golden Claw Coefficient!

Divine and devil body protection state (first-order): In the near-death state, when suffering a lethal blow, it can be immune to damage for 10 seconds, eliminate all negative states caused by the fairy-level low-level exercises, enhance its own attack power by 100%, and can be transformed into The power of the sky attacks, the bloodline talent effect is increased by 100%, the heaven-level high body technique "God and Demon Walk" is obtained, and the "God and Demon Return to the Origin Enchantment" is turned on!

God and demon return to the original enchantment: in the enchantment, the time elapsed by our side is reduced by 50%, the enemy speeds up by 50%, all the power attacks, the damage is increased by 50%, and the damage reduction effect is ignored (the enchantment is a mobile enchantment, with The caster itself is the center, and the influence radius is 1500 meters).

Enchantment stacking principle: When the quality of the opponent's enchantment type is lower than the "time enchantment", the opponent's enchantment effect is reduced by 10%-90%, and the reduction depends on the opponent's enchantment type level.

If the elapsed time of one's side is reduced by 50%, then the original invincibility time of 10 seconds is equivalent to 15 seconds! And the enemy’s time lapse accelerated by 50%, which means that for example, rapid movement, 0.5 second duration, suddenly shortened by half, which is 0.25 seconds, and the travel distance is reduced by half. For some skills that need to be charged, if it originally needed 10 seconds to charge After the time passes and accelerates, it takes 15 seconds to complete the charge!

Lu Chen looked at the effect on him in shock, his eyes full of shock.

"Time enchantment effect!"

He finally knew what the black dragon was afraid of, what it was afraid of was the protection of the gods and demons and the return of the gods and demons!

The Dragon Forbidden Land made Lu Chen understand how perverted enchantment techniques are. Fighting in other people's enchantments can definitely double the difficulty.

As a time enchantment, Guiyuan of Gods and Demons, not to mention the effect, at least the enchantment level is absolutely high, which can reduce the effect of the dragon forbidden land and greatly reduce the effect of the dragon forbidden land.

Holding the God and Demon Promise Sword, invincible for 15 seconds, with the body style of God and Demon walking, and the attack turned into a Tianwei attack, don’t look at Lu Chen’s blood, but in the last 15 seconds, Lu Chen can run and fight. The black dragon has no chance of winning!

So Black Dragon saw Lu Chen pull up the God and Demon Promise Sword, turned around and ran...

However, what Heilong didn't expect was that he didn't die in the hands of the guardian of the gods and demons and the return of the gods and demons, but died in the hands of Lu Chen's universe.

"Finally..." Lu Chen took a long breath, his physical injury still made him feel exhausted.

"This time I'm going to trouble Xiaolu again..."

At this moment, the system sent a reminder.

[Swallow the corpse of the nine-clawed black dragon, an unknown weapon is repairing your body, the current progress is 10%, 20%...]

"Huh?" Lu Chen blinked, and he had another foodie?

"No, save Xiao Mao Tuan first!" Lu Chen had a flash of inspiration and summoned Xiao Mao Tuan. "I heard Heilong just now. You seem to be called God Demon Promise Sword. Can you repair Xiao Mao Tuan's body?"

A voice sounded.

"This little guy is too powerful, I can't fix it, but... if you don't need to save the sky-swallowing rat, just give it something to eat."

Lu Chen was surprised and happy.

Surprisingly, this sword can actually speak! Could it be the legendary "spirit"?

Hi, is the little hairball so strong? Not only is it strong, but it seems to be easy to feed...

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