Evolve and Upgrade from Wild Monsters

Chapter 520: Choose different

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In high-speed sports, constant offensive and defensive transitions can make it possible to take a wrong step.

For 10 minutes, the two were still racing.

"Boy, your willpower is quite tenacious, and you still refuse to admit defeat? But your reaction is getting slower and slower. You have no more drama!"

Lu Chen made a mistake in positioning, and the distance between the two was suddenly shortened!

"Opportunity is here! Infinite triple doors! Strike Huashan!" Mirror finally launched an attack.

Force Huashan to restrain displacement, only triple doors can deal with it!

Lu Chen's eyes widened, "Infinite triple doors!"

I saw a phantom smashing at an extremely fast speed. In the middle, it was suddenly teleported to another direction by the triple door. And so on, the special effects of smashing Huashan were like fast-forward videos, changing this direction crazily, and finally smashing into it. Lu Chen!

Lu Chen's eyes are splitting, what kind of ghost skill is this! My skills are too strong, and I can't avoid it...

With a loud bang, Lu Chen was directly dizzy.

"The tiger is down!"

This is Lu Chen's most commonly used skill, but now he can only watch the opponent rushing over in horror.

In the full state, Lu Chen can have hundreds of millions of blood in a second, and a mere 10 million blood can not withstand the attack of the tiger down the mountain.

The blood sacrificial shield shattered, and Lu Chen's blood bar collapsed like an avalanche!

When Lu Chen had 2.4 million HP remaining, he forcibly activated the return of the gods and demons to the original enchantment!

The gods and demons were finally activated to return to the original enchantment, and the surrounding space suddenly became weird.

It seems that the speed of dust falling is half slower than before!

"Hey, your gods and demon return to the origin barrier came out first, the victory or defeat between us is really decisive, is the return of the gods and demons, now you have used it, and mine has not moved, so in the end You are the one who loses!" Mirror is not afraid.

This is Lu Chen's last chance. He must make good use of these fifteen seconds.

In the enchantment, there was a deficit in the passage of time between the two sides, and Lu Chen had sufficient advantages.

"Triple doors, force Huashan!"

In the eyes of the mirror image, the path of the force splitting Huashan has changed so fast that it exceeds the upper limit of human intentional reaction speed.

After several changes in space, Lipi Huashan hit the mirror image severely.

After dizzy, Lu Chen quickly cloned, and a large number of clones rushed towards the mirror image, and went up to a crazy output!

-10 thousand, -10 thousand (poisoned), -10 thousand (poisoned), -370 thousand (double advanced), -10 thousand, -10 thousand...

When the damage value jumped out, the mirror image was full of doubts.

It is absolutely impossible for Lu Chen's attack to only cause more than 100,000 damage, and even the poisoned damage has only become 10,000!

"He lowered the force ratio? This, why is this! Shouldn't he take advantage of the existence of the return of the gods and demons to play out my return of the gods and demons as soon as possible?"

However, Lu Chen was still adjusting the ratio of his force. Although Lu Chen and the clone's attacks were too low, their passive effects were refreshing crazily.

Silence, dizziness, burning blue, slowing...

A group of clones output crazy together!

At this moment, the mirror suddenly saw the solo madness invisible!

What did that guy do? I was afraid that I would start the gods and demons to return to the original enchantment, so I hid?

It's a pity that now his reaction is obviously unable to keep up, and he can't be saved by being invisible!

The mirror's blood volume is 11 million, for a clone with 100,000 damage, it still won't last long!

I saw the mirror's blood drop rapidly, and after a while, it had dropped to 10%!

From beginning to end, the mirror image never moved. The infinite dizziness was not a joke. If there were no accidents, the clones of Lu Chen could stun the mirror image to death!

But in other words, when there are thousands of blood left, the magical return of that guy has not yet activated!

"Damn it, this guy's attack has dropped to less than 100?!" Mirror glared.

His own **** and demon Guiyuan held in his hand but was unable to activate it for a long time, which made him angry.

Suddenly, he understood.

Why is it so mad to reduce the ratio of force, the purpose is to prevent my gods and demons from starting too early!

Just now, the reason why Lu Chen had 2.4 million blood left and passively used the return of the gods and demons was that the return of the gods and demons enchantment would only be activated when he suffered a fatal blow!

The mirror image's attack was a normal value. After quickly dropping Lu Chen's blood sacrifice shield and 8 million HP, the **** and demon returned to the original to offset the fatal damage!

Lu Chen's attack was surprisingly low, which also prevented him from killing Mirror in seconds.

If you can't kill in seconds, then the God and Demon Hunyuan formation will not be activated!

Not long after, the mirror surface was stunned to 1000 HP, but the gods and demons were still not activated to return to the original enchantment.

The 15-second invincibility time is over, and Lu Chen is still adjusting the damage!

In the end, the mirror's blood volume was hit to hundreds of digits, and the mirror's **** and demon Guiyuan was forced to activate!

"Spider silk entwined!" Not far away, a bunch of spider silk shot.

Mirror image almost vomited blood, this guy, in this level of battle, wrapped in spider silk?

This skill can be said to be the first skill to appear in nine days!

A group of white spider silk entangled the mirror image, like a silkworm chrysalis sticking to the ground.

The spider silk is entwined, without any damage, but after being entangled, unless it is attacked, it cannot move and cannot attack!

Unfortunately, the skill level is too low, and now he can no longer restrain others.

"Damn it, are you kidding me! That kind of trash skill against me?" The mirror roared, and a sword split the spider silk entanglement.

As soon as the spider's silk entanglement was broken, the mirror suddenly found himself in a chessboard!

At this moment, the mirror image was stunned, "Tianwei chess array!"

When the two are fighting fiercely, neither of them can set up a Tianwei chess array, but I am the only one who madly reduces the attack power, delays the activation time of the mirror **** and devil’s return to the original, and creates and arranges the Tianwei chess array for myself. opportunity!

After he became invisible, he was setting up a Tianwei chess formation.

Then use the spider silk to seduce the mirror image into the Tianwei chess array!

A voice came from around.

"I have exactly the same technique as you, and your reaction power is higher than mine, so it is impossible to win you in a normal way. I have also been worrying about how to win an invincible person."

"Fortunately, a friend once told me that the most precious right of man is the right to choose! You and I chose different strategies, and now it seems..."

"You have already lost!"

Regardless of whether the mirror image is immune to damage, 300 chess souls use the Tianwei Fighting Array, the Tianwei Arrow Killing Array, the Tianwei Rock Killing Array, and the Tianwei Tian Killing Array to attack in turn.

Even if the mirror image kills the spirit of chess again and again, soon after they turn back into pieces, they will become the spirit of chess and fight again!

It takes time to lay out the Tianwei chess array, and it also takes time to crack, and 15 seconds is obviously not enough to crack this array!

When the time for the gods and monsters to mix yuan was over, a huge stick figure slammed from above the chessboard.

"Well, you only have two life-saving skills, Buddha Du Cangsheng and Xiao Min's Protector. It's a pity that these two skills are all one-time! Force Huashan! Sweep the infinite giant!"

For the mirror image, it is not only the Tianwei chess array that must be dealt with now, but also the solitaire hiding in the dark!

No matter how fast he reacts, trapped in the formation and bombarded in turn, he will not be foolproof after all.

This time the attack was not only 100,000 damage.

After a short while, the mirrored Buddha crossed the common people, and Xiao Min's possessed protector was forced out, and was finally killed by a three thousand instant slash that did not know where it appeared!

[Congratulations, challenge yourself to mirror successfully! Please enter the second floor of the mirror world! 】

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