Evolve and Upgrade from Wild Monsters

Chapter 530: Bloodline boost

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Last time Lu Chen was forced to leave Maple Leaf City in a hurry before he even reached a few levels. This time he can finally level up with peace of mind.

Arriving in the area where the wild monsters are densest in the legend, Lu Chen took the lionfish to the central area.

"Old man, as usual, help me organize my equipment. If you need it, take it yourself. We will divide the excess."

Weng knew in his heart that the main reason why Lu Chen took him with him was that their planet was not strong.

Min Weng is not strong, but he is already a legendary figure of Green Rock Star. Maybe one day we will wait for the younger generation of Green Rock Star to go to the Triple Heaven. Then I will see Min Weng mixed like this, and he will definitely be disappointed. .

It seems that Lu Chen is letting Xiaoweng work, but in fact, Lu Chen knows best about him.

"Unfortunately, there are no copies here. Forget it, let's level up first, and Xiao Green will come out too."

Wuguang Tianyan Pillar, Black Coffin Dead Zone, Manluo Tianzheng, Clone... Once Lu Chen used these skills, he went out to fight monsters.

One month, after all, is not too long, this time Lu Chen did not slacken off anymore.

A day later, the wild-swiping players in the five major cities suddenly discovered a serious problem, and the number of wild monsters that had been spotted dropped sharply.

Two days later, it was even too much, and no more monsters!

After 10 days, no one went to the top five spots anymore. Instead, some two-star cities swarmed into large crowds.

For thirty days, Lu Chen monopolized all the wild monsters in the central wild area!

With the new equipment alone, the Promise Sword has swallowed more than 80 pieces. The Promise Sword’s attack has increased the three-dimensionality by hundreds of thousands of points!

Of course, this is really a small head. The most important thing is that Lu Chen finally has time to evolve and rise to the stars.

Weng returned to the nearby Mufu City and temporarily stored the equipment he couldn't put down in the city warehouse of Mufu. He was tired for a long time and would rest there for two days, while Lu Chen took advantage of the rest while letting the clone go wild. , While sorting out the Shengxing materials.

"It's two to six stars, and my basic stats have increased by 26 times. I'm now at level 214, 3D has exceeded 100,000, and my blood volume has exceeded 18 million!"

This is only a 214-level attribute!

After incorporating the new blood and demon species, Lu Chen's upper limit was increased by a total of 40%, and the upper limit could exceed 100% of the normal level. The upper limit of the normal level of Triple Heaven is 150, which means that Lu Chen can be upgraded to 300!

Xiao Weng is now at his full level, only level 195, Lu Chen can be 100 levels higher than him...

It's a pity that I might not be able to upgrade so many levels in one month. Lu Chen's goal is to upgrade to level 220, which is almost enough.

"At level 220, according to the current star rating, I should have 19 million HP... almost 20 million."

It's a pity that the amount of materials needed to upgrade the stars is too large, and the level is also high. In this kind of wild area, the level of the monsters is high and low, but the star level is still not as high as the dungeon BOSS.

The star cannot be raised for the time being, but Lu Chen can also improve his bloodline.

There are almost all the demonized species that Lu Chen has bloodlines, and there are three brand new species, and Lu Chen exchanged their bloodlines one by one.

For the bloodline to evolve, Lu Chen must show his original ontology.

"Scaly Lizard Bloodline, Fusion!"

The devil is covered with a layer of hard scale armor!

"Well, this is not bad, I feel a little more domineering." Lu Chen nodded in satisfaction, "Talent is for defense. This... doesn't seem to be very useful. Keep it for now."

"Double-headed...Double-headed Kui Niu... this, brother, don't give me two heads, please! Blood fusion!"

Lu Chen's request actually worked, but strangely, a bull tail grew behind his fox tail.

"This Nima! I don't want two heads. What do you mean by giving me two tails!" Lu Chen looked back at his very long and strangely shaped tail, falling into a collapse.

"The modeling is all random... Evolution needs to be cautious!"

Kui Niu is also a sacred beast. The bloodline is quite powerful, and the HP limit is increased, and the damage of the earth element is added to the upper limit of his life. Lu Chen calculated it. At present, each basic attack can increase the damage of the earth element by 400,000, with five combos. , One attack can increase 2 million damage!

"So strong! When my blood volume increases, this talent will definitely become a new main skill!"

"Forget it, the ugly is ugly, the next one, the blood of the bone spur dragon, fusion!"

There were long and short bone spurs on Lu Chen's shoulders, the sides of his arms, and the sides of his legs. Although they were a bit scary, they were not too ugly.

"Is it probabilistic passive counterattack? This talent is also very strong. However, the counterattack must be concentrated first. It seems to be the same as my Xuanjia. There are not many opportunities to really use it, um... keep it first."

In addition to fusing new bloodlines, Lu Chen also upgraded his original talent.

Among them, what surprised Lu Chen the most was the werewolf’s critical strike talent. After upgrading to Tier 2 to Tier 5, not only doubled, tripled, and quadruple critical strike chances were further increased, but also a new attribute of five times critical strike appeared. The probability is only 1%, but as long as it appears, it means that it can be increased in the future. Once a five-fold critical strike is triggered, it can cause 1000% of the actual critical strike damage, which is equivalent to 10 times the damage!

Under the besieging of a group of clones, plus five combos, 1% chance is not impossible to trigger.

In addition, some talents with the highest quality seem to stop at the second rank, such as the Venomous Spider Bloodline and the Green Snake Bloodline.

[Need to integrate stronger toxic talents and open new bloodlines to continue to improve. 】

"No, it can only go to the second rank second?" Lu Chen still planned to upgrade, and now he can only give up.

Lu Chen thought about it carefully. It seemed that this was because the quality of the original poisonous spider bloodline was not too high. The bloodlines of the poisonous spider and the divine beast Kuiniu were obviously not of the same grade. Yes.

Just like the green card and orange card of a card game, the upper limit is different, and the ultimate growth is also different.

"I haven't encountered a high-level poisonous spider for a while, maybe I haven't upgraded the bloodline..." Lu Chen thought for a while, but didn't really care.

In fact, after Lu Chen received a million poisonous attack, the poison effect value of the poisonous spider was not in its hundreds of thousands of damage, but in the duration, and it was added to the basic attack.

Even if the Venomous Spider Bloodline cannot be upgraded temporarily, as long as it has a poisoning effect, it is enough.

"This is still usable. If you can't upgrade it in the future, let's completely update the formed advanced bloodline."

At this point, Lu Chen has determined a new bloodline talent and added a new Kui Niu bloodline talent. The attack is accompanied by 2% of the upper blood volume of the earth element damage. After the second rank fifth rank, the effect is increased to 7%. Basic attack attack comes with 1.3 million earth element damage!

After finishing the bloodline, Lu Chen looked at Lu Yiyi, "Xiaolu, can your alchemy furnace help me refining it? I look a bit ugly now."

There are bone spurs, scales, a pair of fox ears, and two tails joined together...

Lu Yiyi covered her mouth and chuckled, "Boss, but I'm not sure what the refining is like."

"Hey, try it, it's better than what I am now."

"Well, then I will try."

Lu Chen took a deep breath, "It's great, my new image is just one shot again!"

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