Evolve and Upgrade from Wild Monsters

Chapter 545: Tongtian Tower, I am here

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It wasn't until the evening that the Lu Chen brothers and sisters returned to their residences. After a day of testing, Li Muhua ordered a bunch of delicacies to eat at Lu Chen's house.

The specific value of the test will need to be analyzed by the expert for some time, but the current test results have already made all three people feel incredible.

It is no exaggeration to say that Lu Chen's current physical fitness is the strongest in mankind!

"Brother Chen, to be honest, I am in a mixed mood after seeing your test today." Li Muhua said over a beer.

"How does it feel?" Lu Chen asked strangely.

"I can't tell... the shock is for sure, but I also feel a little bit scared." Li Muhua simply put down his chopsticks, "Brother Chen, think about it, that's it for Sanchong, this is only 100 points. It feels like It was nine days that gave us such a sweet taste. Our character attributes are now almost ten thousand. If this is really fully realized, it would be terrifying!"

Lu Yi also said, "Brother, in fact, I am also a little scared. What the world will look like in the future must be completely different from now. I can't think of it."

Lu Chen nodded. He could understand this feeling. When the veil of mystery that only exists in the fictional world is about to fall in front of everyone, it is inevitable that he will feel this way.

A sense of perplexity about the unknown of the future.

Looking at Lu Yi and Li Muhua both a little strange, Lu Chen smiled slightly, "When the 9th day of the service started, in fact, we have already been involved in this cosmic competition. I am afraid it will be useless, only to move forward!"

Lu Chen's words suddenly pulled Lu Yi and Li Muhua out of the confusion.

"Well, brother, we know, no one else has such an opportunity in their lives, we are actually lucky!"

"Yes, opportunities and challenges coexist, and my life will be as exciting as in the movie!" Li Muhua's eyes rekindled.

Lu Chen smiled slightly and raised his wine glass, "No, it's more exciting than the movie!"


At night, before Lu Yi entered the game, Lu Chen came to his sister's room.

"Brother, aren't you playing the game yet? Is it too tired today and want to rest?"

Lu Chen shook his head and sat on the side of Lu Yi's bed, "My physical strength is much better than before. I don't feel like it at all...Fatty, do you remember our parents?"

Lu Yi frowned, "Brother, why did you mention this suddenly?"

Lu Chen took a deep breath. He wanted to tell Lu Yi that Mu Xuan had mentioned his father before, but he swallowed when he saw Lu Yi's carefree now.

Haven't found the answer yet, why bother my sister.

"Nothing, um, how many levels are you now?"

"Level 92."

"Level 92? So fast?"

"Hey, there are people taking us now, but they don't say their own identity, Mu Hua secretly told me that as long as they level up with them, don't ask more about others, they don't know much." Lu Yi jumped to the bed and sat next to her brother, "Brother, we might be able to enter the Triple Heaven soon, and we will find you at that time."

Lu Chen blinked, "Don't you know who they are? Are they credible?"

"Well, believable! I have taken several teams with us. They have been conscientious and have helped us study how to pass the Sky Tower. They just hope that we can grow up quickly."

Lu Chen didn't know what the identities of these people were, maybe they weren't from the Triple Heaven.

"Brother, someone is still asking me about you. At that time, I set up an important message from him, but no one told it."


"They are earthlings!"

Lu Chen frowned, earthling? It is even less likely to belong to the Triple Heaven. In the Triple Heaven, it seems that he has never encountered a human being on Earth.

Asking other questions, Lu Yi didn't know. Sister naturally wouldn't hide anything from herself. In that case, he might need to solve this question by himself.

The upgrade speed of the Earth players exceeded Lu Chen's expectations, and Lu Chen was also very pleased.


After chatting for a while, Lu Chen returned to his room and entered the game.

After going online, Lu Chen went to the realm of natural elves alone.

The natural elf territory is still heavily guarded, but after seeing Lu Chen as a human, he did not stop him from entering the territory.

It seems that the natural elves have released the results of the ten thousand races, allowing the human races to enter their territory.

Although the same eyes were always coming from around, Lu Chen didn't care, and went straight to the largest city of natural elves.

The five major cities of the natural elves, to be precise, should be five huge and towering trees. The area connected by their roots is the golden location for leveling, and that is where Lu Chen is going.

Being bored alone, Lu Chen took Xiao Min and Xiao Lu with him.

Five days later, the spawning points of the five major cities are no longer strange. After investigation, the peak of the natural elves found that someone was leveling in the core area of ​​the wild monsters and had monopolized all the monsters...

"Elder Darkmoon, the human race is too much, it actually monopolizes the leveling area!" a tall and thin male elf said indignantly, "I'll kill him!"

And the elf, known as the Darkmoon Elder, did not appear to be very old, and was not much different from the average young female elf.

"Kill him? Aoba, can you use your brain! The humans who can swipe that place alone can be counted with one hand, but in the five leveling areas, a wild monster has not escaped and can do this. How many people are there?"

"You mean, he, he is the only one!"

Dark Moon stood up, her body shape was similar to that of a human female, and she seemed to be even more slender.

"Whether it is him or not, Wan Clan has bowed his head to that person now. Since the treaty has been signed, it must act according to the terms."

Dark Moon narrowed her slender eyes slightly, "That guy is definitely not a good master. With his cruelty, I can't even believe that he will agree to our request. Maybe he regrets it now, just waiting for someone to violate the agreement. , He can tear up his promise!"

"But elder, did we just give in?"

"Give up? No, we natural spirits will never give up, just stay away from the edge! Don't bother him during this time until he leaves!"

Aoba let out a long sigh, it seemed that it could only be the case now.

As a result, Lu Chen only stayed here for a week before heading to the next stop, the territory of the Demon Race.

Half a month later, he left from the leveling area of ​​the Sky Demon Race, went to the Monster Beast Race, and then to the Titan Race, God Race Race...

Two months later, Lu Chen took the time to return to the Second Heaven Domain.

Expand the legion, upgrade the legion to level four, and upgrade the personal instance level to level 90.

Lu Chen doesn't care about the income anymore. His current assets are calculated at tens of billions, and he is still growing steadily and rapidly every day. The personal copy is temporarily reserved for players on earth to upgrade.

"Er Mountain, these ten Kui Niu, ten three-tailed foxes, you come to assign a team, with them, no one can threaten you in the second day."

Originally, Lu Chen wanted to see Erzhongtian’s friends, but now that players on the earth are widely distributed with Erzhongtian, Lu Chen looked like a needle in a haystack.

One day was too tight, Lu Chen shook his head and had to give up the opportunity to visit his old friends.

"When will I be free to lower the realm..." Lu Chen complained and returned to the third heaven.


In the center of the battlefield of the ten thousand races, there stands a straight huge tower, straight into the sky.

A large number of armies of various races are ambushing around this tower, specifically to block other foreign races who enter the tower.

Without the support of an ethnic group, it is almost impossible to get close here.

But at this time, a red figure was flashing towards the tower at a speed that the naked eye could not catch.

Tongtian Tower, here I am!

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