Evolve and Upgrade from Wild Monsters

Chapter 554: Underground boss

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The next day, Lu Chen ran to pick up daily tasks early.

"Hey, newcomer, you pick up so many in one breath, did you pick up all this month?"

Lu Chen smiled, "No, I finished it today."

Lu Chen squeezed out of the crowd with a smile, and saw a dozen people waiting for him with his head downcast.

"This is my task today. Divide it by yourself. You are in charge of you. If there is a task that is not completed at night, I don't need to talk about the consequences?"

Brother Wrist suddenly shook his spirits, "Yes, boss, we know that our disciple tokens are all with you, and you can’t even run if you want to, boss rest assured, these 60 tasks are absolutely beautiful for you. Bright."

Brother Wrist's arm has grown out, and it looks like it has been exchanged for the physical regeneration pill.

Lu Chen nodded in satisfaction, "Go."

Before Brother Wrist and the others came back, Lu Chen hadn't made any contributions, so he could only return to his room to practice spiritual power.

Speaking of cultivating spiritual power, many people actually misunderstand one thing, that is, the Nine Dragon Pillars of Heaven Punishment are not the treasure of the Tower of Heaven Punishment. The real treasure is the Hunyuan Mind Method!

The Nine Dragons Columns are just a weapon for the Ruyi Long Stick after the advancement of the Tiangong Creation Platform, and it is a bonus.

It’s a pity that the Hunyuan Mind Method requires 100,000 spiritual power to start cultivation, and the level up does not add spiritual power, that is, even if Lu Chen is a double ** Tianwei, the upper level limit is increased by 100%, and now his level has reached 300. But the spiritual power is still the same, only more than 70,000.

"There are still 27,000 points to start practicing the Hunyuan Mind Method..." Lu Chen suddenly thought of Xiaolu, "Xiaolu, the spiritual power elixir formula you got last time, can you refine it now?"

"Boss, yes, but my current level of pharmacist is just eight-star pharmacist. If you want to refine spiritual power elixir, the success rate is very low, and there is only 5% bonus for the mixed element medicine cauldron."

"And the boss, I don't have the ingredients for the elixir. They are all extremely rare medicinal materials."

Lu Chen nodded. The elixir is obviously not so easy to refine, so don't worry for now.

"I don't know if there are any medicines that are less effective. You can add dozens of points each time..."

"Boss, why don't you go to the exchange market? I think there must be a pill for spiritual power in the fourth heaven."

Lu Chen shook his head, "Outer disciples can only go to Neishan once a week. We don't have to worry about waiting for a few days to help us to see."

It seemed that it would take some time before he could go to the inner mountain, and Lu Chen could only complete his daily training plan step by step.

Eight hours after hanging up the phone to practice spiritual energy, Brother Wrists and the others hadn't returned yet, Lu Chen took out a map from his backpack.

This map is exactly the one that Shuang Wu gave him.

"Is the system out of sync?"

[The map cannot be recognized. 】

Lu Chen furrowed his brows, and now he was in the Four Heavens, he still couldn't identify it. It seemed that this place might not be so easy to find.

In the evening, Brother Wrist and others finally returned with their tired bodies.

They saw Lu Chen sitting at the door of the house drinking tea and hurried over.

"Boss, all the tasks have been completed, and all the items to be bought and the items on consignment have been settled." They said they handed over the task items to Lu Chen.

Lu Chen's mission tracking showed all "mission completed".

Lu Chen nodded, "You are all tired, go back and rest, and continue tomorrow."

Brother Wrist and the others took a deep breath, "Um, boss, will you continue tomorrow?"

Lu Chen nodded, "Of course, it's most taboo to do things halfway. We have to make contributions to the school every day, otherwise the tribute will be cut off."

Brother Wrist and others have stiff expressions.

That's right, doing things is taboo halfway, but you took the task, let us do what it is...

Of course, if you have any opinions, you can only hold back. The person on the other side is terribly cruel.

"Well, boss, can we have a smaller number of tasks? We complete four daily tasks every day. It is already late when we come back from the outside, and we have to complete the daily training tasks. Time is too late."

Lu Chen thought for a while and nodded, "What you said makes sense, and I can understand your difficulties. Let's do that, I will take 600 tasks every day..."

A crowd of people almost spurted blood. Is this the result of understanding their difficulties?

Lu Chen continued, "Don't be afraid. I won't do all of these 600 tasks for you. I heard that there are many small groups like you in the outer door who like to be employed by others. This kind of people is very special. nausea."

Brother Wrist almost couldn't help but yelled out, isn't that how you are! And also made this business to its extreme!

"Well, brother wrist, you take me to find their boss, I am going to include them all, if you include one more, you will have one more person to share the task, and it's up to you to find as many."

Brother Wrist's eyes rolled around. If you can bring people from other small groups together and 600 people do 600 tasks together, then it will be much easier.

The most important thing is that those people who laughed at him today should also let them taste this too!

The next day, Lu Chen followed Brother Wrist and started a sweeping operation in the outer area.

Lu Chen didn't know how many years the Xianji Sect was inherited. Anyway, there were thousands of disciples outside the Sect.

Many of them, just like Brother Wrists, formed cliques and formed thought groups, specifically bullying other people, forcing others to do daily tasks on their behalf, and paying tribute by themselves.

There are about a dozen such teams, ranging in size from large to small, and the wrist brothers are relatively small, with a total of fifteen people, and the others have dozens of people, or even hundreds of people, the total number is four to five hundred!

Within two days, the entire outer mountain area was full of ghosts, crying, howlings, and begging for mercy... A young man with an unbelievable appearance pacified all the small groups in the outer door in one day.

The number of his subordinates soared directly to 566!

Lu Chen gave his small team a name, Mutual Aid Group, to explain that in his group, everyone helps each other and helps him complete daily tasks together...

Brother Wrist and other bosses almost spurted blood after hearing this explanation.

But thinking of that guy's cruel methods, he can only swallow his anger.

From the day the mutual aid group was established, Lu Chen began to take on 566 daily tasks every day, and could earn hundreds of tributes a day.

A week later, Lu Chen already had thousands of tributes in his hand, and was about to exchange something, but was told that Uchiyama was temporarily closed to the outside world.

"No! How long will it be closed?"

The disciple said impatiently, "How do I know that the inner mountains are all closed anyway, and no disciples from the outer door can enter. We will notify you when it opens!"

Lu Chen glanced in the direction of Neishan, and there seemed to be some fighting sounds inside. Could it be that there was some competition inside?

Many of the outer disciples were stopped outside. It seemed that something was really going on inside, and Lu Chen could only leave depressed.

For a month, Uchiyama had not yet opened.

But gradually, in the Waishan area, a name has become a topic that people cannot avoid when chatting.

"The only mad mutual aid group has gone down the mountain again. I'll go, it's mighty, and it's so scary in everyday life."

"Hey, do you think that solipsist is a good person or a bad person? I heard that his opponents are extremely harsh, and he wants to cut people into sticks all day. But he never seems to trouble other people. Those who collect He bullied others before. He was very kind to other people."

"I've also heard that he really doesn't have any pretensions to ordinary people, and after he came, you found no. Except for his family, no other team coerced others to do tasks. In fact, I feel that others are very low-key."

"How is his strength? It is said that he has never participated in a martial arts competition, and some people say that his strongest trick cannot hit people at all! But he can subdue all small teams. It seems unrealistic without any strength. ."

"Hey, don't ask. Anyway, that guy, good or bad, is definitely a ruthless person! Don't provoke such a ruthless person. Now he is the biggest underground boss of Xianjimen, absolutely not to be offended."

"Don't tell me that he is already invincible. I will tell you that the tree is so popular. Why has the number of people in the team never exceeded 100? The people in the inner door are still staring. Now the only mad mutual aid team has grown to 500 people. , I guess someone will hit them and pay attention."

"Inner disciple, I don't have time to take care of our affairs right now." An insider said suddenly, "I heard that some other faction wants to annex our Xianji Sect. Now all inner disciples are preparing urgently."

"Supplement? Really?"

"Well, otherwise the inner door will be closed for so long? It is to deal with this great change! I hope they can withstand it. Once it is annexed, our original tribute will be cleared!"

Not far away, someone was shocked.

I have worked so hard to save for more than a month before earning more than 10,000 tributes. Are you going to be cleared? !

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