Evolve and Upgrade from Wild Monsters

Chapter 556: This is really unbearable

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"Today, when my Xianjimen is alive and dead, I have selected 60 strongest disciples of the sect to fight for me. No matter what the outcome is, I hope you who were once a member of the Xianjimen will remember that these people I fought hard for you!"

"Let's start!" After speaking, Nan Tian teleported directly back to the rostrum to watch the battle.

Lu Chen glanced at Nan Tian from a distance. Although Nan Tian tried his best to make himself calm between his eyebrows, no one could think of how painful he was at the moment.

The first group to play was the "Qingyunmen", with five disciples dressed in blue shirts.

Afterwards, Xianjimen also had five players on the field. The two sides stood on both sides of the ring. After a brief discussion, they decided on their respective order of appearance.

When the audience saw these two groups of people, they were already talking.

"The first game is Qingyunmen, this, this is to give us power!"

"What do you think is there is hope to win? You can't lose in 12 games to keep Xianjimen. They chose the five strongest people in this club, and our top 60 beats 12 of the top five. There are just as many people, and the quality is not a grade at all."

"Can't we let the top ten play more games?"

"What are you kidding? They are all in the top five, and they are stronger than us. It is not easy to win one game. Do you think there are people who can play several games? Let alone watch the game, this may be us The last game of Xianjimen."

The first game has already started.

"Unexpectedly, you didn't let your senior brother come on stage?" Qingyunmen's first person on stage, ID "Jiu Li", slightly raised his chin and looked at his opponent, "So, are you going to give up this game?"

"Fighting you Qingyunmen, why don't my senior brother take the initiative, want to annex the fairy gate, pass me first!"

Jiuli sneered, "You? You don't deserve it!"

"Ling Yu summons Demon God Chi You!" With a boom, a huge figure suddenly appeared in the field, impressively Chi You, the **** of war in ancient legends!

Lu Chen's eyes widened, this guy summoned Chi You? !

They once summoned Kuafu once, but they were limited by the rules of the first heaven. Kuafu failed to exert his full strength and was defeated by the Bone King.

However, the Bone King is a rare BOSS that can break the instance. If you use Kuafu to deal with an ordinary player, it is definitely more than enough.

Is this the strength of the spiritual master in the later stage? This occupation, which has been suppressed by another transfer route "Beast Master" in the early stage, is so terrifying? !

It seems that the nine major career developments all have quite strong strength in the later stages!

The battle on the field was fierce, and the first to play at the Xianjimen was a monk, who was not weak in strength, had "three thousand world enchantments", and possessed a variety of negative states.

However, the monk must be close, but the opponent is guarded by Chi You, and the defense is solid. After dozens of rounds, the monk cannot get close at all. Instead, Chi You seizes the flaw and takes away with a set of continuous skills.

Jiuli stood beside the giant Chi You, slightly raised his chin, and sneered, "Your Promise Sect's strength should be like this. Such a sect still occupies such a good source of spirituality. It is simply a violent thing!"

"Except for your elder brother who has the power of a fight, everyone else is a bunch of trash! Too lazy to talk with you, the next one will come up and die!"

Jiuli is quite powerful, not only can summon Chi You, but also Xing Tian, ​​after three rounds, he was unscathed and lost three in a row!

When the third person was defeated again, the audience was already exclaiming.

Everyone on the side of the Promise Gate looked heavy, shaking their heads and sighing.

"This is too strong, is the strength of Qingyunmen so terrifying!"

"Oh my god, it's a martial arts competition. This, this is clearly a torture! The first team won't be able to defeat even one person."

In contrast, the expatriates are not easy.

"Jiu Li is indeed very strong. When he wins the Xianji Gate, he must find someone to hold him down."

"This guy is unscathed so far. Chi You Demon God has both offensive and defensive capabilities, and comes with a war spirit enchantment. It is difficult to get close to Jiuli's body, and that guy also has Xing Tian. If the two demon gods act at the same time, it is indeed a trouble."

"It is worthy of being the top three of the Qingyunmen arena. It is estimated that only the people of the Fairy Sword Sect and Luoxia Peak can suppress that guy."

"It seems that Xianjimen will eventually be merged into Qingyun, Xianjian, and Luoxia, one of the three martial arts, but I don't know who will eventually eat it."

"Do you think Xianjimen hope to win one game? Maybe their goal is to win the next one, so their big brothers and the strongest ones don't touch a strong team like Qingyunmen."

The competition was still going on, when Jiuli was full of blood, he actually ended up by himself.

He said that he would give his younger brother and younger sister a chance to practice hands...

However, Jiuli’s junior and younger sisters were also quite powerful, and eventually defeated all five of the Promise Gate members and won the first victory.

Lu Chen shook his head. In the first game, it was announced that the Xianji Gate would be annexed. Now all the martial sects are looking at who can eat the Xianji Gate in the end.

As for the Xianjimen disciple, it was only the last breath.

For seven consecutive games, Xianjimen lost all, until the eighth game, Xianjimen faced Lusongshan.

Behind him, Brother Wrist was very excited, "Yes, it is Senior Brother, Second Senior Brother, Third Senior Sister, they are finally on the court!"

"The strength of Lu Songshan is not as good as that of the other schools. At this time, we also sent the strongest lineup. We finally hope to win this game."

"Xianjimen can't keep it, now I only want to win once."

Senior Brother Xianjimen wears a purple robe. This is the sign of the disciple entering the room. He is Nantian's apprentice. He is the strongest in Xianjimen and has been the first in the arena for many years. No one can shake him!

The other five people on stage are also the top five in the arena.

The five strongest people in Xianjimen officially took the stage.

However, after the team carrying all the hopes of Xianjimen came to power, Lu Chen noticed a small detail.

The big brother "Hua Yue" actually nodded slightly to the other party, and the other party also nodded slightly to him... This little action is not evasive. Could it be that this is because the big brother is low-key and humble?

At the beginning of the game, the big brother stepped forward and held his fist to the opponent.

"I gave up in Huayue this game."

As soon as he said this, the audience exclaimed.

"What, big brother admit defeat? This, what is going on? He is our last hope, why should we give up!"

"What's the matter, big brother, don't admit defeat, if you lose, we Xianjimen will not only kill the gate, but also be laughed at!"

"The battle of life and death was not won, and Xianjimen has become a laughing stock since then, and we too..."

Huayue turned to look at the crowd, and then held a fist to Nan Tian, ​​"Master, dear uncles and uncles, dear brothers and sisters, I used to be mediocre. After receiving the guidance of Master, I made rapid progress and my potential was truly realized."

"But from now on, I will continue to practice and listen to classes every day like everyone else. We Xianjimen obviously have so many resources, but they just didn't give it to me. My strength dragged on..."

Huayue became more excited as she talked, her eyes filled with resentment, "Why should a strong man like me be like everyone else? Why can't Master put resources on me alone? If I can be like other elite disciples of the sect , With more resources, how can Xianjimen perform mediocre in Xianjun?"

"Why should I compete for resources with a bunch of wastes!"

Lu Chen frowned slightly. Is this guy his big brother? It seems that the story in Xianjimen is very exciting...

He looked at the rostrum. At this time, Nan Tian, ​​who had been silent for a long time, trembled slightly, and walked backward half a step. Someone helped him not to fall.

It is estimated that with such an apprentice, he is already completely chilled.

However, the fairy gate was gone, and no one could say anything about Huayue's open rebellion.

Huayue not only rebelled on her own, but also led the rebellion with her younger brother and sister, and all members of this group surrendered directly.

The strongest five surrendered directly, and there was no more suspense in the next game. Although the disciples were still fighting desperately, but the strength was too different. After 12 games, the whole army of Xianjimen was wiped out!

"It's over, Xianjimen is gone...Boss, we are all going to become homeless." There was no hope in Brother Wrist's eyes.

Lu Chen frowned slightly, is his tribute really gone?

More than 10,000 tributes, there is still a noise when thrown into the water, it's gone... this is really unbearable!

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