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"Brother Wuming!" Leng Nuo looked at the visitor in shock, and his thoughts returned to 20 years ago.

She seemed to be back when she was bullied by the Friendship Guild. When the nameless appeared, she seemed to see her Prince Charming.

She has been supporting the Wild Waves Guild for these years, and now Leng Nuo has become independent and powerful, and there are not many people who can deal with even she can't deal with it.

She no longer needs protection, and no one comes to protect her.

But after 20 years, this scene appeared again, and the person stood in front of her again.

And this time, his opponent is so powerful that it makes people desperate!

"Master..." Qiu Ning looked at Lu Chen aggrievedly. To be honest, this master is not responsible at all, but it is strange that she, who is a wealthy daughter, can only become a little princess in front of him. Well-behaved girl.

There is no other reason, just because she has always admired Master!

Xiaobei's heart was pounding, the wood came, and the person she accidentally saved had now become everyone's last hope.

Lu Chen smiled slightly at his friends and walked to the front of the human army. "The guild leader of the wild waves is me, so I have to single out. Your opponent is me!"

The **** of death laughed wildly, "Hahahaha, it doesn't matter, I don't care what the president will not grow!"

"For the past year and a half, you have been assassinating my people. Now you should have learned to Shatter the Void, but I didn't really look for you. Do you know why?"

Lu Chen narrowed his eyes slightly.

"Because, your destiny is to defeat me, and my destiny is to defeat the "Broken Void"!" Death also has a fanatical persistence in his eyes, "I'm the only one, you guessed it, we are the Void Beast , Our people travel through the long river of time to inhale the dead energy to strengthen ourselves. Our physical body is almost invincible, but our consciousness is imprisoned in the whirlpool!"

"A race like ours, which should have been above the nine heavens, is trapped in the whirlpool!"

"What's even more ridiculous is that our body is bred with fragments of the broken void, but we are unable to practice. We are actually... forced to become an NPC in the nine days!" The **** of death became more and more excited as he spoke, his heart suppressed the anger for an unknown period of time, as if all To burst out at this moment.

On the human side, many people looked confused, "What did he say about the whirlpool? What does it mean to be imprisoned in the whirlpool?"

"They shuttle in the long river of time?"

"I don't know what it means."

The only one who knows the answer may be Lu Chen, but now Lu Chen is also extremely shocked.

Lu Chen was a monster in Nine Days, and it stands to reason that he was also an NPC in Nine Days.

In this way, he and the Shadow Race have the same situation, and they both have ways to become extremely powerful. Lu Chen has evolved and upgraded, and the Shadow Race **** death air. They all have a subjective consciousness and can decide their own choices.

The difference is that the Shadow Race does not know why they are imprisoned in the whirlpool.

If the Shadow Race would drop the Shattered Void, would it explode any special items if he died?

What kind of prop would it be?

Thinking of this, Lu Chen shook his head. It's better not to know the answer.

"Only I am mad. There are countless strong people who have been sent into the whirlpool. A very small number of people have obtained the Shattered Void by chance, and once they have obtained the Shattered Void, the probability of their escape greatly increases."

"But, that's not my whirlpool. In my whirlpool, I just want to defeat the Shattered Void with my own hands! This is going to rewrite my destiny!"

"Unfortunately, I am the only one who is crazy. You just met me! Otherwise you might really escape."

Lu Chen looked at Death indifferently, "There is only one way to know, which one of us is the unfortunate one."

Death sneered, his eyes narrowed, "I'm just waiting for your words."

The Shadow Clan commander Motian Reaper, the last hope of the Human Race, Lu Chen, the president of the Wild Waves Guild, both stood in the open space between the two armies.

The strongest of the two armies stands before the two armies.

Everyone in the two legions is watching the battle.

"Withering Realm!" As soon as the **** of death started the realm, a cloud of black death, glowing with a suffocating chill, instantly swept the entire city, being in it, and having not done anything before, everyone could not help but think of "death" in their hearts!

Death is coming: All types of attack power are reduced by 60%, attack speed is reduced by 30%, dark attacks are increased by 40%, anger type skills are invalid, invincible hegemony status is invalid, refresh skills are invalid, clones, phantoms, possessed gods per second Lose 5% of the upper limit of life, and extend the cooldown of recovery skills by 10 minutes.

The Withering Domain has extremely abnormal negative influence ability, and the level is extremely high.

Many of Lu Chen's skills were restricted.

In the extreme state, Lu Chen's skills have no cooldown, but now many skills are directly restricted. In addition, the cooldown time of Spiritual Storm is greatly extended, and it is impossible to achieve no cooldown.

On the other hand, the **** of death, in the field of wither, his attributes have been greatly improved, his attack power has increased, and the most important thing is that he has obtained the "empty hand" effect.

Of course, Lu Chen knew about these conditions a long time ago.

He can only use the spiritual storm once, that is, he can only play the "Broken Void" twice, with only two chances!

"The dragon's blood is boiling, kill it!"

The order in which these two skills are released is very important. Dragon Blood Boil consumes 80% of the current life value, and the Death Land loses 20% of the upper limit of life. Normally, Lu Chen uses the Death Land first, and then uses Dragon Blood Boil. , So he can retain 16% of his blood.

But this time, he used the dragon blood to boil first, and then put it to death. In the beginning, he lost 80% of his health without any discount, and then lost 20% of his life limit, which is equivalent to all the remaining health. Exhausted.

The blood bar is not displayed here, but Lu Chen himself vomited a mouthful of blood, his entire face turned pale, his body trembled violently, and blood was bleeding from seven holes!

The release of this deadly skill directly activated Lu Chen's "God and Demon Hunyuan Enchantment"!

Lu Chen's 1,500-meter range was enveloped by a cloud of black mist.

The wither domain is not weakened by the gods and demons Hunyuan enchantment, but the effect of the gods and devil Hunyuan enchantment is only 50% of the effect.

In the enchantment, the time lapse of our side is reduced by 25%, the enemy speeds up by 25%, the damage of all Tianwei attacks is increased by 25%, and the 50% damage reduction effect is ignored.

Obtained the walk of the gods and demons, but the invincibility status was invalidated.

After all, the domain is more advanced than the enchantment, even if the quality of the **** and demon Hunyuan enchantment is high, the quality of the cultivation technique is still suppressed by the withered domain.

Everyone looked at Lu Chen in shock.

"What is the nameless brother doing? The other party is a **** of death, how can you beat the nameless brother now in this state."

"It's already like this before the war begins. How can we fight this?"

"Don't you think Brother Wuming doesn't want to let opponents tortured and kill our morale?"

The **** of death frowned slightly, "You fought with me in a near-death state. It seems that you also know that even if you are full, you will be killed by me in seconds. There is no difference between full blood and silky blood in front of me."

"In that case, you plan to make a desperate move and stack your attributes to the extreme...Hahaha, it is a pity that no matter how hard you struggle, you can't change the ending. In my withered realm, I am God!"

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