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The corpses of the Shadow Race have piled up like a mountain, and some have fled in battleships.

Lu Chen was covered in blood, standing on the corpse mountain.

According to his character, he would definitely kill the remaining Shadow Race, so even if he left here, they would not be able to invade the earth.

It's just that his time is almost here, and while using Shuangtianwei, Lu Chen will also suffer a double backlash.

Seeing the fighters above his head flee frantically, Lu Chen shouted angrily, "If you dare to come here again, I will definitely smooth down your shadow clan lair!"

The battleship can't speak, but judging from the speed of escape, they should have heard...


Kuang Lang did not organize to clean up the battlefield. Now everyone was exhausted. It took them ten minutes to return to the headquarters for the original two to three minutes.

Everyone is in a pitiful state. It's been a long time since I felt such a low attribute.

Lu Chen was also very tired, returned to the room Leng Nuo arranged for him, took a shower and fell asleep.

On the second day, everyone's situation still did not improve.

Leng Nuo's weakness will last for half a month. Lu Chen is a little better. His weakness has been shortened twice. Now the effects of Shuangtianwei can be recovered within 4 days.

Lu Chen opened his backpack and checked the "Vortex Key". After using it, he could leave the Vortex.

"It's really funny. It's rare to encounter "greed" to take effect, but it turned out to be greedy this time." Lu Chen looked at the two keys and was quite speechless.

Although Lu Chen does not belong here, Lengnuo, Fenglingzi, and Qiu Ning are all living people, and they seem to be living in this world.

No matter whether the vortex was real or illusory, Lu Chen didn't want to tell them the truth, let them continue to exist.

He gave all the remaining immortal pill to Leng Nuo, and spent the past few days with his old friends for food and lodging, and he would usually give everyone some exercises.

Four days later, Lu Chen's situation finally recovered, which also meant that he was leaving here.

Maybe leave forever.

In the evening, Lu Chen personally cooked and prepared dinner for Leng Nuo and the others.

It was too cruel to leave, Lu Chen panicked, and during the dinner announced that he wanted to go out.

"Master, are you leaving again?" Qiu Ning reluctantly pulled Lu Chen's arm.

Lu Chen smiled slightly, "I still have a lot to do."

Feng Lingzi looked sadly at Lu Chen, "We all know that you have to explore the wider world, but I didn't expect it to be so fast."

"Wood, are you leaving? You, will you come back?"

Lu Chen couldn't bear it in his heart and sighed. He wanted to lie to them again, but he didn't say anything after all.

If they said he would come back, they might wait for him.

Since they won't come back, don't give them hope anymore.

Lu Chen could no longer bear to look at everyone's faces, lowered his head, "No."

There was a moment of silence during the dinner, and several women were already in tears.

After a long silence, Stardust suddenly raised his voice and said, "Hey, don't you be so sad, at least everyone is still alive? We also know that the president is still very strong, no, he is stronger than before."

"The human race was ultimately defeated in the first battle. I believe that the president is leaving for us. Seeing you all crying and crying, Wuming Brother should feel uncomfortable."

When Stardust said so, other talents raised their heads.

"Well, Brother Stardust is right. The greater the ability, the greater the responsibility. Our president also shoulders a more important mission. We should bless him, not here..." While speaking, Leng Nuo said She couldn't go down anymore, her voice trembled, and two lines of tears slid down.

"I'm sorry, I've left a bit beforehand."

Seeing Leng Nuo crying and leaving, Lu Chen couldn't hide his heartache and chased him out.

On the top floor of the headquarters, Leng Nuo was sitting alone on the guardrail of the building, and the night wind blew her long hair.

Lu Chen stopped Leng Nuo, "Nuo Nuo!"

Leng Nuo looked back at Lu Chen, and hurriedly wiped away the tears from the corners of her eyes, "President...you, why are you here, I'm just a little bored, come out to breathe."

Lu Chen sat beside Leng Nuo.

"Nuo Nuo, there are some things I can't tell you."

"I know, you are not a ruthless person. Since you said you won't come back, there must be a reason not to come back."

This woman was really sweet, which made Lu Chen even more intolerable.

"Remember that I used to guest-star in your TV series before?" Lu Chen suddenly said of the past.

Leng Nuo smiled knowingly, maybe that time was her happiest time.

"Remember, I was able to make a splash, but you stole the limelight."

Lu Chen couldn't help laughing. He knew that Leng Nuo didn't care about fame, and was joking with him.

"I remember there was only one line in my play."

"Do you remember? I only remember the plot, and forgot your lines."

Of course Lu Chen remembered that although he and Leng Nuo were talking about the same thing, in their memories, they were indeed at different times.

One, but three years, one, is already 20 years ago.

"What are your lines? It seems to be..."

Lu Chen said directly, "If I were not the devil, would you love me?"

"Yes! Whether you are a **** or a devil, I will!" Leng Nuo said suddenly.

Lu Chen reacted for a while and was shocked. This woman is a good way. She doesn't remember the lines at all. She is tricking herself into saying the lines...

Such a smart, beautiful and capable woman really had no reason not to be liked. In that moment, Lu Chen almost wanted to take her into his arms.

Is nine days really that important?

Unfortunately, he is not her nameless brother, and she is not his Nuonuo either.

"I..." Lu Chen thought for a long time, "I am not... I am not..." Not the nameless you know! But Lu Chen couldn't say the last sentence.

"I have someone I like." Lu Chen changed his reason.

"Really?" Leng Nuo looked at Lu Chen, her eyes shining like stars, "You are not the nameless brother I know, are you?"

Lu Chen looked at Leng Nuo in surprise.

"President, I heard what the **** of death said before. What did he say is that the whirlpool is not whirlpool. You are afraid to tell me the truth. I will doubt the authenticity of my world, and even my worldview will collapse?"

Seeing that Lu Chen didn't speak, it seemed to be a tacit consent.

Leng Nuo smiled slightly, "I know. In fact, you don't have to worry. Nine days have already shown us too many incredible things, and this situation is not surprising."

"No matter what our world looks like to you, we live here, here is real."

"I know you are going to leave the whirlpool and return to your own world, but I still can't bear you..."

Before Leng Nuo finished speaking, a pair of warm hands wrapped Leng Nuo's shoulders, and Lu Chen held Leng Nuo tightly into his arms, and firmly held her lips.

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