Evolve and Upgrade from Wild Monsters

Chapter 582: Goodbye acquaintance

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The person here is Zhen Guo Yanran!

After two years of absence, this woman has gone from the second heaven to the fourth heaven, and the speed of improvement is quite good.

Her opponent is also a human race.

One of them is the master of beast control, and the other is Yujian.

The master of the beast control is still very strong, not to mention that Zhen Guo Yanran also carries an adult Black Flame Dragon Emperor.

However, when he saw her opponent, Lu Chen frowned slightly, her opponent was actually Xianjun!

"Why are the Xianjun participating in the competition?" Lu Chen asked in surprise.

"Isn't you a master? I don't even know this?" The elf woman beside her snorted coldly. Lieutenant rank."

"Yes, the fairy army is recommended by various sects, but it is only a strong disciple, and to win in the joint competition, the strength should be higher than the average fairy army, but that fairy army seems to be a "celestial soldier. "This doesn't seem to be common in previous games." Another said.

"It is said that the war is imminent, and the requirements of the fairy army have also become higher."

Lu Chen understood the reason and watched the game.

"I don't know how Yanran's strength has improved in the past two years. The fairy army feels quite sophisticated, calm and calm, and has a bit of hostility in his eyes. It should be caused by a lot of killings. Yanran must be careful."

At the beginning of the game, Yan Ran summoned the Promise Black Dragon, and a huge dragon of hundreds of meters was born.

"Wow, there is an adult ultimate beast!"

"It's the Black Flame Dragon Emperor! It's rare to see it."

"It's too difficult to fight a beast master with an adult black dragon."

However, her opponent did not panic, raised his sword fingers, and the two dark swords were unsheathed behind him and hung to his side.

Yan Ran herself uses a long spear, and the Zhen Guojun seems to prefer long-handled weapons. Yan Ran also inherits this feature, and the black dragon itself is long-range, so she herself would be more reasonable as a melee.

The match between the two sides is about to start!

Yanran used her enchantment skills when she came up.

"Military soul barrier!"

Increase your own attack and defense, while reducing the opponent's attack, movement speed, and skill damage.

The Xianjun snorted coldly, "Military soul? You, stinky little girl, do you know what military soul is? Only those who have truly experienced countless life and death battles can understand!"

"Asura barrier!"

Xianjun used the enchantment at the same time. After the two enchantments were superimposed, Yanran's enchantment effect was reduced by 27%, which was obviously inferior to the other's enchantment level.

"You are not me, how do you know that I don't know!" Yan Ran didn't lose the slightest momentum, a thousand army burst forward and approached the opponent.

Lu Chen smiled slightly, Zhen Guo Yanran was still the temperament, the girl's family, never willing to give up, the personality is very strong.

The two sides immediately fought to one place, Yanran kept advancing, Yujian kept moving away, and attacked Yanran with flying swords.

But Yanran also has an ultimate beast pet. The adult black dragon is already very powerful, and Yanran is not like Lu Chen, who raises so many beasts at once. She only has one pet. She usually cooperates with the battle pet. I don’t know how much she has experienced. In the battle, the cooperation between the black dragon and Yan Ran has been very tacit.

Yanran stormed, and the black dragon forced to move, and soon gained the upper hand.

Long-term defense will be lost, Xianjun has a loophole in an evasion, Yan Ran seized this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity and quickly got close.

"Hundred Battle Spear Black Flame Spike!" The spear slammed into the opponent with a black flame!

This killer move stabbed in the past.

At this moment, Lu Chen frowned, "No, that's a flaw that the enemy deliberately sold! This girl is in the middle of it!"

Sure enough, the Xianjun's figure suddenly disappeared, and the two swords suddenly locked Yanran's spear in a cross shape, and quickly rotated.


The double swords revolved too fast, Yanran couldn't hold the spear steady, and the spear was released!

"You can't even hold a weapon, there is only one dead end for a person like you on the battlefield!"

"Jueying Folding Sword!" The two black swords quickly threw the spears out, one after the other, bursting out at an astonishing speed, and at the same time stab Zhen Guo Yanran.

"Heart is alive!" Zhen Guo Yanran whispered, her figure shifting instantly.

This is the unique displacement skill of the beast control master, which can draw the master directly to the pet's side.

"Hmph, I knew you were going to escape! Catch the thief and the king!" The two swords merged in the air and combined into a cross sword, a space jump, before Zhen Guo Yanran could stand firm, she had already appeared at her feet.

"Roar!" The black dragon roared, spouting a heat wave, and directly pushed away Zhen Guo Yanran.

The ultimate beast is worthy of being the ultimate beast. In addition to the metamorphosis of its own attributes, the on-site reaction is faster than the owner!

"Rely on the battle pet? You won the test officer with this?! It's not enough!" Xianjun yelled, and the whole person turned into a sword shadow, "Xianjian star!"

"Wow, the fairy sword star has come out?! The fairy sword star seems to have very high requirements for spiritual power!"

"The Immortal Sword Astral is one of the more difficult to cultivate among several types of stars. A Celestial Soldier actually made the Immortal Sword Astral. The strength of the Immortal Army is too strong."

As if the position of Zhen Guo Yanran had been determined, Xianjun transformed into Jian Qi and stabbed with a sword!

Zhen Guo Yanran widened her eyes, "Don't underestimate me! Thousands of troops break!"

A long spear was suddenly dropped from the sky, and a shot slammed into the fairy army under the fairy sword star, and directly nailed it to the ground.

Those who watched this game were all shocked by Zhen Guo Yanran's move.

"Is that little girl's move just now...swordsmanship?"

Zhen Guo Yanran's spear had been disarmed a long time ago, and she suddenly appeared just now, trying to turn the tide. There is no doubt that she has no time to pick up the spear and can only remotely control it.

For remote control weapons, apart from some special weapons, there is only swordsmanship!

The Xianjun suffered heavy losses and was controlled. At this time, the outcome was divided, and Zhen Guo Yanran also stopped.

"Acceptance." Yan Ran drew her spear and said with a fist.

The Xianjun shook, and stubbornly pressed Zhen Guo Yanran, "Did you rely on special weapons or did you use the sword technique to control the spear?"


"You..." If Zhen Guo Yanran uses the best treasures, then Xianjun feels better, but she actually uses her own ability to show that this young woman is indeed superior.

For a long time, Xianjun shook his head and sighed, "Well, you have won, and you will admit defeat."

Zhen Guo Yanran looked indifferent, clasped her fists, put away the black dragon, and stepped down directly.

In the distance, Lu Chen smiled slightly. When he was with him, Yan Ran didn't seem to be so attracted... But he underestimated Zhen Guo Yanran. She was already quite strong now.

"You actually came over to be my junior sister?"

The elf girl beside her has been amazed, "Wow, that sister is so strong. Not only does she have a black dragon pet, she is also so powerful!"

When Lu Chen saw this girl, he seemed to be very cheerful. Just now he spoke to Zhen Guo Yanran and said, "It's really amazing."

The girl said, "Look at people, this is a master, please learn to be low-key in the future, don't say that you are not qualified to be on stage as if you are a worldly expert."

"Heh...this, I said she is amazing, isn't it low-key enough?"

"It's not "very" powerful, but much better than you!" The girl corrected, "Besides, what you said is only the facts, that's not low-key."

Lu Chen looked at the elf girl in surprise, saying that natural elf people not only caused headaches in their skills, but also their personality.

However, if Zhen Guo Yanran is here, who are the other masters?

Lu Chen found that this game seemed a bit interesting.

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