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"Hahahaha, what a lunatic!" Beast Buddha laughed wildly.

"Actually, I don't need a weapon to hit you, I don't need a weapon." Lu Chen smiled slightly.

Suddenly, the smile on the face of the Beast Buddha stiffened.

"Okay! I thought I was crazy enough, but I didn't expect you to be more crazy than me!"

"If you want to die under my strongest move, I will fulfill you now! I will let you die without a corpse!"

"Relic Buddha Sui Wan Buddha Dynasty Sect!" Suddenly, the Beast Buddha was suspended in the air, and the Buddha's light behind it was shining, reflecting the world.

The beast Buddha showed a virtual image of the Buddha, tens of meters long, sitting in the air, with a circular halo behind him, like tomorrow!

"My God, it's a star Buddha body! This skill... is so strong!"

"The beast Buddha is already like a giant Buddha. Is this the strongest skill of the relic buddha? Just starting with it has already triggered a vision!"

"It turns out that the Beast Buddha didn't even use a tenth of its combat power before!"

Beixue Gufei looked nervously at the Beast Buddha in the sky, "That guy is so strong! He might really be able to fight the Great Heaven General of the Four Seas Expedition!"

With the faint sound of chanting in the enchantment, the beast buddha came to the world like a buddha, showing the world!

At the same time, Lu Chen finally took action.

He snorted coldly, "Buddha? Six changes of gods and demons, six changes of demons!"

In an instant, Lu Chen turned into an evil boy, surrounded by black air. He flew into the air, the billowing black air violently collided with the golden light, his momentum was not weak at all.

Zhen Guo Yanran was stunned. She hadn't seen Lu Chen take action for a long time. Although she had heard of Lu Chen's evil boy form, she was still shocked.

The elven girl has opened her mouth wide in fright.

Everyone has some strength. Seeing the black energy produced by the evil boy, so fierce, she naturally knows that the human race kid is not weak.

"The devilish energy is rolling, is this guy a man or a devil!"

"This is a dispute between the Demon Buddha!"

At this moment, the Beast Buddha's energy accumulation was completed, and he slammed towards Lu Chen, "Ten Thousand Buddha Dynasty Sect!"

At the same time, the effect of ear-washing and respectful listening was just activated, and Lu Chen was forced to be pulled in front of the Beast Buddha.

This palm is inevitable!

Fortunately, Lu Chen didn't even plan to avoid it!

"Death! The dragon's blood is boiling!"

"Broken Void! Break for Lao Tzu!"

In the midair, a black energy shot violently towards the center of the Buddha's light. Two major skills, one black and one gold, one fist and one palm, and one demon and one Buddha, collided violently in the sky.

There was a loud bang, the sky and the earth shook, the sky and clouds rolled, and the rumbling sound was like the collapse of the sky.

A terrifying aerodynamic force exploded outwards in a circular shape, instantly sweeping the audience.

Under the raging wind, the high platform built was the first to bear the brunt, and it was blown to pieces with the force of destruction. The rostrum, auditorium, and buildings collapsed.

In the inner mountain of Xianjimen, the surrounding forests were uprooted and the earth and rocks were flying.

A commotion broke out in the crowd.

"Golden Light Shield! The generals of the Xianjun will help the Xianjimen disciples to maintain order!"

"What a strong Yuwei, this, this is, this is...what level of exercise!"

"I can't see the damage!"

"This Nima, is it to make a hole in the sky!"

After a long time, the wind stopped, the strong light dissipated, and the dark clouds dissipated...

People can't wait to look towards the sky.

At this time, the special effects of the two people in the sky had all dispersed, but seeing the situation of the two people, countless people covered their mouths in horror.

There is nothing unusual about the evil boy, but the Beast Buddha...

At this moment, most of the entire body of the beast Buddha's body has disappeared, and the vacant part is shaped like a half moon!

A well-informed person like Four Seas Expedition couldn't help taking a step back.

"This, this...this means..." It's too cruel!

A punch directly blasted most of the body of the Beast Buddha!

The elf girl was scared to death.

Of course you don’t know what it feels like to kill in seconds...

You and the Beast Buddha are not at the same level...

But at this moment, she trembled!

That guy, killed the beast buddha in the strongest state with just one punch! Killed more than half of people directly!

The health bar is no longer important. It is almost certain that this kind of physical injury can directly kill the beast and Buddha in reality!

Yaque was shocked and silent, and the emotions in everyone's hearts were complicated.

Shocked, incredible, and extremely strong sense of fear!

That guy is really as cruel as a devil, in front of him, the beast buddha is nothing short of pediatrics!

Xie Tong opened his mouth, licked his tongue, and caught a string of Buddhist beads with one hand.

Relic Buddha beads!

The gambling battle was undoubtedly over, and the Promise Sword and the Purple Star Streaming Light Sword returned to Lu Chen's hands.

Lu Chen took out the Promise Sword and said, "Hey, I know you are aggrieved for pushing you out, here, this will be your compensation head office."

The Promise Sword immediately ignored the premonitions, forming a black and white whirlpool at the tip of the sword, and Lu Chen directly threw the relic Buddha beads into it.

Devour the relic Buddha beads!

Lu Chen glanced at the broken corpse in front of him, and snorted coldly.

If this person just severely wounded them, Lu Chen would probably only use his own way to heal his body, but he was planning to expedition to the world. Obviously, this guy has an unpredictable mind, and there are endless troubles if he doesn't kill him!

Returning to the ring, after Lu Chen became invisible, he returned to human form.

Looking at Beixue Gufei from afar, Lu Chen threw the Purple Star Streaming Light Sword over, "Hey, Gu Fei, this set of sword brothers has given you away."

Brother? This guy relied on himself to come to Xianjimen early for more than a year, but he was not at all polite, calling himself a senior.

To know the identity of Gu Fei, he is at least an inner disciple, and his outer disciple has a pretty thick skin.

However, no one dared to question.

Gu Fei watched Lu Chen from a distance, angrily and funny, "This guy...Thank you brother!"

Lu Chen nodded in satisfaction.

Standing on the ring, Lu Chen glanced towards the audience.

Looking at the shocked faces, Lu Chen sighed.

It's hard to choose a champion, so I was given a second by myself. Isn't it a bit bad? I feel like ruining other people's good things...

"Ahem, um, don't you have two or three awards? Or else, you continue?" Lu Chen swept to the award platform inadvertently.

I don’t know which tree is hanging on the podium...

Forget it, let's go.

"Excuse me, excuse me, goodbye!" After that, Lu Chen quickly slipped away.

Lu Chen left, leaving only a group of bewildered audiences.

Half a minute later, hundreds of thousands of spectators almost exploded Xianji Mountain.

"Oh my God, I, I, I can't believe my eyes! Isn't it wrong, he seconds the Beast Buddha! One punch is a second!"

"Too ruthless, is that guy a human being! Why is he wearing Xianjimen outer disciple costume?"

"Hey, Senior Brother of Xianjimen, what is the origin of that person?"

He also happened to ask an insider.

The man's face was unpredictable, his eyes turned into the distance, his tone was profound.

"Sir, good question!"

"Who is he? Where is he from? Hehe, no one knows! You just need to remember that that person is our Xianjimen... No, he is the first outer disciple of my human race!"

"Wangu's first outer disciple...this...what is his name?"

"Please remember this ID, because he will definitely become the most dazzling name in the future." The man was still immersed in his own world, with a vague tone, "He has a golden ID."

"It's called, I'm the only one...mad!"

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