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"Little Green, help Gu Fei check the injury and recover soon. Let's go to this Asura World together."

A woman in green appeared next to Lu Chen, and checked Bei Xue Gufei's injuries.

"It's okay, just use some high-level martial arts pills. It just happens that we still have some materials here, and I can refine some."

"Well, I'll trouble you Xiaolu."

A group of people looked stunned.

"Lone crazy, you, do you have a private doctor?" Zhen Guo Yanran was the most surprised, she didn't know that Lu Chen had such a ghost pet.

Others were taken aback by Lu Yiyi's current pharmacist level.

"High-rank Martial Body Pill! That is a rare pill, it needs an eight-star alchemist to refine it!"

Lu Chen smiled slightly, "Just leave it to Xiaolu."

Ten minutes later, Lu Yiyi handed Gu Fei five pills, "Take it every morning for a good time. One pill a day should heal within three days."


"Take it, let's go to Ashura World early." Lu Chen said with a smile.


Three days later, the fairy gate was still busy, and Lu Chen had taken Zhen Guo Yanran, Bei Xue Gu Fei, Dong Fang Ji, and Mo Ran into the Asura World Dungeon together!

Asura is in Sanskrit, meaning "non-heaven", which means heaven instead of heaven.

As soon as the five entered the world of Asura, they discovered that the world here was different from the world they were familiar with.

The sky is pale yellow, the ground is loess, and fires grow everywhere.

"Is this the Asura world?" Zhen Guo Yanran looked a little nervous, "Why is there nothing, who is our opponent? What's there?"

Lu Chen carefully observed the surrounding environment and did not find any creatures.

"Yan Ran, this should be a place that no one of us has been to. Everything needs to be explored by ourselves."

At this moment, a prompt appeared in front of the five people at the same time.

[This is the world of asuras. There are a total of 108 Buddha's demons living here, washing the demons and enlightening the Buddha! 】

[Asura World closes permanently, remaining time 02:59:59]

[Legendary Hidden Task: Wash the Heart Demon]

[Task Description: Defeat all 108 inner demons within the specified time]

[Task rewards: each has a different blessing]

"What does this mean?! Legendary hidden mission?! We have activated a legendary hidden mission!"

Lu Chen furrowed his brows, and Nine Heavens really had opportunities everywhere. Who would have thought that there was a copy hidden in a necklace, hiding a legendary hidden mission.

However, defeating 108 inner demons within 3 hours is not difficult. The difficulty is, what about inner demons?

At this moment, Dongfang Ji suddenly seemed to be possessed, and walked towards the north side without saying a word.

"Dongfang Ji! What are you going to do?"

"I saw a demon, right there."

Everyone was surprised, "Where is there any demon?"

Dongfang Ji looked at everyone, "Release the emotions in your heart that prevent you from becoming stronger, and try it."

"This..." Zhen Guo Yanran calmed down immediately, "The obstacle has become stronger...It should be my impetuosity..." As soon as the voice fell, her eyes became different. She looked ahead, as if looking at someone. Like.

"Sure enough, I also saw a demon."

Gu Fei frowned, "Then I should be... lonely...huh? Is the one over there the demon?"

Mo Ran thought for a long time, "Then I...indecisive? I really have a demon!"

"It seems that only if you have such a demon can you see the corresponding demon, in other words, other people cannot help..."

"What are you afraid of? Isn't it just fighting? The difficulty of the legendary mission should not be too high. Now the time is running out, everyone can solve the demons that you can see as soon as possible!

The four went to fight the demons separately.

Lu Chen was rather depressed.

"Mao, I didn't see anything because of Mao!"

"What prevents me from becoming stronger... What prevents me from becoming stronger... Greed? Huh? There is no corresponding demon... Selfish? No, aloof? No, I really don’t think I can be considered aloof, I really don’t... "

Everyone else is hurrying to fight the demons, and Lu Chen can't think of his demons alone for a long time.

"Don't I have a heart demon at all?! I was born to be strong? I am a perfect person?!"

No one listened to his nonsense now. After thinking about various personalities, Lu Chen didn't see the so-called demons.

"No, I brought them here, but I couldn't find the demon alone. This is a mess."

"Family? Yes, Mu Xuan said that the strong will abandon emotions. I want to Lu Yi all day. This is the demon that prevents me from becoming stronger! Come on, come out!"

There was a sound of fighting around, and now Lu Chen couldn't even see Gu Fei, let alone a demon.

"I'll go, deliberately, this is not a demon?" Lu Chen was completely helpless, "What kind of broken copy, against me!"

Sitting on the ground, Lu Chen shook his head, wondering if they could complete the task within the stipulated time. As the team leader, he should get a reward.

At this moment, a new prompt appeared on the interface between Lu Chen and others.

[The symbiosis between gods and demons is detected, and the target will be teleported to the Asura Temple. 】

[The only madman will be teleported to the Asura Temple. Three hours later, the asura **** will appear! 】

[Each time you kill a mind demon, the strength of the Asura Remnant will decay. After killing all 108 mind demon, the Asura Remnant will be in the weakest state, and the four dimensions will drop to 1 million in each attribute. 】

Seeing this news, everyone almost spewed a mouthful of old blood.

Falling to the weakest state, there are 1 million in each of the four dimensions!

What the **** is this!

And the person who was teleported, without a doubt, was Lu Chen.

Before Lu Chen could read the prompt clearly, he was teleported to a magnificent hall.

In the middle of the hall, a huge statue of a few hundred meters high stood there.

The real three heads and six arms have a sky eye on each head, and countless visible air currents flow into the sky eye on his forehead, as if the sky and the earth existed for his cultivation.

On his six palms, there are six elements, water and fire, gold and wood, light and darkness, which seem to control the operation of this world.

At this time, the nine eyes of this statue were all slightly closed, and they did not open because of Lu Chen's arrival.

"This, this is Asura Remnant Soul! What level of Remnant Soul is this!" The Remnant Soul can also be divided into many levels according to the spiritual power of the body.

For example, the sacred beast in the misty forest is very weak, and the white tiger in the mountain protection formation is several times stronger than the sacred beasts of the same level.

It is not that the white tiger is stronger than the black dragon and blue dragon, but the mountain guardian beast possesses more body spiritual power.

At this time, the statue of the **** in front of him was already soaring into the clouds, and it really existed here as a **** of creation.

Lu Chen's eyes widened, "Isn't it because you want me to fight this guy! What am I..."

Fortunately, I brought Gu Fei and the others together. If Lu Chen fights this guy now, I guess he will be killed in a second...

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