Evolve and Upgrade from Wild Monsters

Chapter 598: Two fairy-level magic weapons

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Not long after, Lone Fei came back.

Lu Chen hurriedly asked, "Have you received the hidden mission reward?"

"I've taken it, the Fourth Heaven's is worthy of a legendary hidden mission. This reward is too rich! I have taken a fairy-level bracer with very strong attributes!"

"I got Xiao Hei's growth materials. This is the first time I have seen these high-end materials."

"My reward is also very strong, I have improved a layer of Poison Master talent." Mo Ran said excitedly.

"My Fenglei enchantment has improved its quality."

Lu Chen looked at these people in shock. Did they all receive the reward?

"Then, then why didn't I receive the reward..."

"You got it, we got it for you."


"Yes, you passed out at the time, and there is a time limit for receiving the reward. We are afraid that you will miss the reward, so we will help you with it."

"Really? What do you get?"

"Your rewards are better than ours, but after our discussion, we still chose the most suitable for you, that is the key to the wild land." Mo Ran said.

Lu Chen almost didn't spit out a mouthful of blood, the last thing he wanted was this reward.

"No, this is the result of your discussion? Just take a bunch of elixir, isn't Xianwu fragrant? Isn't the evolutionary weapon fragrant? Why should you choose a broken key for me!"

"This... Didn't you say that to be better than others, you must take the road that others haven't walked. The key to the wild land was dropped by the world of Asura, and other people should have never been. This is not just for you. Well..." Gu Fei is like a kid who made a mistake.

"Yes, we have fully considered that your attributes are already very abnormal, and you have the Promise Sword of Gods and Demons, it is estimated that the general immortal martial arts can't be compared, maybe the wild land has better rewards."

"The key can only be sent to one person. We really weighed it carefully according to your situation. There is absolutely no selfishness."

"We are thinking, continue to challenge more difficult copies, which is in line with your personality."

When Lu Chen listened to the explanation from these people, it was also a black line.

This group of guys are actually very reasonable!

"You guys really... understand me so well..."

Didn't get any reward for co-authoring?

However, when he killed Ashura, Lu Chen also hit two fairy-level magic weapons, thinking about it this way, it was actually not a loss.

Besides, it is better than missing the time to collect.

The dungeon finally ended smoothly, but Lu Chen was very interested in how this group of people killed 108 inner demons in such a short time.

"Hey, how did you kill 108 demons in such a short time? I feel that this task is too difficult to complete. It is very difficult to find the demons that I can see."

Mo Ran said, "Hey, when we saw the system requirements, we were also desperate, but we also knew that we had to complete the task."

"So, Dongfang Ji thought of a way."

Lu Chen looked at Dongfang Ji in amazement, what a way this venomous gangster can think of.

"After killing the first round of heart demon, we found that it is not too difficult to really kill the heart demon. The difficulty lies in how to find the corresponding heart demon. Then Dongfang Ji said that in fact, some people feel too good about themselves. It’s not easy to find the inner demon, let others find it for you..."

Lu Chen was shocked. This was equivalent to letting others talk about each other's shortcomings. For the big poisonous snake like Dongfang Ji, 108 demons were missing...

"Something!" Lu Chen sighed, "Dongfang Ji, you are really a talent!"

"Dongfang Ji also helped you think about a lot of demons. For example, you are actually very boring, too selfish, cruel, and unfeeling..."

Lu Chen turned to look at Dongfang Ji, "Your kid has a big opinion of me."

"I'm telling the truth."

"Where am I?"

"So many girls like you, you just don't say who you like. Isn't this what Mengsao is?"

"I... how can any girl like me?"

"Well, I was wrong. You are not Mengsao, you are blind..."

The two wanted to pinch them up.

Mo Ran quickly grabbed them, "It's OK, it's all injured. You two can still fight, and I've served you too."

"Let them fight, I guess I will now have the opportunity to agree to the lone mad, go together, let him taste the taste of failure."

A group of people are also in a good mood, and there is still a mood to fight in the dungeon.

"Hahaha, in fact, this time in the Asura world, we also better understand our own demons. I think this alone is a great harvest for us."

"Well, are you men all kids? We should go now."

Lu Chen changed back to human skin, used the whirlpool key, and the group returned to Lu Chen's residence from the Asura world.

"Don't you move into the inner mountain to live with us? The inner mountain is close to the spiritual source, and each time you practice, you can gain a lot of pure aura." Gu Fei said.

Lu Chen has the spirit of the gods and demons, so he naturally looks down on the pure aura.

"Let's talk about it then."

After parting with Gu Fei and others, Lu Chen returned to his room to rest.


In the battle with Asura, Lu Chen felt even more that the strong in nine days were like clouds.

The previous Devil God of Death made him feel fear, while Ashura made him feel the power of the gods.

You know, this is only the remnant of Asura, maybe in the near future, he will encounter the real body of the god, how terrifying it will be.

"I have to upgrade the star as soon as possible. The basic attributes are high, whether the six transformations of the gods and demons, or the broken void, will the damage go up. There is also the spirit of the gods and demons mixed with the original mind, and cultivate to the second floor as soon as possible!"

"By the way, I don't know where the other three changes of the Nine Gods and Demons are. There is no clue at all. There are also God and Demons suits, and there is no clue.

After winning, Lu Chen did not relax, but felt even more urgent.

In other words, this time he killed Asura, he got a lot of Rank 3 materials, but considering that the Prestige Mall wanted to sell low and buy high, Lu Chen still didn't plan to sell Rank 3 materials.

After checking the backpack, in addition to the materials, Lu Chen added another whirlpool key.

"Two more!" Lu Chen shook his head, "I guess no one can enter the whirlpool like me and get an extra key."

"If you don't bring teammates, Maelstrom should be considered safe for me."

Of course, Lu Chen hadn't forgotten to check the two magic weapons he had newly acquired.

【Reincarnation Relics (Santa Magic Weapon) (Withdrawal)】

"Withdrawable...I don't know how many withdrawal rolls are needed for this level of item withdrawal."

The three-dimensional relic of reincarnation is increased by 12,000 points, and the spiritual power is increased by 4,000 points. The attributes are only average in the fairy.

【Special Effect 1: Delayed effect, all damage received within 10 seconds will erupt at once after 10 seconds. This damage will be regarded as one damage, and a minimum of 1 HP will be retained. During the 10-second damage accumulation phase, it is not affected by control skills. 】

"Another life-saving skill, this one is quite easy to use, there is a 10 second magic avoidance."

[Special effect 2: All Buddhist chants, every 3 seconds, the enemy is forced to the side, and cannot break free within 2 seconds. 】

This is an effect in the enchantment of Buddhist chants, but now it has become an equipment special effect, and it is actively released.

【Special effect 3: Buddha body transforms into three heads and six sides, and can be divided into three entity clones, and the body can be switched between the three entity clones at will. 】

"Not bad, but it is listed as a fairy-level magic weapon. It should be because it can be withdrawn, otherwise these attributes are not too prominent."

The Magic Talisman’s Tianmu attributes are much stronger, with 15,000 three-dimensionality and 6,000 spiritual power!

Two of the special effects are an upgraded version of the Dark Golden Eye, which can not only predict the enemy's skill release position, but also predict the enemy's moving position.

"No wonder Shura mudra can chase me all the time, it turns out it's this thing!"

[Special Effect 2: See through camouflage, virtual image, illusion, void, heaven-level secret realm! 】

"This... is a bit strong, can you see through the void vortex?!" Lu Chen was shocked, "There is still a secret realm?" Lu Chen hasn't encountered a secret realm for a long time, maybe it's not there, but he didn't find it.

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