Evolve and Upgrade from Wild Monsters

Chapter 607: Delegate task

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After staying under the tree all night, the two of them found a small river to clean their bodies before it was light.

Lu Chen put on a red dress, and the Flame Demon glanced at him, "So angry?"

"Can not be done."

"Well, you are happy. But don't wear fashion. People who come to pick someone will definitely look at the equipment. After wearing the fashion, you won't see the equipment."

Lu Chen looked at the Flame Demon. The equipment on this guy was quite luxurious, with various colors, and they should all be of the fairy level.

No wonder this guy is so strong, he can severely inflict a heavy blow to the great general of the human race!

"That's right. Finding mercenaries definitely depends on the equipment, well, I know."


The recruitment market is full of mercenaries at this time.

The other mercenaries are teams of dozens of people and hundreds of people, no matter what race, well-equipped, and there are people who bargain with employers who are veiled or wearing masks.

The flame demon looked at the guy next to him with a look of lovelessness. This guy was wearing novice short sleeves, big pants, and only a pair of boots on top of his body.

"Brother, I told you not to wear fashionable dresses. Are you going to be like this? Do you see someone coming to us?"

"I only have this piece of equipment, my sword is generally not displayed."

"Forget it, you'd better put on the fashion clothes. Standing with you, I feel like pimping."

Lu Chen put on his "Blood Mad Sword God" fashion again.

"Lao Yan, no matter how well equipped you are, we can't fight now, can we receive the task?" Lu Chen shook his head.

"Who said I have to fight, there are a lot of tasks here, wait patiently, I don't want to sleep on the ground again today."

While the two were chatting, there was a large wave of employers coming and going, but seeing these two people, they were weak and bloodless, they were injured at first sight, and they passed in front of them without even looking at them. .

After standing on the street for more than two hours, two people finally took a look at this side, and the two men bowed their heads and talked a few words before walking over.

Although the other party is covered with a veil, it seems that they are two elven creatures. As for the dark night, nature, or elements, it is difficult to see.

Even the translation software, after entering the Mercenary City, no longer displays the opponent's race.

"You belong to the demons?" one of the female elves said, her voice was pretty good.

"Yes!" The Flame Demon said with his arms around his chest, tugging.

"Well, people from the demons actually come to be mercenaries, it's rare! Equipped... fire-print breastplate, magic sky boots, **** trial double swords... a fairy weapon! But, you have physical damage?"

"Yes, now 87%."

"Isn't that trash?"

"Don't do business for fighting." The Flame Demon said decisively.

Lu Chen shook his head. Is the Flame Demon sure that he is here to be a mercenary? Why is it more than a buyer.

"Well, we don't need you to fight, but if things are revealed, it may be dangerous. Can you take it?"

"What commission?"

"You should know what race we are?"

"I don't know, I don't want to know." The Flame Demon said flatly, "The rule of mercenaries is to collect money to do things, and don't ask at other times."

The two women glanced at each other and nodded slightly, "The brain is not stupid."

"In this way, our entrustment is also very simple. We need you to pretend to be a representative of the Demon Race to meet some people and get what we need. After the event is completed, we can help you heal your physical wounds or give you 100 spiritual stones. Choose one!"

"But if you are exposed, you should know the consequences. With your current state, it is naturally impossible to protect yourself."

The Balrog furrowed his brows and thought for a while, "Entrust me to pick it up, but I have a condition, take him!"

The two night elf women looked at Lu Chen on the side. They were wearing a red dress and could not see the equipment. The most important thing was that he was a human.

"Human? We don't need Human. If you want to bring him, you can, but we won't pay extra."

Lu Chen was very depressed. It seemed that Human Race was still at the bottom of the nine camps, and nobody even wanted to be a mercenary.

For tasks of the same camp, they would rather choose half-orcs, natural elves, and dwarves, and finally consider the human race.

The starting point of Human Race is too low.

"Well, let me pick it up, and I will take him."

"Well, the old rule, this is 30 spirit stones advance payment. Of course, if you choose to let us help you heal your wounds, then you'd better not spend the 30 spirit stones, and you will have to return it to us in the end. Now give it to you One hour preparation time, come to the north of the city to find us."

The night elf woman left with 30 spirit stones. The Flame Demon took the money and gave it to Lu Chen, "Old Kuang, go, go buy some medicinal materials first."

Lu Chen said, "If you use spirit stones to buy medicinal materials, probably how much it will take to heal your injuries."

"Buy the pill directly, about 500, buy medicinal materials to refine the pill, the materials plus the remuneration for the pharmacist is about 200."

Lu Chen frowned, "The difference between the two remunerations is at least twice as long. They obviously want you to choose the latter. I think there may be a problem here. They probably don't want to pay you."

The Balrog nodded, "Yes, if I guess right, they might kill us in the end."

"So you thought about it, so you are still pulling me?" Lu Chen stared at Yan Demon.

"I won't take you, am I dead?"

"You...you are really my good brother!"

The flame demon in front of Lu Chen is completely different from the other people. He is always cold in front of others, perhaps because of the nobility of the race, which makes him superior to others even as a disabled mercenary.

But in front of Lu Chen, this guy smiled hippiely.

"Can I not pick it up? Otherwise, the two of us are really going to starve to death here. Do you think 100 spirit stones are very easy to earn? Normal tasks, at most 10 spirit stones at a time, the reward for this task is ten times that of others. !"

Lu Chen thought, it seemed right, it was impossible for the two of them to take on normal tasks, they could only take on this kind of weird task.

"After that, what should I do if there are still 70 spirit stones?"

"According to the regulations, there are 70 spirit stones and they will be kept in the Mercenary City for temporary storage. When performing the mission, we pretended not to know their plan at the beginning. After the event was completed, they confirmed that the mission was completed, and then they would mention healing. , We don’t want to live or die, if they use strong, we will slip! As long as we can run back, we can receive the remaining 70 spirit stones."

The flame demon took Lu Chen's shoulders, "Hey, the last time I met the Tianyu BOSS, I have seen the strength of your kid, and I can escape from the Tianyu BOSS. I have not seen the second person. So these 30 spirit stones You use it first, don’t you have a green girl, the recovery cost is much lower than others, you can recover as much as you can."

Lu Chen nodded. In the current situation, it seemed that he could only take one step.

Lu Chen took Lu Yiyi and purchased it at the medicinal store. Within an hour, Lu Yiyi refined a few pills.

"Boss, these 7 pills can alleviate your injuries and probably reduce your physical damage to about 65%. This one is a Tyrannical God Pill with a three-star quality. It can explode the physical potential within 16 seconds after taking it, ignoring the physical body. Damage, but 70% of the pain will be returned after 16 seconds, so don’t use it as a last resort."

The cost of recovery is much lower if there are pharmacists, and Lu Yiyi is a top pharmacist. The success rate of refining medicine and the higher the quality of the orders, the lower the cost.

The 30 spirit stones have been able to recover 20% of Lu Chen's physical damage, and he has also refined an extra Tyrant Pill.

Lu Chen took the Overlord Pill and nodded, "I hope I don't use it."

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