Evolve and Upgrade from Wild Monsters

Chapter 615: Better than eating?

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When the earth players saw that the mad **** opened the "Chaos Realm", they once again realized that the mad **** had made the greatest progress in the past two years!

And through the mysterious props Shadow Stone, human beings are also fortunate to have seen the fighting intensity of the four heavens offline in advance.

Just the field contest before the war has triggered a vision of heaven and earth!

On the execution ground, the decisive battle is about to start.

Although Lu Chen asked the eight Zhongtian generals to join together, they obviously had their own arrangements.

At this time, a Zhongtian general in a weird suit had already taken action, and countless black beetles had emerged from his sleeves, and the number was difficult to count.

These black beetles covered the ground, or flapped their wings in the air, almost filling the entire space, pressing towards Lu Chen.

"Old Kuang, be careful, this is a spirit devouring beetle, which can devour spirit attacks, a type of gu worm, Bajia is a Gu master!" the flame demon shouted behind Lu Chen.

Lu Chen originally planned to use the giant **** to sweep against these disgusting bugs, but after being reminded by the Balrog, he gave up this tactic.

"Hahahaha, Flame Demon, even if you tell him, your Demon Heaven Burning Soul Array can block my Spirit Devouring Gu group, but he can't!" Bajia laughed sharply.

"Your Chaos Domain is nothing more than this. It can only eliminate your own negative state, but it cannot change the effect of my Worm Surge Domain!"

"Only I am crazy. I heard that you are very strong, and there is almost no cooling down in your skills. Unfortunately, in front of my Spirit Devourer Nest, no amount of aura will be sucked for you! Without the support of aura, I see how arrogant you are. !"

At this moment, a crisp voice yelled, "Uncle Mad, I'll help you! Demon Heaven Burning Soul Array!"

Lu Chen originally planned to do it himself, but when he heard this voice, he couldn't help but stop.

In the meantime, Diwen unfolded his avatar and quickly set up the Demon Sky Burning Soul Array, and then a soaring fire column burst out from the surrounding ground.

Unfortunately, Divine's attributes are too low, and his flames are far behind his father's so violent and deadly.

The Spirit Devouring Beetle was not directly burned to death, but could absorb aura from the flame, causing the flame to become unsustainable and gradually extinguished.

Lu Chen looked at the demon child in surprise, and said with a smile, "Yes, you can use such a strong formation at such a young age, it looks a bit like your father."

Speaking of it, the current Lu Chen is still in the form of an evil boy, and the devil itself is tall, and Di Wen is actually a head taller than Lu Chen.

However, height is secondary, and the key is xinxing. At this point, Lu Chen is still a competent "uncle".

Divine lowered his head in frustration, "I, I can't stop them, I can't avenge my father..."

Lu Chen smiled slightly, "No, you have great potential, what you need is time. Lao Yan, your son is good, good material!"

Love Wu and Wu, Lu Chen and Yan Demon are friends of life and death, so they naturally value this child very much, not to mention Di Wen is so sensible.

"Deven, uncle teaches you a trick. If the aura is not enough, you don’t need to arrange all the 81 arrays, and concentrate all the pure auras in ten, or even five. This can explode ten times in a short time. As long as it can protect yourself, it’s enough."

Bajia glared, but I was the only one who taught him on-site!

When the Flame Demon left, he left the Demon Sky Burning Soul Formation Book to Lu Chen. Although he had never used it before, he had seen the Flame Demon use it, and he had roughly understood the characteristics of the technique.

The power of the Motian Burning Soul Array, in addition to its high attack, long duration, and burns to the flesh, it can also be flexibly changed, without having to cover 81 eyes.

At that time, the avatar of the Flame Demon was half killed, and he still activated the Demon Heaven Burning Soul Array!

After all, Lu Chen lifted one hand, and 5 clones appeared around him instantly.

This clone is not a demon clone, but a clone used for the formation of the Demon Sky Burning Soul formation.

After a while, the clone formation was completed, and Lu Chen lifted one hand, and a pillar of fire erupted from the five eyes instantly and went straight into the sky.

At the moment the pillar of fire rushed up, only the spirit devouring beetles close to the pillar of fire were instantly roasted into mummy, not to mention those directly impacted by the fire, already turned into ashes in the flame!

Di Wen looked stunned, "So strong damage, this should have exceeded the upper limit of the exercise method!"

Lu Chen smiled slightly, "The Demon Sky Burning Soul Array causes flame damage at the cost of pure aura. Although I have more than five pillars of fire, I have been infused with more auras. This way, the power will naturally double."

"You are still young. Maybe you will meet a stronger opponent in the future. You can study your skills more and it is not impossible to beat the strong with the weak."

At this point, Lu Chen can be said to have a lot of experience. Many of his skills are low-level skills, but through changes, they can often achieve unexpected results.

Divine was deeply inspired and nodded heavily.

When the Flame Demon saw this scene from the side, they were very surprised.

"The last time my clone was destroyed, I had to use half of the eyes to activate the Demon Sky Burning Soul Formation. He actually expanded on this basis. By controlling the number of Demon Sky Burning Soul Formation eyes, he can deal with different occasions!"

"This guy, being able to come up from a place like Earth alone is not just by chance!"

Aisha looked at Divine with some worry, "Cardi, your friend is teaching Divine, is that okay?"

The flame demon laughed regardless of the pain, "You don't know how strong he is. I have seen one or two, and only said one thing. He can take me seven or eight kilometers away from that thing under the ground. You probably have counted it!"

"What, you said, you said he escaped from that guy?"

"I only left the Demon Sky Burning Soul Array to him today. I didn't expect that he would actually use it, so I could already think of such a change, even I was deeply inspired! It was his chance that Divine could get his guidance! "

Aisha has never seen her husband admire a person so much, but when she thinks about it carefully, she is relieved, "He does have a difference, such a life-and-death battle, he still has the thoughts to instruct Divine, although his strength has not been fully revealed yet, But this courage is already admirable."

While talking, Lu Chen patted Diwen's shoulder with his feet on his feet, "You go back and take care of your father first, and you can handle it with your crazy uncle here."

"Yeah." Devine nodded and honestly returned to his parents.

To Di Wen, Lu Chen looked mellow, but when he turned around, the killing intent in his eyes had rekindled.

"Let you go together, but you are still waiting for my aura to run out. It seems that the eight great generals are nothing more than that."

"Don't bother in vain, if you don't make it, you will have no chance!"

"Gu worm? It should be regarded as a unit... Little Hair Ball, are you interested?" As soon as he raised his hand, Lu Chen already had a white mouse in his hand.

"Squeak, squeak!" Looking at the countless Gu worms, the little hair ball was more excited than other times, and it bounced on Lu Chen's hand, and his eyes were shining.

"Okay, then I won't burn them and leave them to you."

After the little hair ball got the order, he happily jumped off Lu Chen's palm, his figure swelled instantly, reaching seventy to eighty meters at once.


Lu Chen shook his head, "Your Spirit Devouring Gu eats pure aura? I'm sorry, no one can compare to a small hairball when it comes to eating."

"It eats everything!"

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