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Lu Chen frowned slightly, looking at these people, from different races, luxuriously equipped, but they were all ferocious.

There is a wooden cage behind them, inside which is a human woman!

It seems that these people have already succeeded once before.

"Hey, this place doesn't belong to your home, so why do you still play block and robbery?"

The first person is a female dwarf, quite strong.

"This eldest sister, Human Race and Dwarf seem to be an alliance, right?" Lu Chen frowned, "Why do you specialize Human Race?"

When the woman in the cage saw Lu Chen, she immediately rushed to the edge of the cage and shouted to Lu Chen, "Help me!"

Lu Chen's steel straight male attributes determined that he was not interested in heroes saving the United States, and he ignored the woman.

"Shut up!" A male alien with a long nose on his face hit the cage with a weapon, "Kill you!"

"Alliance? Boy, it seems that you still don't know what the wilderness is! Here, there is no alliance, only benefits!" The female dwarf roared fiercely!

"Don't talk about robbery, even if I kill you here, no one will care! Here, if you have the strength, you can walk sideways!"

Lu Chen nodded, "It turns out that it's a wild land. Then what exactly do you want me to let me in?"

Lu Chen wanted to know what is the most valuable thing in the wild land, and what these people robbed should be more valuable.

Who knew that after the female dwarf gestured to her opponent, her subordinate actually took out a force stone and placed it in front of Lu Chen.

"If you can hit 10 million in a single attack, you are eligible to join us. If you can't, sorry, if you want to survive, everything on your body belongs to us! You know, we have a way to let you Die in reality!"

Lu Chen frowned slightly. These bandits were quite cautious. They tested the attack before deciding whether to grab it or not. This little routine was really perfect.

But in other words, the minimum standard is actually 20 million damage per attack. I didn't expect people in the wild land to be quite strong.

The Xianjimen test is 30 million in 10 seconds, but here is an attack of 20 million, the difference is still very big.

"Boss, isn't our minimum requirement of 25 million? Why do you only want him to play 20 million? You don't want him anymore?"

The features of the dwarves are very similar to those of the humans. What's interesting is that from the aesthetics of the dwarves, they also seem to prefer taller figures. Therefore, in the eyes of the dwarves, the humans have very high values.

The dwarf elder sister snorted coldly, "Just talk nonsense again, be careful that I tear your mouth!"

"A human race can hit 20 million in a single attack. It is already very rare. As long as it can produce 20 million damage in a second, it means that he is a genius in the human race. At least his brain is better than you!"

"That woman just hit 8 million!"

The woman in the cage said angrily, "I'm hurt, otherwise you want to catch me too!"

"There is no place for you to speak here, just talk more and cut her tongue!" The female dwarf snorted coldly, and the human woman hurriedly stopped her voice when she heard it.

When everyone thought about it, it seemed to be right. A genius of a race would not behave in all respects. Even if the attack is a little bit close, the quality of other aspects is not bad!

"Boy, lucky you, our boss, as long as you play 20 million, as long as you play 20 million, you are eligible to join us. In the wild land, there is no backing, you should be very clear!"

Lu Chen curled his lips, "Sorry, I don't like to team up with people I don't know."

"Boy, don't toast or eat fine wine, we really don't dare to kill you! Everyone here has blood on his hands!"

Lu Chen smiled slightly, "Then don't care about me, I just don't want to team up with you."

"Since you moved the force stone out, I will test it."

Lu Chen was too lazy to take care of things, and was too lazy to fight, he just wanted to improve his strength as soon as possible.

When the others were about to step forward, the dwarf elder sister stretched out her hand and stopped the others, "Let him test!"

Lu Chen smiled at the woman and nodded, then walked to the force stone.

The strongest of a single attack was Shattered Void. Lu Chen used the Death Ground once to directly reduce the blood volume to 20%, and blasted the force stone with a punch.

The quality of this dynamometer seems to be not as good as that of Xianjimen. Lu Chen's fist caused at least 400 million damage. After the dynamometer showed 100 million, it was blown to pieces.

The chaotic world was flying, but a group of people forgot to dodge and stared at the person in the field with their pockets.

Looking at his preparations just now, he must have not tried his best, but with one punch, a single attack directly broke 100 million!

It should be far more than 100 million, because the upper limit of the dynamometer test is 100 million, but that guy crushed the dynamometer, and the damage would have to be doubled at least!

"Well, how much is this guy hurt? What the hell, isn't he Human! How can Human Damage be so high!"

"I didn't see it, did it...Did you buy a fake dynamometer?"

"The previous tests were all normal, how could it be fake! This person is probably a great general...Boss, we can't afford this person!"

The most shocking thing was the human woman in the cage. Her eyes widened at this time, and her eyes were about to come out.

"Hundreds of millions of punches? This, is this still a human!"

Lu Chen had no intention of doing anything. He wiped the dust off his hands and shook his head, "I'm sorry, I broke your force stone."

The female dwarf trembles when she speaks, "No, it doesn't matter, it's not very expensive..."

"Boss, this dynamometer requires 500 spirit stones!"

"Shut up, idiot!"

"Well, this gentleman, it was a complete misunderstanding just now. Hey, in fact, we just happened to be passing by..."

"Passing by?" Lu Chen frowned, "Your excuse is a bit false, right? I'm not blind. You obviously arrested other people."

The female dwarf glanced at the woman in the prison car and hurriedly said, "This man, she..." I couldn't make up anymore, "Idiot, let's run!"

The female dwarf spreads her body, turns her head and flashes. Others usually don't work well. At this time, one runs faster than one.

For an instant, there was only Lu Chen around...and the woman in the prison car.

Lu Chen was also depressed. He just questioned the other party's lie, and didn't mean to do anything, so they all ran away.

"Hey, the wild land? It seems to be a place where strength is respected." Lu Chen shook his head and left.

"Hey, hello! Don't go! Let me out!" Behind, the woman was shouting, her hands stretched out of the cage, "I am here in the wilderness, I will die!"

Lu Chen frowned slightly. Although he didn't plan to save anyone, since they left the woman, at least open the cage.

Walking to the cage, Lu Chen unlocked the door.

"Thank you, thank you!"

Lu Chen didn't speak, turned around and left.

"Hey, where are you going? Can you take me?"

Lu Chen didn't look back, "Stay away from me, I don't want to be a burden."

"I am not a burden! I am strong!"

"Qiang? Qiang can still be kept in a cage?" Lu Chen retorted unceremoniously.

"I have an injury! And, I am a Frost Clan Mage, mainly a support...Hey, don't go, I, I can take you to the secret realm of the tomb of God!"

Lu Chen stopped suddenly, "What did you say?"

"I, I can take you to the secret realm of the tomb of the gods!" the woman repeated reluctantly, "I can't go in alone, I need a strong helper, if you are willing to help me, most of the treasures inside can be given to you , I only need one!"

"Not this sentence, the last sentence."

"Last sentence? Am I a Frost Clan Mage?" the woman said strangely.

Lu Chen frowned slightly and asked suddenly, "Do you know Shuang Wu?"

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