Evolve and Upgrade from Wild Monsters

Chapter 626: Sleepy Beast Arena

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"Does Shuang Wu also have that Xuanbing Worm on her body?"

Shuang Ling hesitated to say, "Brother Mad, don't ask any more, this is actually the secret of our Frost clan, but as long as my physical injury is cured, I promise not to drag you down!"

Lu Chen thought for a while and didn't ask much, "Well, I see, let's rest first."

"Um... there is only one bed..."

"You have an injury, go to sleep, I can sleep on the ground."

"Will the floor be too hard? Should we squeeze? The bed is quite big, enough for the two of us to sleep."

Hearing these words, Lu Chen's speed in his mind reached 180 yards... Is this girl too innocent, or is the Shuang Clan so unrestrained? In other words, Shuang Wu is very reserved.

"Come on, you sleep next to me!" Shuang Ling was very enthusiastic, pulling Lu Chen, and Lu Chen wanted to refuse, but it seemed that a voice had been telling him, maybe it was intentional?

In nine days...it seems to be possible...

"Brother Kuang, I promise you will feel great in a while!"

"This!" After walking around for many years, I finally waited until today!

"It's not so good, we just met in less than a day... Isn't it a bit too fast?"

"It's okay, it's okay!" Shuang Ling pulled Lu Chen to the bed, and she detoured to lie down on the other side, "Brother Mad, lie down quickly."

Hiss~ The other party looks anxious...

"Do you want to take a bath or something?" Lu Chen asked.

"Whatever you do, I'm a little tired, and I will use some spiritual energy later, I don't want to wash it."

Use spiritual power? You also need spiritual power! Is it too intense? Lu Chen really became more and more curious.

After lying down, Lu Chen was a little nervous. In other words, at this time, Lu Yi would not enter his room, would he not see anything that he shouldn't see.

"Are you lying down?"


"Then I want to start?"

Lu Chen took a deep breath, "If you use spiritual power, there won't be too much movement, right? It's not good to make others noise."

"Then I will control it."


"Frost barrier!"

Suddenly, the whole room was covered with frost, water vapor condensed, and the guest room had become a crystal palace on one side!

The temperature of the surrounding air dropped suddenly, completely isolating the hot heat waves from the outside world without feeling cold.

At the same time, there was an ice wall erected on the bed between Lu Chen and Shuangling...

Lu Chen almost collapsed!

Why is this happening! Could it be that what Shuang Ling said, that's it?

Opposite the transparent ice wall, Shuang Ling knocked on the ice wall, smiled slightly at Lu Chen, and made a gesture of putting her hands together and pillowing her head, she was going to sleep.

Lu Chen nodded, go to sleep, go to sleep, hey...

This night, Shuang Ling slept soundly, and Lu Chen didn't sleep well at all, so he could only lie in bed and practice Hunyuan spiritual power.

The next day, Shuang Ling got up very early, put away the frost barrier, and the two went out.

Saying this is a town, it's actually just a little more crowded. There are no walls, no guards, and even the roads are all roads that people stepped on.

Everyone walks on the road very vigilantly, except for their own, keep a great distance from other people.

"Is this a barren land?" Lu Chen shook his head. "Why do these people live in such a place? Isn't this very tiring?"

Shuang Ling said, "Brother Mad, some of them are wanted people who have nowhere to go to stay here, and some are former mercenaries. Tired of the life of mercenaries, they moved here to join a certain force. , Can survive. But neither of these two kinds of people are the most terrifying here."

Shuang Ling deserves to be a person who has collected information on the wild land for a long time. Although it is the first time to come in, she knows a lot.

Connecting criminals and those mercenaries who only ask for money are not the most terrifying. Lu Chen asked with interest, "Oh? Who is the most terrifying person here?"

"The aborigines of the Wildlands, the super powerhouses who are going to break into the Four Heaven Towers! Don't mess with these two kinds of people. Even if I know that Brother Mad is very strong, it is also very dangerous."

"Aboriginal people and those who rushed to the tower?"

"Yes, the Quadruple Cosmos BOSS is extremely powerful. Those who are confident in breaking into the tower are naturally not weak. They are relatively close to the Tongtian Tower, and here you can find powerful monsters to make the final preparations for breaking into the tower. "

"And the aborigines here, it is said that they have the blood of the gods! It's just that they don't want to leave here, they won't go to the tower."

Lu Chen was shocked.

"Actually, the gods also claim that they have the blood of gods, but the age is too long, and even the proof of their ancestors is difficult to obtain, but the aborigines of the wild land are different. My information shows that the tomb of the gods is located The barren land, that is to say, they have lived within the scope of their ancestors for generations, and their inheritance is more complete than that of the gods."

The blood of the gods...should not be the same thing as the blood of the gods, it seems to be closer to the "bloods" of Lu Chen.

"Brother Kuang, if you have anything you want to know, just ask me."

Lu Chen nodded, and now it's time to help Shuangling recover his physical damage first.

"Where to make money?"

"Well, it is generally difficult for outsiders to make money. If you have not dealt with valuable things, you are more likely to be robbed by trading with the forces. It is more stable. I know two methods. One is to deal with the aborigines. Although they are arrogant and unreasonable in bartering, they are very trustworthy. Unfortunately, it is difficult to gain the trust of the aborigines. They will not trade with unfamiliar people, and they will be killed if they enter their territory rashly."

"There is another... I still don't say it, it's too dangerous."

Lu Chen smiled slightly, "It's still sold out, what? Tell me, I will do what I can."

"This one……"

"If you don't tell me, how could you not be able to go to the secret realm of the tomb of God."

Speaking of the secret realm of the tomb of the gods, Shuang Ling gritted his teeth and said, "The second method is actually the most common. People who have just arrived generally use this method to accumulate their first funds."


"Sleep Beast Arena!" Shuang Ling pushed a piece of information, it was a screenshot of a picture and text on a stone tablet.

"The Sleepy Beast Arena is an entertainment project for the wealthy people here. The previous rule was that they would put 100 contestants in the Sleepy Beast Arena. These contestants would fight each other in the Sleepy Beast Arena and also deal with powerful beasts. Organs, etc., who hold up to the final specified time will receive spiritual stone rewards. If you are lucky and perform well in the game, you will also be appreciated by a tribe's aboriginal leader and get the opportunity to exchange items with them."

I don’t know why, but it’s quite familiar...

"How long will it last?"

"Three hours, or the last one is left. In fact, the contestants have learned to be smart. Many people often don't take the initiative to fight with others in order to preserve their strength. So in more cases, you can still receive rewards when the time is up."

Lu Chen frowned slightly, "It doesn't feel difficult, but it doesn't help. I can stay for 3 hours."

"However, perhaps it is precisely because of this situation that the viewing of the game is reduced." Shuang Ling said, "The current rule should be to put 100 people, and put 30 more than 200 map-level BOSS, adding some The most important thing about the enchantment of a specific domain is that there are 5 to 10 more hunters in every trapped beast arena!"

"The hunters have gained a lot of increase, and they are all superpowers. It is almost impossible to win. They will kill the contestants with the full view of the trapped beast arena!"

"As far as I know, the current trapped beast arena basically ends because there is only one player left to compete, because...no one can last three hours!"

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