Evolve and Upgrade from Wild Monsters

Chapter 638: Entrance dispute

The underground is a rocky area. Everyone hovered over the area, while investigating the ground, but also to guard against other people.

The people here are very clear, not to mention that this is a wild land, even if it is not, it is not ruled out that someone will eradicate competitors in advance!

The secret realm of the tomb of the gods is higher than the secret realm of Youyue, and the treasures in it are definitely worth fighting for.

"There are still five days to open, so there are so many people!" Lu Chen observed these people in secret.

In the distance, he saw several acquaintances.

Saintess tribe, Kazan tribe!

"They're here too?!" Lu Chen narrowed his eyes slightly.

"Brother Mad, once the secret realm opens, everyone will rush into the secret realm for the first time. After entering the secret realm, many people will immediately set up traps at the entrance to obstruct the people behind. So it is important to come here in advance to seize favorable terrain."

Lu Chen could also think of this situation. The current contention is by no means as simple as before. This is a desperate matter, and it is extremely normal to do everything.

"Where is the entrance?"

"I don't know this. The news I got is that the secret realm of the tomb of the gods is only recently opened for the first time."

"That said, there is no experience available, everyone is a starting line."

Lu Chen noticed that many other people were hovering at low altitude, presumably they must have taken a good position first, and rushed in first when the secret realm opened.

They also sent many people to conduct ground surveys. These people used various props and magic weapons to try to know the location of the entrance in advance.

Lu Chen immediately let Jiuyi fly high.

There are no people in the sky, and it is better to avoid being attacked.

"Guan Tianmu!" Lu Chenmui opened the sky eyes on his forehead, "Shuang Ling, pay attention to the surroundings, I will try to find some clues."

Shuang Ling is also a little used to it now, but there are too many ways to be crazy, and until now she can still show things she hasn't seen.

Now is not the time to ask questions, Shuang Ling promised and was alert to the surroundings.

After opening the Tianmu, the world in Lu Chen's eyes really became different from what he saw with his naked eyes.

The flow of aura on the ground is very strange. In addition to the aura emitted by the vegetation on the ground, there are also a lot of auras constantly gushing from the ground, the amount is far beyond normal.

"The secret realm of the tomb of the gods is here, but where is the entrance? Wait, there seems to be a pattern in these escaping auras..."

"Nine Wings, fly a little higher!"

On the flying white tiger, Zhuhua came to report, "My Lord Saint, I am the only mad and they are here too. They seem to know that they are not strong enough, they are far from low altitude, and they are flying higher and higher, it seems that they are afraid of others attacking them."

The saint's clear eyes looked towards the sky, "Are they here too? Actually know that the tomb of God is open!"

"It is estimated that they also want to get a piece of the pie. They are in that position. That kid actually has a Nine Winged Heavenly Dragon!" The subordinate pointed to Gaokong.

The saint looked far, and she saw Lu Chen and the others.

"Interesting... his strength is not ranked here, the focus is still on those strong teams."

"By the way, let the halberd and the others expand their search range and be sure to find a possible entrance location! The person who grabs the entrance first has a winning rate several times higher than others!"

"Yes, Master Saint."

Many teams have seen Lu Chen's Nine Winged Heavenly Dragon. In it, although his mount cannot be said to be of higher quality than others, it is still the most attractive one.

"Cut, did you see the Nine Winged Heavenly Dragon over there? Just like that, he kept flying online."

"If you are so afraid of us, you can't even think of coming here to grab the treasure!"

"Fly so high, if the secret realm is open, it will definitely be the last one to enter the secret realm."

Lu Chen didn't know that there were so many people discussing him about this matter, and he was carefully observing the direction of spiritual energy.

Stand tall, you can see clearly!

"The aura overflow in the entire area is even, and there is nothing particularly vigorous, it means that it is not an entrance!" Lu Chen frowned.

After observing for a while, Lu Chen found that the auras were all rising upwards, and then they were blown southeast by the northwest wind.

Everything has aura, and aura has almost no weight. It is similar to air. When the wind blows, it naturally flies in the direction of the wind.

After searching for a long time, Lu Chen couldn't find anything unusual.

"Brother Mad, what are you looking at?"

"I'm analyzing the direction of aura. Those guys on the ground should be using the same method to try to find possible entrances to the secret realm in advance."

"You can see the aura... Oh, the wind is so strong here." Shuang Ling's hair was blown into a mess.

Lu Chen glanced at Shuang Ling's appearance and smiled slightly. Although his hair was messy, it had a special flavor.

For several days, dozens of more teams arrived. Lu Chen noticed that some people's mounts had landed far away. Those people took a look at the situation here, turned around and left.

It turned out that those who came were not all strong, but those who stayed were all strong!

In the past two days, Lu Chen still didn't stop trying to find the entrance, but he hadn't gained anything.

"Brother Kuang, should we go down? I feel that the wind here is getting stronger and stronger in the past two days."

Shuang Ling's hair and clothes didn't stop for a moment. What she is doing now is to keep her hair straightened. In the end, she directly freezes her ventilation.

"I'm furious!"

Lu Chen looked at Shuang Ling's annoyed look and felt very cute.

However, that night, Shuang Ling suddenly pulled Lu Chen's sleeve, "Brother Mad!"


"The ice on my hair has been untied!" Shuang Ling was shocked.

"Is it frozen?"

"Oh, my ice won't melt, the surrounding water vapor will continue to replenish the frozen state...something is absorbing the spiritual power of my profound ice spell!"

Lu Chen frowned.

"Brother Kuang, if I guess right, we should be looking for the entrance in the wrong direction!" Shuang Ling said in a low voice, "In the beginning, we all felt that there must be a lot of spiritual energy in the tomb of the gods. When looking for the entrance, it is natural. The person will look for the place where the aura overflows, and there is the entrance."

"But there may be something in the tomb of the gods that has been absorbing aura! The wind here may be formed like this!"

Lu Chen's eyes widened, and Shuang Ling's words made sense.

"Brother Kuang, let Jiuyi fly higher and see where the wind is the strongest, and then you can observe it with Tiantian Eye!"

"By the way, don't improve too quickly, otherwise it will attract the attention of others."

Lu Chen nodded and let Jiuyi climb silently.

Fortunately, no one paid attention to their two-person team, and there were too many people coming, and they were afraid of going high.

At an altitude of 4000 meters, the wind speed here is the highest, and the nine wings must open nine pairs of wings to maintain balance.

Lu Chen immediately let Jiuyi fly at the same altitude.

Lu Chen quickly opened the Tianmu Eye.

A lot of auras are moving in one direction, then disappear quickly...

"Entrance!" Lu Chen widened his eyes, "Shuang Ling, I really underestimated you, you found the entrance!"

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