As soon as he entered the second floor, a few dark shadows rushed toward him.

"Three thousand instant shots!" Lu Chen activated the skill for the first time, and his figure jumped between several dark shadows.

Immunity, immunity, immunity...

After 11 combos in one breath, these shadows were unscathed.

"Material avoidance?" Lu Chen frowned slightly, and immediately attacked with spiritual power, "Wuguang Tianyan Pillar!"

These ghosts died quickly after being hit by the Wuguang Tianyan Pillar... However, after a while, the ghosts split into two and rushed towards Lu Chen again!

"Well, this can't kill you!"

Shuang Ling frowned and said, "These should be undead creatures, and death is equivalent to rebirth for them! And it seems that they can also absorb the aura that they have endured and copy another ghost."

Lu Chen was a little depressed, but killing them made them more and more numerous. How to fight.

"Brother Mad, these ghosts feel a bit similar to the black air overflowing from the coffin, let me try if I can confine them!"

"Ice imprisonment!" Frost Ling quickly activated his skills, and the ground quickly froze and stretched upwards, and the surrounding area was suddenly sealed by ice.

In the long ice wall in front of him, more than twenty ghosts have been sealed up, each with their teeth and claws stubborn, but unable to move.

Lu Chen had to admit that the ice mage was really too strong in terms of control ability!

"Shuang Ling, how long will your ice imprisonment be lifted?"

"Whatever... As long as I have enough aura, I can keep icicles, or unblock it in advance."

Lu Chen narrowed his eyes slightly, thought for a while and said, "Then you first lift the ice."

"Huh? But... they are hard to kill."

The corners of Lu Chen's mouth raised slightly, with a smirk on his face, "Yes, it is because it is hard to kill, so I can make good use of it!"

Shuang Ling seems to already know what Lu Chen is going to do. "Brother Mad, you have to be careful. Their attacks may have some special effects. These things have been in the tomb of God for thousands of years, and the damage is not low."

Lu Chen nodded, "Don't worry."

Shuang Ling lifted the ice seal, and the more than twenty ghosts rushed towards Lu Chen even more angrily.

"Muguang Tianyanzhu! Manluo Tianzheng!" Lu Chen yelled.

Ghosts have a very low blood volume. Being hit by these two skills means being shot seconds. Of course, they don't care about being shot seconds. Instead, after each death, they can separate a copy, and their own blood volume will increase.

As a result, the number of ghost images quickly doubled under Lu Chen's spike.

More than forty, more than ninety, two hundred, four hundred... eight hundred, sixteen!

"Death to death! The dragon's blood is boiling! The six changes of the gods! The thunder element attack changes!" Lu Chen held the Promise Sword, and shouted in a low voice, "The giant fault swept away!"

After fighting these ghosts, Lu Chen directly used the Six Gods!

In the case of Shenzhou VI, the damage of thunder elemental attacks is doubled. Lu Chen converts ordinary aura attacks into thunder elemental attacks, which can double the effect of thunder attack and increase the damage.

A large amount of sword energy was swept out, and the ghost image was shot in seconds, but quickly revived, giving birth to more ghost images.

There are more than 10,000 ghosts, and the blood volume has increased from a few million at the time to 30 or 40 million now!

Lu Chen couldn't do it anymore, and time was too late.

"Shuang Ling!"

Frost Aya hurriedly activated her skills.

"Ice imprisonment, the cold of heaven and earth!" With a boom, all the water vapor in the air instantly solidified and connected, and the entire area was directly frozen.

In this frozen world, countless ghosts flared their teeth and claws, as if to break the ice.

Lu Chen took Shuang Ling and quickly passed this area with his rhubarb, hiding in the dark.

Five minutes later, a group of familiar figures entered the second floor.

The saints’ tribe’s people have chased here, and there was only a few minutes of time between the front and back of the two!

As soon as they arrived on the second floor, they were attracted by the huge ice wall that almost completely blocked the entrance.

"Hey, what is this? There are many undead sealed inside."

"It's me and they did it."

At this moment, another group of people came to the second floor.

This group of people looks like about seven or eight people. The head of the group is a middle-aged demon man. He glanced at the saint tribe and snorted coldly.

"We haven't caught up yet." But soon, they also noticed the ice wall, "This ice wall was left by... the first person who entered the tomb of God?!"

"The aura flows clearly, and the surrounding aura is active. It seems that they have just passed here not long ago, hahahaha, finally caught up with that kid!"

Lu Chen and Shuang Ling hid in the dark to observe quietly. At this time, there were already two groups of people who were confined by the ice, and the third group had already descended from the first floor.

"Shuang Ling! It's now! Unlock the seal!"

The ice wall instantly turned into countless pieces of ice and shattered, and the ghost inside never gave up struggling, and the ice wall of hundreds of meters instantly shattered into ice slag.

More than 10,000 ghosts live freely.

It is impossible for them to find Lu Chen and Shuangling, but they can find the saints.

"This, this is... the seal was lifted ahead of time, but they are nearby!"

"Damn it, this guy actually insidious about us! What a sinister guy!"

"No, these ghosts will resurrect after they are killed, and their number and strength will increase! They can only be trapped!"

But they knew it too late.

Lu Chen had only encountered ten or so, and one was in the form of millions of blood. Now they are among tens of thousands of ghosts. It is not easy to seal them all at once.

Some people have even been recruited.

"No, they attack with strong corrosion...Heavy Mountain!" One person saw that his companion's arm was rapidly eroding, and the corrosion was still spreading upward, and he took the knife and dropped it, directly cutting off that person's entire arm!

These three teams are all masters. It stands to reason that they will be able to control the situation soon, but unfortunately, more and more teams enter here. They don't know anything when they first come down. They naturally want to kill when they see ghosts.

As a result, more and more ghosts, stronger and stronger, the strongest ghost, the blood volume has exceeded two or three billion!

The entire entrance on the second floor has become a mess, and a large number of people have been attacked by ghosts. If they are not amputated in time, they will even endanger their lives!

Lu Chen did not expect that the inconspicuous ghost shadow at the beginning would gradually become so strong.

But his plan has worked, and the ghost can trap these people for a while.

No one in the crowd yelled, "Hey, I told you, don't kill the ghost, don't you understand!"

"Find a way to control the ghost. The more you kill this thing, the stronger it is, the more you kill, the more you kill, and we really want to be killed by the ghost!"

"People behind, don't kill ghosts! Mad, I'm going crazy!"

The current situation is a bit out of control. The number of ghosts has reached hundreds of thousands. Even though there are countless masters here, they are still tired of dealing with such ghosts.

"I am the only one! You despicable villain, don't let me find you!"

"Is that the one who yin to us? This guy is too nasty, I want to kill him!"

Shuang Ling couldn't help but glance at Lu Chen, "Brother Mad, they seem to be very angry."

Lu Chen smiled slightly, "What are you afraid of, let them play more with Ghosts, let's go on and go!"

"This time, we will go directly to find the most important treasure!"

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