Evolve and Upgrade from Wild Monsters

Chapter 645: The second tomb of God!

Shuang Ling was ready to seal the coffin at any time.

After Lu Chen made some preparations, he moved the lid of the coffin.

When the coffin lid was pried open, a large amount of black gas gushed out of the coffin, which was extremely turbulent.

"Shuang Ling!" Lu Chen hurriedly turned around and motioned for Shuang Ling to do his hands.

"Ice confinement!" Shuang Ling immediately started.

The two have also cooperated many times. There is almost no gap between them. However, this time the black gas is too turbulent, and the speed of the gushing is extremely fast. It takes time for the water vapor to freeze. Before the ice imprisonment takes effect, the black gas still Wrapped in Lu Chen.

"Damn, isn't this thing that doesn't attack people!" Lu Chen was complaining, suddenly there was confusion in his mind, and then he lost consciousness.


When Lu Chen opened his eyes again, he found that he was in a unique space, and a female human was standing opposite him.

This woman is graceful and luxurious, upright and beautiful, with noble temperament, especially her eyes, clear as water, which reminds Lu Chen of the saint...

"Where is this? Whirlpool?" Lu Chen held his forehead, feeling a little at a loss.

The woman smiled slightly, "This is your consciousness, and I am just a trace of residual consciousness left by the first saint."

Lu Chen was a little confused, still frowned.

"In the fourth heaven, you still need to rely on consciousness connection to enter the nine days, and I have used some means to intercept your consciousness, so I don't know if you can understand it."

"This... well, I probably understand."

The woman shook her head, "I didn't expect to meet Human Race. If you weren't for Human Race, I'm afraid we would not be able to communicate."

Since the woman had intercepted Lu Chen's consciousness, translation software was naturally unusable.

Lu Chen stood up and looked at the woman warily, "Do you want to talk to me when you communicate with me?"

The woman has quietly looked at Lu Chen, "I want to give you a task."

"Huh? Mission?" Lu Chen asked puzzledly.

"Yes, of course, my task is different from the tasks you have encountered in the past. This is my personal commission, not a hidden task for nine days... Of course, you can also think of it as a hidden task. Big difference."

"You help me fulfill my wish and I will reward you. It's that simple."

Lu Chen took a deep breath, "What if I don't agree? Will you trap me here."

"This... It's been a long time since I met someone I can entrust, and soon my only remaining consciousness will dissipate. It stands to reason that since I meet you, I will let you fulfill my wish anyway, but I don't like it. It's hard for a strong man. If you don't want to, I will let you go now."

Lu Chen looked at the woman who claimed to be the "First Generation Saint" in surprise.

The contemporary saint had told him before that the **** of desolation had many female relatives, and the one she loved the most was a human woman, who seemed to be the woman in front of him.

Needless to say, the beauty of this woman is flawless, but there are too many beauties in the nine days, and each has its own merits, and the reason why this woman can be loved by the gods is probably because of her indisputable character.

The more you sit in the world, the easier it is to be conquered by this simple woman.

"Well, what do you want me to do for you?" Lu Chen asked.

"Chao Du Fu Narcissus Venerable Battle Spirit! Please let him free."

Lu Chen frowned, "Fun Narcissus Venerable Battle Spirit?"

"Yes! This **** tomb buried a total of two Xianzun-class powerhouses, the Desolate Xianzun and his mortal enemy, the Shuxianzun."

"The Desolate Immortal Venerable is the desolate **** among the population, and also my husband. You know too little about the gap between the immortal and the god, and it is inevitable to call it wrong."

"You should have noticed that after the tomb of the gods appeared, they continued to absorb the aura around them, and even the dead aura inside the tombs of the gods all poured into the bottom of the tombs."

"The Desolate God is accumulating strength, and he is preparing to recover! It's just because his obsession was too deep when he fell, it will not be possible to reach the power of the Immortal Venerable after recovery. It will only become a terrifying monster!

"I don't care about what he will become, I just hope that Venerable Narcissus can let go of his obsession and re-enter the cycle of reincarnation."

Lu Chen squinted slightly. Thousands of years ago, between the two great immortals and this beautiful woman, there seemed to be some love and hatred that was not understood by posterity...

Could it be that Desolate God was green? ! Wouldn't the Desolate God tribe today have some descendants of Shushuixianzun?

Lu Chen was really not ashamed to ask this question.

The task is still important.

"How to super-duty Narcissus? After super-duty is completed, what reward will you give me?"

"There is a hairpin in the burial goods behind me. Once the **** awakens, Jinshui will definitely awaken. I will take you into another tomb of the gods. After you find the battle spirit of Jinshui, show him this hairpin. I think he will understand."

"Remember, even if the Desolate God's Battle Soul no longer has the strength of the Immortal Venerable, you still have a long way to go with your abilities. Be sure to find the Water Battle Soul and leave the rest to him."

"As for the reward, if you can complete the task I give you, then the treasures of the two great tombs are rewards!"

Lu Chen took a deep breath. This fairy's business experience is okay, it's entirely an empty glove white wolf business.

But having said that, just like that, this reward is still very attractive.

Relying on his own strength, Lu Chen needs extraordinary strength and luck against the sky to get the top spot among many masters, but if he finds the battle spirit of Venerable Narcissus, it is estimated that no one can beat him.

Not only can you get the treasures of the tomb of the **** of wild gods, but you can also get the treasures of the tomb of the **** of waters.

"Okay, I promise you, but I still have a friend, can you take it with me?"

"I'm sorry kid, my consciousness has been blurred. After sending someone, I will dissipate, so your friend will stay here."

"However, I can guarantee her safety within three days."

Lu Chen shook his head. Shuang Ling is indeed a competent assistant mage. He has been too helpful to him. Without this stop, the difficulties that she has to face are much greater.

However, the saint's consciousness said that it could not be transmitted, and he could only take a gamble.

"Well, then you must ensure her safety. When I come back, she must be intact."

"Well, until the tomb of the gods is closed, the monsters in the tomb will protect her, and she will be fine."

It turned out to be so, then Lu Chen was relieved.

"Take me to the tomb of the **** of water."


Shuang Ling hugged Lu Chen's body and burst into tears. Suddenly Lu Chen's body disappeared from her hands.

Before Shuang Ling could react, a phantom of a woman appeared in front of her, "Your friend helped me with the mission. Within three days, you avoid other people who visit the tomb. You are absolutely safe in this tomb of God. Yes, the monsters here will protect you, and the mechanism will no longer be triggered."

When the woman waved her hand, there were eighteen more beast head guards beside Shuang Ling. They stood behind Shuang Ling, like eighteen bodyguards.

"However, you can't use them to attack other people, I just guarantee your safety, but I didn't say that I will help you win the treasure, remember this!"

"This...you, who are you?" Shuang Ling was shocked.

"It doesn't matter who I am, the important thing is, I hope your friend can complete the task." After all, the woman's illusion turned into dust and dispersed in the air!

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