Evolve and Upgrade from Wild Monsters

Chapter 648: Water Fighting Soul

"I can't help someone so shameless as you!"


The next day, Yaotong handled the medicinal materials and took Lu Chen to find Wushui War Soul.

"If it weren't because this was Master Huishui's wish, I wouldn't take you there with anything I said!" Yaotong said madly.

Lu Chen followed him with a smile.

With a tour guide, things become much simpler.

"Hey, can you hurry up, the tomb of the gods of the wild gods was closed in three days, and I want to rush back to chase the tomb of the gods of wild gods, it will take time to go back and forth."

"I know, I know, Immortal Venerable's underground palace is very big. It's normal that you can't finish it in a day or two. You keep up! Do you have many displacement skills?"

"not many."

Yaotong can be considered to have found a chance to take revenge, and smiled sinisterly, "Hey, then you follow up, don't blame me for losing it!"

After all, the medicine boy's speed suddenly increased sharply, and his movement speed was comparable to the rapid migration state.

You know, Yaotong is moving normally, that is to say, he can always maintain this speed. If the displacement skills are not enough, he will definitely lose it.

Lu Chen smiled slightly, "Death! The dragon's blood is boiling!"

His blood volume instantly dropped sharply, and his skill cooling was close to no cooling.

"Seven stars chasing the moon!"

Yaotong looked at Lu Chen who had been following him strangely, "What kind of displacement skill are you, why didn't you cool down!"

"Hey, I won't tell you."

"Cut, it's far worse than Master Wu Shui's Treading Waves!"

All the way, Lu Chen's speed did not slow down.

The second and third floors of the underground palace... finally reached the ninth floor!

In the nine-story underground palace, there is only one burial chamber, with a complex rune array painted on the ground, and a mummy sits in the center of the rune array.

The mummy sat cross-legged in the middle of the Fu array, bowed his head and eyes.

Lu Chen opened the Tianmu Eye to check, and found that there was a small amount of spiritual energy around, flowing along the talisman array into the dried corpse, and there was also aura flowing inside the dried corpse.

This thing is still alive!

"Master Huishui, Tongtong is coming to see you..." Yaotong looked sadly at the mummy.

However, the mummy did not respond.

Lu Chen asked strangely, "Are all battle spirits in the form of corpses?"

"No, this body is a puppet built by Master Wei Shui with his own body, used as a container for the battle soul. The battle soul of the wild **** may not be a corpse."

Lu Chen nodded, "Why does he ignore you?"

"The Soul of War is not the full consciousness of Master Wei Shui, but only possesses part of his fighting skills and strength. Master Wu Shui told me before that I shouldn't come over frequently because he was afraid that the Spirit of War would hurt me."

Lu Chen let out a sigh of relief. This corpse was Yaotong's spiritual sustenance, but it turned out to be just a puppet who didn't know who he was...

"Well, you go show him the hairpin, be careful."

Lu Chen nodded and moved to the mummy step by step.

When Lu Chen approached the mummy, the mummy suddenly opened his eyes.

Those eyes were completely dry, and the optic nerve turned into strips resembling tree roots, connected to the dry eyeballs, making people stand upright.

"Uh!" There was a low drink from the mummy's throat with dry friction, and the figure disappeared into the spot in an instant. In a blink of an eye, he was in front of Lu Chen. His pair of withered arms had already reached Lu Chen's eyes.

However, at this moment, he stopped.

Lu Chen was already startled in a cold sweat.

Is this the strength of Xianzun Battle Soul? He didn't even have reaction time! so horrible!

All the skills, skills, if there is no time to make a reaction, what use is more powerful! And the speed of Wushui Battle Soul has far exceeded Lu Chen's reaction limit!

Wu Shui Battle Spirit stopped, and he slowly took away the hairpin that Lu Chen held in front of him. Those eyes without a trace of moisture proved that he seemed to be thinking hard.

"The first generation saint asked me to bring this to you, the tomb of the gods of the wild gods is open, that guy is about to recover, you have to follow me!"

Hui Shui raised his head slightly, a certain deep-rooted memory was awakened, and the hideous expression on his face finally calmed down.

"Uh!" Hui Shui turned around and pressed one hand on the middle area of ​​the Fuzhen, and a coffin rose from the ground.

He opened the lid of the coffin, took out a blue-red bead from it, and threw it to Lu Chen.

Inside the bead, in the translucent blue liquid, there is a red liquid wrapped in the center, which looks a bit like blood.

[Obtained item "Xuanbing Divine Blood"]

Lu Chen frowned slightly, what does this mean? Does Hui Shui reward him? What is this thing for?

But now is not the time to struggle with this, Lu Chen finally breathed a sigh of relief, the first stage of the task was finally completed!

"How are we going to enter the Tomb of the Desolate Gods?" Lu Chen suddenly thought of this question. There is no tomb of the Saintess here.

Hui Shui carefully put away the hairpin, facing the void in front of him, slammed out a palm, and for a while, the entire underground palace was shaking and crumbling.

Suddenly, at the place where the water attacked, a black hole portal opened.

Lu Chen has always shocked others, but after seeing the strength of Hui Shui, Lu Chen was completely shocked!

This guy actually created a portal with one palm!

"This, this... this is too strong!"

Wu Shui Battle Spirit waved his head towards Lu Chen towards the portal, motioning him to enter.

Lu Chen took a deep breath and stepped into the portal first, followed by Wushui War Soul.

Suddenly, only Yaotong was left in the tomb of the **** of water, and he looked around blankly.

"Master Huishui, when you used to fight, you never left me..." Yaotong lowered his head sadly.

Thousands of years of loneliness, now, even Master Weishui is gone, and the guy who quarreled with him also left, and he and his medicine garden are left here...

Master Weishui said that his fighting spirit would not know himself, nor would he protect himself. As a ghost pet who only grows medicinal herbs, it is very dangerous outside.

Looking at the portal that was about to close, suddenly, Yaotong raised his head, gritted his teeth, and rushed in.

"Medicinal materials are just like people. If they can't burst out the brightest brilliance, what is the difference from dust in these nine days."

"Master Huishui, Tongtong will accompany you through this final battle!"


Lu Chen finally returned to the tomb of the gods of the wild gods, looking at the tomb of the gods of the wild gods, he was shocked by the water and fighting spirit.

It was only a day and a half before the closing of the tomb of the gods, time was very tight, but Lu Chen waited patiently for a while.

"Uh!" Wei Shui growled, looking at Lu Chen.

Lu Chen nodded, "Let's go."

Time was running out, and Lu Chen directly moved forward and rushed into the tomb of the gods.

The people in front of him have almost triggered the mechanism, unless he encounters ghosts or something, Lu Chen can safely sprint all the way.

When he rushed to the third floor, Lu Chen found strangely that the large number of ghost images left before were gone.

"By the way, they will protect Shuang Ling. By the way, how about Shuang Ling?"

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