Evolve and Upgrade from Wild Monsters

Chapter 656: Strange treasure

Yaotong finally agreed to join Lu Chen's team, and Xiao Min put her arms around Yaotong's shoulders, "Boy, my sister will cover you from now on!"

"Cut, who wants you to cover it." Yaotong looked disdainful, "I want to train Xiaolu into the strongest pharmacist!"

Lu Chen was delighted, with Yaotong's ability to guard against the sky, the help to Xiaolu was absolutely tremendous! Of course, the help to him is equally immeasurable!

Xiaolu has been busy at three o'clock on the front line these days, buying medicinal materials, refining pills, selling them to the saint tribe, earning the difference, and buying medicinal materials from them...not only the level of refining medicine is rising. , Also made a small profit!

"Boss, this is 30,000 spiritual stones, which I earned these days, and the 20,000 spiritual stones you gave me."

Yaotong said suddenly, "Xiao Kuang, stop staying in the inn, find a place to build a house by ourselves, and I want to get a portable medicine garden."

"Pharmaceutical Garden?" Lu Chen asked in surprise.

"Yes, a good medicine garden is like the piece in the tomb of Master Weishui. The soil is very sophisticated, but now you can't get such a good medicine garden. Use ordinary soil to make a living."

"However, it will take some time to cultivate medicinal materials to give the medicine garden aura."

Lu Chen understood Yaotong. The reason why he didn't take away the medicine garden from the tomb was because he wanted to leave the medicine garden in Master Huishui's tomb.

In other words, if one's own legion is by the pillow, a large-scale medicine garden can be opened in the legion.

Let's talk about this later, first get this portable medicine garden.

It happened that although the inn was fairly comfortable, there were too many people coming and going in Lu Chen, and it was always uncomfortable to live there, and it was inconvenient to even open up the symbiosis of gods and demons to cultivate spiritual energy.

Twenty thousand spiritual stones were left for Xiaolv to continue to do no-cost trading, and to upgrade his professional level, the other 30,000 spiritual stones were enough to build a piece of his own residence.

"Brother Mad, there was a beautiful place in the wild before, surrounded by mountains and rivers, which is quite suitable for building a residence." Shuang Ling said.

"Oh, don't worry about this in advance, boss, what kind of treasure is in the coffin of Desolate God, I don't know what you got now."

During this trip to the tomb of the gods, Lu Chen received a large amount of immortal-level materials, including refining tools, refining formations, medical poison materials, puppet materials, tailors, and even fishing and cooking. He had already filled his backpack.

However, the two most important treasures in it, one is a fairy-level exercises, called "Huangtian Jianxin Jue".

Unfortunately, the "learning" button of this exercise is gray, and the learning requirements are speechless.

[Requires physical agility to reach 10,000 points]

Lu Chen's agility has passed 10,000 long ago, and now the attribute value of the agility item is 870,000. Originally, Lu Chen was surprised, whether something was wrong.

Later he thought of a possibility.

The physical value required by Huangtian Jianxin Jue may be the actual physical value!

This point needs to be confirmed after he has the opportunity to exchange the attribute withdrawal voucher, so let it go for now.

The other treasure is a gray stone, which looks similar to the blood stone of the **** Xuanbing, named Huangtian evil blood stone.

Lu Chen pushed out the attributes of Huangtian Demon Bloodstone, so that everyone could see it.

[Huangtian Sick Blood Stone (Spell Grade Magic Weapon) (The Only)]

【Need to merge with the flesh. 】

"Just this thing, I don't know what's the use..." Lu Chen shook his head, the magic weapon in the coffin of the gods was weird in ancient times.

"It won't be the same as Xuanbing God Bloodstone..." Shuang Ling frowned.

Lu Chen nodded, "I think the two Heavenly Venerables can keep war souls for thousands of years. It may be related to these two stones. Perhaps the effect is similar. It can revive people who have died in a short period of time and can also strengthen their bodies. "

"If I use it now, I will have one less chance of resurrection. I will use it later when I encounter danger."

Yaotong said, "It is true. This stone has a very similar effect to the stone of the boss of the water, but I don't know how it will strengthen the physical body. It's better to wait for it to figure out and then merge."

In this way, the two strongest treasures are temporarily unusable.

Lu Chen suddenly thought of something and took out a map from his backpack.

"Little boy, look at this map. Is it the map of the tomb of the **** of water?"

Yaotong took it and took a closer look, then nodded quickly, "Yes."

This map was exactly the map that Shuang Wu gave to Lu Chen. It seemed that what she found was the map of the tomb of the **** of water, and it was there that Lu Chen got the bloodstone of the **** Xuanbing.

"That's right, Shuang Ling, when you are healed, go back and talk to your Frost people about the situation."

"I will tell them today."

Lu Chen nodded.

After a day's rest, Lu Chen retired from the inn room and led everyone to a river bank that he had passed by before.

This is where they will live in the future. After on-site inspection, Lu Chen started to build a residence.

The next day, the saints' tribe actually came.

The Flying White Tiger stopped by the forest, and the saint woman came over with excitement.

"Only my mad brother, are you planning to settle in the wild land?"

The saint looks like she is very careful in walking today, and her weakness is not over yet.

Lu Chen is also very weak. His backlash will not be restored until tomorrow... The combined attributes of the two people may not exceed 1,000...

"Ang, I don't want to stay in the inn all the time." Lu Chen put down the timber in his hand and walked over.

The saint smiled slightly, "I heard that your people are with my trading officer, and I am very happy to make money."

Lu Chen scratched his head, "Nothing!"

The saint smiled like a month, "Okay, don't pretend to be confused. I knew it before, but I thought about it. This is equivalent to helping us refine the pill. We pay the handling fee, which is also a mutual benefit. ."

The attitude of the saint today is better than before.

Lu Chen smiled slightly. Since the other party has already said so, there is no need to hide it.

"By the way, I saw the first generation saint in the tomb of God."

"What? You mean, Saintess of Braun?"

"It seems to be called this name, but... hey, how to put it, there are some complicated grievances, I will not say more."

"You are talking about the affair between the lark saint and the water god? Nothing. In our tribe, this is something that everyone knows. They were originally lovers, but the lark was threatened by the lark saint family. Saintess. And the grievances between the water **** and the desolate **** are thus forged, unending death."

Lu Chen was not interested in asking too much about other household chores.

"I'm the only one who is crazy, you promised our deal, do you still count it?" The saint asked suddenly, "I said before you can come to me when you have the strength to defeat the boss of the universe."

"Now it seems that I seriously underestimated your strength. You already have the strength to fight the Celestial BOSS!"

Lu Chen smiled slightly, "Don't say that. This time I killed the Desolate God, I just missed it. With my current strength, I am not sure of victory in a battle against the Heavenly Domain BOSS."

"Sure of winning? Do you still want to have a treasure to win? With our strength, it is already very difficult to improve."

Lu Chen smiled and said, "I can't talk about difficulties, it just takes some time."

"Nine months later, I will come to you. All you have to do is prepare the fragments of the gods and demon lotus hearts!"

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