Evolve and Upgrade from Wild Monsters

Chapter 669: Strong Frost Aya

Shuang Ling's attack was abnormal enough, but Lu Chen knew that the scariest thing about Shuang Ling was still control!

"The extreme cold spreads!"

The entire ground, the ice was rapidly growing and spreading, and the feet of the wolf kings on the ground were quickly blocked.

Shengyu's flying speed suddenly dropped, and even the few that had been hit hard by the ice dragon just now fell directly stiff from the air.

Once controlled by Shuang Ling, the next thing is the most terrifying.

As long as it doesn't move for a second, that means-unlimited ice!

"Extremely cold and stormy!"

Countless ice thorns shot down diagonally, and countless injuries flooded everyone's sight.

The blood volume of the wolf king has been as high as 6 billion, but in the face of Frost Ling's continuous control and a large number of group attacks, the wolf kings also fell one after another.

Even the different beasts win the battle and fell one after another.

At this time, Big Brother Niu Tau and Xiao Lan were shocked to find that their system prompted a large amount of experience income.

[Your team killed the Bloodthirsty Wolf King (Level 320 Wild BOSS), and you captured 500 million auras. 】

[Your squad kills and wins (340 monster level BOSS), you have captured 700 million heaven and earth aura. 】

Silver light continued to emerge from Xiaolan's feet, and her level was rising rapidly.

"Dad, my level...I have improved so quickly." Xiao Lan was shocked.

"Oh my god, it turns out that Sister Shuangling is so powerful, and her domain is matched with her strong control, it is absolutely abnormal!"

"I looked down on her before...I...I'm really a frog at the bottom of the well!"

When Lu Chen saw that Xiaolan knew that he was wrong, he smiled, "That's why your dad will bring you here to increase your knowledge. Don't worry, Sister Shuang Ling won't mind."

Shuang Ling shot, these wolf king victory is only a dead end.

But there is a fish that slipped through the net, Blood and Fire Wolf Lord!

In this domain, the Wolf Lord is the only unit that has not received any restrictions. A raging fire bursts out of its body, and it rushes towards the Frost Ling in the air.

Frost Ling waved his hand and the ice thorn from the root of the tree stabbed at the wolf, but the ice thorn had melted before it got close to the wolf.

"No, this wolf is a fire attribute, and the flame type seems to be very strong, it can restrain the ice queen!" Tauren said anxiously, "I'll help her!"

"No." Lu Chen pulled Big Brother Bullhead, "If even this little wolf wants someone to help, Shuang Ling will definitely be unhappy when she comes back. Let her solve it by herself."

Sure enough, Shuang Ling became a little angry when he saw that Lord Wolf could melt his own ice, and there were some ice patterns on her face.

"Xuanbing Divine Blood·Ice Blossom Blooming!"

A large number of snowflakes appeared in the sky. Although it was a thin snowflake, it passed through the flames around the wolf and fell on it.

The snowflake did not hurt. When it touched the skin of the wolf, the snowflake melted.

It was the first time Lu Chen saw Shuang Ling using this skill, and he was wondering what happened with this skill.

It didn't hurt at all.

Immediately afterwards, Lord Wolf suddenly wailed!

In an instant, a lot of blood thorns were pierced from the body of the wolf!

These ice thorns are condensed from fresh blood, and each one is bright red, with different lengths, piercing from the inside to the outside.

In the blink of an eye, the prince of wolf has become an ice thorn ball, and the ice thorn that pierced quickly meets and merges with the surrounding ice.

The Lord Wolf was surprisingly forced to be sealed in midair. As long as it moved, it would cause severe pain in the internal organs.

The flame on its body has been extinguished. In the extremely cold field, not moving means death!

Two ice dragons hit the wolf one after another, even though it had 7.5 billion HP, it was still killed!

[Your team killed the Bloodthirsty Wolf King (350 monster-level BOSS), and you captured 1 billion heaven and earth auras. 】

[You get the item "Earthfire Belt" (Chan-level equipment). 】

"This! I actually got a piece of fairy-level equipment!" Big Brother Niutou couldn't believe it, and hurriedly told Lu Chen about this.

"Brother, I'll give you this equipment, I feel ashamed."

Lu Chen shook his head, "Before you thought our strength was inadequate, and you were willing to take us with you. Now, on the other hand, we will treat them equally, since you get what you get."

"This, I still can't take it."

Lu Yiyi walked over and said with a smile, "Brother Bull Head, our boss seems to like your character very much, so you can accept it. He will fight with these equipment himself in the future, so you can rest assured."

After a fierce battle, within ten minutes, Frost Ling had killed all the hundreds of wolf kings around, 50 of which were left!

"The Ice Queen really deserves her reputation, she's too tough, she singled out a group of bosses."

"The Ice Queen is here, and the Frost Clan rises. It seems that the Frost Clan is really going to be revived, and the most terrifying control system mage power will return to the nine-day stage."

"I didn't expect that the Ice Queen would be with us. Without her, we would all die!"

Even the fragrant tea came to Shuangling and greeted Shuangling enthusiastically.

"Ice Queen, thank you for your shot."

Shuang Ling smiled at Fragrant Tea, "No thanks." After that, she returned to Lu Chen.

"Brother Mad, that guy didn't make a move."

Lu Chen nodded, "Maybe I was scared by you."

After being praised by Lu Chen, Shuang Ling lowered her head embarrassedly, her pretty face flushed, "Unfortunately you have no chance to show off your strength."

Lu Chen touched Shuangling's hair, "Silly girl, why should I show my strength like others."

Lu Chen didn't care about being the focus. After all, when something went through too many times, it felt like that.

Lu Chen didn't want to be the focus, but now he is still inevitably watched by everyone.

"Damn, that guy is so close to the Ice Queen. A super power like the Ice Queen is shy in front of him?"

"I heard that there is a human race man who has a good relationship with the Ice Queen, is it this person?"

"It's really a **** luck. I can hold a thigh like the Ice Queen. I don't need to do anything. I can still hold a beautiful woman. I'll go and cry with envy."

"I heard that the man next to the Ice Queen is also very strong, but I forgot what it was called."

"Is it stronger than the Ice Queen? She is a fusion of the bloodstone of the mysterious ice god, which is the most precious treasure in the tomb of the gods, what is it, the tomb of the immortal, what is the treasure left by the immortal-level powerhouse? Level? That is something that should never appear in the fourth heaven!"

Adding the so-called Wen Wu is the first and the Wu is the second, Lu Chen became famous earlier, but only in the circle of the trapped beast arena. Although he later killed the Desolate God's Battle Spirit, it was ultimately when the Desolate God was seriously injured.

In this way, compared with Shuangling's adventure, people naturally pay more attention to Shuangling.

It's not bad that no one pays attention to yourself, so that the guy behind the shot will find out some clues and dare not come out in the end!

After Shuang Ling came back, a group of people walked up nervously.

"Uh, that, the Ice Queen, just now we had no eyes and wanted to grab your boss. I hope you won't remember the villain, and you can ignore the predecessors."

"I'm really sorry, we won't dare anymore."

"Please let the ice queen let us live. This is 3000 spirit stones. We don't have many spirit stones. I apologize."

Lu Chen was not welcome, grabbed the Lingshi pocket and taught these people some small lessons.

The warriors of the witch tribe came to pass on a message.

Just now, three teams picked up the contact, and they may have been killed!


The legendary warrior said, "It seems that something was angered by the battle just now, speeding up the hunting speed!"

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