Evolve and Upgrade from Wild Monsters

Chapter 676: Lu Chen's ending

Before the copy of the Wildlands, Lu Chen recalled Little Green and Rhubarb.

A month ago, when the dungeon of the Wildlands was just discovered, it was really crowded, and everyone was trying various methods to enter this dungeon.

However, no one succeeded.

The door of that instance seems to be fake, you can't enter it by touching it.

After more than a month, there are still many people here, racking their brains at the door of the instance, looking for secret channels.

"I really don't understand why this copy can't be put in here!"

"This copy seems to have appeared for the first time, so hidden, and so strange, there must be some treasure in it."

"Everyone knows! The key is how to get in. It has been so long. Many masters have come, but no one has ever entered."

At this moment, people saw someone walking straight to the door of the instance.

Afterwards, the man who took the lead took out a key and placed it on the door of the dungeon. Then, they were sent into the dungeon.

A group of people almost missed their jaws.

"I'm going, what's the situation! That guy entered the dungeon?"

"This, this... who is he? Where did he get the key?"

"Why does he have the key? I have been in the Fourth Heaven for almost ten years, and I have never heard of the item key to the copy of the Wildlands."

"That's not normal. Have you heard of the vortex key? Didn't it appear at the fair."

When the copy of Wildland appeared, Lu Chen already knew that he might only be able to enter that place.

In the Asura Secret Realm, he obtained a copy of the Wildland key. The difference between him and others is that others know the copy first and then the key. He gets the key first, and doesn't know the location of the copy at first.

But now everything has an answer. If Lu Chen can't think of such a matching item name, then he is stupid.

"Brother Kuang, I really convinced you, why do you have everything?" Shuang Ling sighed and shook his head.

Lu Chen smiled slightly, "It's a long story. I also got this key by accident. I didn't know what it was for until a month ago."

"After using the key, the key disappeared, so I guess this is a one-time copy, Shuang Ling, and we want to punch through the copy at once as much as possible."

Shuang Ling nodded heavily.

"By the way, the speed must be kept up. The time of clearance may activate the hidden BOSS."

There is a fragrance of birds and flowers in the copy. At present, you can see some six-petal flower monsters lingering among the flowers and plants in the forest. Sometimes you can see a few monster foxes, which should be six-tailed.

"Six-petal flower demon, six-tailed demon fox, it seems that the wild monsters here are stronger than those outside!"

Lu Chen temporarily recalled Xiaolu. After all, Xiaolu didn't have any displacement skills, and might not be able to keep up with the speed of the two.

Then the two rushed all the way, ignoring the mobs who were chasing frantically behind them, and rushed straight to the BOSS room.

In less than a minute, the two had reached an open area.

Arriving in this area, the strange thing is that the mobs did not continue to chase, instead they turned around and returned.

"Huh? Under what circumstances, the hatred in the copy shouldn't disappear." Lu Chen was a little surprised.

Looking at the open space in front, there is a crystal ball floating there.

"Brother Mad, this copy is a bit strange, be careful."

Lu Chen nodded and walked slowly to the crystal ball.

In the crystal ball, a picture was displayed. Seeing the contents of the picture, Lu Chen's heart was tight.

Shuang Ling realized that there was something wrong with Lu Chen, and quickly followed her. When she looked at the crystal ball, her eyes were horrified, and she covered her mouth with one hand, for fear that she would scream!

In the picture, Lu Chen is still in the form of an evil boy with a symbiosis of gods and demons. At this time, he is covered with blood, lying on a rock wall.

Opposite him, Taiyin Youying stood proudly, looking down at the dying Lu Chen as a winner.

"what is this!"

From the surrounding flowers and plants, an old woman with a snake-tailed body walked out slowly.

"This is your ending!"

Lu Chen and Shuang Ling looked at the old woman in shock, with her name on her head.

Protoss Grandmother (Level 400 Protoss Descendant BOSS)

"You are the boss of the wild land?! Don't think that using a crystal ball can confuse us, Brother Mad will not end this way!" Shuang Ling was uncharacteristically, and she became angry before the other party said more.

"I will never allow this to happen!"

Although Shuang Ling was very angry, she seemed to be able to hear from her words before and after that she seemed to agree with the result from the side.

The protoss widow smiled slightly, the wrinkles on her face had been squeezed into a ball, and she could not even see the green eyes.

"Little girl, why are you so excited? I think you know better than me."

"We are all prophets, but you changed your job to become an elemental mage, and I became an oracle!"

"The Oracle?" Lu Chen frowned and looked at Shuang Ling. "The prophet still has this branch? Shuang Ling, what's going on, tell me!"

Frost Ling's eyes were red, and there was ice gas gushing out of her body, as if her emotions were a little out of control.

"Shuang Ling!"

Shuang Ling took a deep breath and lowered his head. "The oracle is an extremely rare profession among the prophets, because they don't have any fighting ability. In the nine days, no one will be willing to become an oracle unless they are supported by a powerful force. "

"However, they seem to be able to perceive God's will in advance, and the oracle's prediction has never been biased..."

Having said that, Lu Chen already understood.

Protoss widow predicted that he would die in Taiyin Youying's hands, then he would definitely die in Taiyin Youying's hands!

No wonder Shuang Ling was so excited at the beginning, she couldn't accept such a result.

"Should I call you to be the only madman, call you Black Bulton, or call you... Where is Lu Chen?" The Protoss widow looked at Lu Chen with interest, "I didn't expect that after so much effort, Your result is actually no different from the king of wild monsters?"

However, unexpectedly, Lu Chen just smiled, "You can call me anything, it doesn't matter, but if you think that with your predictions, you can make me back down, I'm afraid your wish will come to nothing."

The widow of the Protoss saw Lu Chen's eyes slightly different, "So, don't you believe my prophecy?"

Lu Chen said coldly, "My life is in my own hands!"

Shuang Ling suddenly raised her head and looked at the man beside her.

Along the way, she had seen Lu Chen's exaggerated strength, and she also knew another identity that Lu Chen had never mentioned to outsiders.

It is not difficult to imagine that Lu Chen has taken advantage of that little bit of advantage to come to today step by step.

But until now, Shuang Ling suddenly realized that what supported Lu Chen to become a strong man was not just his chance, but more importantly his will, which was almost stubborn.

"So, am I going to kill you now?" Lu Chen turned to say, "Otherwise, this dungeon will not lose everything, right? The keys to the dungeon you finally get, at least give me Xianwu."

The protoss widow could not help but be stunned.

This guy completely ignored his predictions, and even thought about what good things the Wildlands dungeon would explode in his mind?

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