Evolve and Upgrade from Wild Monsters

Chapter 695: Lu Chen's friends

Facing the muzzle of the dark spirits cannon, Qingjian didn't even have the opportunity to speak, and Ma Shan enjoyed the treatment of 50 psionic space cannons...

The half-orc war **** did not have any special treatment, and he was so bombarded that there was no scum left!

"This guy, if you don't make a move, it will make your scalp numb." Ping Yun kept shaking his head, seeing Lu Chen's methods, who would dare to mess with him in the future!

The Four Seas Expedition smiled slightly, "He is such a person, he is daring to his friends, and he is more ruthless to the enemy than the enemy!"

I don't know when, three of the four great generals have stepped back a few steps, and only Man Tian is still immersed in huge shock.

When he woke up, he found that he was the only one left on the podium.

And the evil star had already walked in front of him.

Even Qingjian was not his opponent, and Man Tian was already scared when he saw Lu Chen.

This is another advantage of Lu Chen's fierce attack, which makes fierce people feel fear from the inside.

"You, I'm the only one crazy, we have some misunderstandings..."

"Misunderstanding?" Lu Chen looked at Man Tian with a smile, "Man Tian, ​​Qingjian is dead, anyhow he is also a man, he dare to admit what he has done, how come you, the big sky, will actually shrink back? You still lead soldiers to fight like this? If you are captured, wouldn't you recruit everything!"

"No, no, I, I really..." Man Tian suddenly knelt in front of Lu Chen, "I beg you, I'm the only one who is crazy, I know you are brave and righteous, please forgive me!"

Lu Chen couldn't help but smile, "Chivalrous, daring, benevolent? Mantian, are you sure it's me?"

"Yes, yes, absolutely you!"

Lu Chen shook his head, "No, you said that I was a traitor before, and your attitude changed so quickly that I couldn't bear it."

"It was me who was wrong before, it was I who had no eyes, I turned black and white, please, forgive me!"

Lu Chen slowly raised the Lingshen Cannon, "It is impossible to forgive you. I am not a man of bravery at all, and I am very vengeful. Besides, you are indeed unforgivable!"

Suddenly, the killing intent in Lu Chen's eyes violently, "Dare to move my sister, do you think you still have a chance to survive! Fire suppression!"

Boom boom boom boom! The rostrum exploded in an instant, and the half-orc Datian General Mantian, he didn't even have the courage to resist, he was directly bombarded by Lu Chen into scum!

However, this matter is not over yet!

Lu Chen looked towards the Four Seas Expedition, "Brother Expedition, do me a favor, whoever participated in the action against the people on earth before, let me find out if one is not missing!"

"Move my people, don't even think about living!"

The Four Seas Expedition has always tried to protect the people of the earth, and he has paid special attention to the people of the earth. He believes that this matter will not be missed.

"Brother Du Kuang, don't worry about this, I'll ask someone to check it out for you!"

"Thank you."

The elf and the dwarf Datian watched a civilian and executed the Datian general, and the shock in his heart was no longer added.

"This guy... terrible..."

"No, it's fortunate that we didn't participate in it. We ordered to go down. There will be people from the earth coming to the army in the future. You must tell me the first time!"

The meeting that originally convicted Lu Chen had now turned into Lu Chen's execution of half-orcs sinners. The half-beast God of War was killed and Datian General Mantian was executed. At this time, half of the half-orcs were killed and injured.

At this time, the half-orcs were already greatly injured, and no one dared to look at Lu Chen's gaze.

The Four Seas Expedition walked to Lu Chen, "Brother Du Kuang, there is one thing I want to discuss with you."

Sihai Expedition has been protecting the people of the earth when he is away. Besides, Lu Chen has a good relationship with Si Hai Expedition. Seeing Si Hai Expedition open up, Lu Chen's hostility dissipated in his eyes and transformed into a human form again.

"You don't have to be polite, Brother Expedition, please tell me something." One second was killing God, and the next second, Lu Chen became approachable again.

"Brother Du Kuang, before you said that the half-orcs were removed from the Immortal Army Alliance, can this matter be put on hold?"

Lu Chen frowned slightly, "They are the ones who designed to frame you. Are you sure you want to keep them?"

Four Seas Expedition shook his head, "It is Mantian and the others who are really plotting the wrongdoing. I have investigated before and coincided with your inference, so I didn't stop you from killing Mantian just now."

"However, there are still many civilians in the half-orcs who are not aware of this. If they are expelled from the Immortal Army Alliance, they may not survive."

Lu Chen was silent for a moment and said, "Brother Expedition, I forgive you for this matter."

"After today's events, even civilians, they will hold a grudge against me. I don't care, but if they stay in the fairy army, they will easily become distracted." Lu Chen said, "Besides, the half-orcs from top to bottom, I'll deal hard with my people, and I won't just let it go."

"But... our Immortal Army Alliance can only be considered medium strength among the nine camps. If we lose the half orcs, I'm afraid..."

"Brother Expedition, don't worry, before I leave, I will deal with the nine camps."

"In two and a half months, the nine camps will come to watch my battle with Taiyin Youying, and then I will give you a satisfactory answer."

Since Lu Chen said so, the Four Seas Expedition can only give up.

After the war, the headquarters of the Immortal Army Alliance was almost in ruins, and the headquarters may need to be rebuilt in another place.

However, it should be no longer necessary to use the earth players as coolies.

A figure rushed over from afar, threw into Lu Chen's arms, and hugged him tightly.


Hearing this voice, Lu Chen no longer had the killing intent in his eyes, and his eyes softened, "Fatty, I'm sorry, brother made you suffer."

With tears on Lu Yi's face, she shook her head hard, "Brother, it's okay for you to be fine. I was really scared to death just now."

Stardust, Xiaoyaofeng, Lonely Fei, Yanran and they also came over.

"President, I now finally know why Libashan likes to call you a lunatic, you are so crazy." Stardust said excitedly, "The battle just now was really exciting, it was a surprise. It's really eye-opening."

"No, I haven't seen the mad **** fighting for a long time, and I discovered today that the mad **** is worthy of the mad god, and he is still so strong in the fourth heaven."

Lu Chen smiled slightly and patted the shoulders afraid of Xingdust, "Why are you in the Fourth Heaven? I thought you were in the Third Heaven."

"Now that the earth concentrates its resources on training us, isn't there a pill that adds attributes to the Triple Heaven? This gives us the opportunity to come up so quickly."

Lu Chen nodded. Although the pill of the Third Heaven Quartermaster's can only add 10 o'clock, the earth is suddenly crowded.

There is a pill plus 100 in the martial arts shop behind the fourth heaven. If more people from the earth come up, I believe the development of the earth players will be faster.

"Nuo Nuo, Ningshuang, what about them in Ten Steps?"

"The president is still in the third heaven, most of Kuang Lang is in the third heaven, she needs to lead the team below."

"Is the triple heaven still peaceful now?"

"It's quite stable, and other races dare not provoke our human race now."

It has been more than three years since Lu Chen came to the Four Heavens, and he really missed his former friends.

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