Evolve and Upgrade from Wild Monsters

Chapter 699: Lunar Earthworm

The nine camps gathered in the war zone, but today they are exceptionally peaceful, but they have sent a large number of people to be on guard.

Not long after, another team came from a distance.

When everyone saw this team, they suddenly became alert.

"People from the Desolate God Tribe are here!"

"During this period, in addition to the things that are only madness, the Desolate God Tribe has the greatest influence, and this group of guys actually left the wilderness."

"It is said that their number is 300,000, and their strength is very strong. Now they have become a new power in the four heavens."

"They have been searching for the fragments of the gods and demon lotus hearts recently, and they came to our side to redeem them before. I don't know what they want that useless thing for."

Even in the wild land, not everyone knows the relationship between Lu Chen and the wild tribe, let alone people from the nine camps.

At this time, the saint herself led ten thousand elite soldiers to camp in the war zone.

Behind the saint was Shuang Ling, she looked sad at this time, and she seemed very depressed.

"Saint, we still haven't found the last fragment of the gods and devil's lotus heart. After all, we have not been able to help Brother Mad. He is going to duel with Taiyin Youying today. What should we do..." Then, Shuang Lingdu I was about to cry.

The saint looked tired at this time. Originally, when there were more than ten days, they had found 6 fragments, just the last one.

But when they followed the clues and searched upwards, the clues were suddenly broken, and there was no news of the last fragment of the gods and demons...

In the wild tribe with 300,000 people, everyone is very strong, but he didn't find the last fragment of the gods and demon lotus heart within the stipulated time.

"I'm sorry, Miss Frost, I, my wild tribe is really ashamed of the lone crazy brother!"

Many people in the tribe are still searching for the last fragment of the lotus heart of the gods and demon, but the hope is too slim. Today, I am the only one who is going to fight a decisive battle. The saint can only come here first with six fragments.

The Wild God tribe camped not far from the Human Race, and the Saint and Frost Ling went to the Human Race Alliance before.

Without knowing what the other party is coming from, three big heavens including Four Seas Expedition will greet him personally.

"Three great generals, have I alone come here?" the saint said straightforwardly.

"Not yet." Four Seas Expedition replied. The saint has ordinary human blood, and Shuang Ling is also a human. It is most suitable to communicate with the Four Seas Expedition.

"Expeditionary Great General, don't you mind if we wait for him here?"

The Four Seas Expedition has a sharp turn in the mind, and it is not difficult to hear from the other party's words that they have a close relationship with solipsism. If the relationship between the two parties is harmonious, then it is definitely good news for the Human Immortal Army Alliance.

To be able to get along with the Desolate God Tribe, this is something that the nine camps cannot ask for.

"It is our honor that the saint is willing to wait for us, just forgive me to ask, I don't know if the soloist and the desolate tribe are enemies or friends?"

The saint smiled slightly, there were already a lot of humans, and the dwarves were dumbfounded.

This "woman" has a sacred and inviolable temperament between her gestures, and her eyes can almost detract from the human soul.

That is to say, the Four Seas Expedition is getting older and the qualitative is better.

"If we were the enemy, what would you do?"

Four Seas Expedition felt tight in his heart. He seemed to be too optimistic. Thinking about the character that I am so crazy, it is normal to get into trouble everywhere.

"If it is the enemy, please also ask the saint to solve it after today's duel. After all, today's battle is the key." Four Seas Expedition said neither humble nor humble.

The saint's eyes were like autumn water, and she smiled, "It seems that you are protecting him, don't worry, I'm not here for trouble."

The Four Seas Expedition was relieved, and the saint was actually testing herself.

The nine camps, plus the Wild God tribe, the ten major forces are all waiting in the war zone at this time, from morning to afternoon and then to the afternoon.

The autumn wind blows through the woods and the leaves are rustling. People are beginning to worry that I am the only one who will not come. If he does not come, they will return immediately. After sunset, it is time for Taiyin Youying to go out.

Encountering that guy in the wild, *** is going to be wiped out.

The major camps have even been on standby, ready to leave at any time.

Divine was a little anxious, and asked his father, "Dad, the uncle hasn't come yet."

The flame demon was calmer than anyone else, "Your crazy uncle will come!"

Of course he came back, after all, he was poisoned by Gu, if he didn't fight today, he would definitely die!

Just as some teams were about to leave, suddenly people felt the ground under their feet start to roll.

The entire war zone seemed to have turned into an undercurrent surging sea, surrounded by a loud rumbling, the distant peaks bumped up and down in a visible range, and countless rubbles fell off the peaks.

"Yes, it's Taiyin Youying! It's not right, now the sun hasn't set, why did it come out so early?"

"No, we have been schemed by the soloist, he wants to use Taiyin Youying's hand to destroy us!"

"By the way, is this Taiyin Youying? It's the first time I feel its power. It's terrifying!"

"Don't talk nonsense, immediately retreat the whole army. There are so many people here, it may not be too Yin Youying will chase us."

When the nine camps were in a panic, a giant dragon in the sky flew in from a distance, facing the setting sun.

Nine Wings Dragon!

On the dragon's head stood a human man, dressed in a red robe, his robe flying in the wind, with his hands behind his hands, a black and white entangled two-color long sword, hanging on his side.

His eyes were dull, his hair that had not been taken care of for a long time was slightly longer, and his black hair moved with the wind, but he couldn't hide those clear eyes!

When she saw that person, the saint was stunned.

After only two months, it seems that the solitaire has become a little different.

More calm and calm, even if he is just standing on the head of the dragon, it gives people an attitude of overlooking sentient beings.

The flame demon looked at that guy with a strange feeling in his heart.

The flame demon didn't want him to come, but he knew that he would come. This is his good brother. Eight dare to come to the demon clan to save his brother from the field!

Knowing that it was death, he couldn't stop him.

"Uncle Mad, Uncle Mad!" Devine shouted excitedly, "Uncle Mad! I knew you would come, and I knew you would not let me down!"

The tough guy Yan Demon was a little choked up unexpectedly, "This kid... is wearing such annoying clothes again. Isn't it good to wear the suit I gave you?"

Shuang Ling looked at the man on the dragon's head idiotically, her heart was hanging in her throat before the war had started.

One side is the Taiyin Youying who has never defeated the earth, and the other side is Brother Mad. It is strange that she is not worried.

Besides, the fragments of the lotus heart of the gods and demons have not been collected yet!

In the air, a faint voice sounded, "Large Yin Earthworm, the time has not come yet, don't be so anxious, you scared my friends."

Zhen Guo Yanran almost spit out blood.

This guy would always give his opponent a nickname. He called the opponent squid when he hit the black Jiao. Now it is even more powerful, the dignified Taiyin Youying, the sacred beast of Liangyi, he called him an earthworm.

No one in the entire Fourth Heaven dared to call Taiyin Youying.

"This guy is really an expert nickname..."

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